Patheos Featured Writers

Alyce McKenzie

The Rev. Dr. Alyce M. McKenzie is the George W. and Nell Ayers Le Van Professor of Preaching and Worship at Perkins School of Theology. Ordained as an elder in the United Methodist Church in 1981, Dr. McKenzie is a member of the North Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. She grew up in New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, and experienced a call to ministry in high school. She majored in religion at Bryn Mawr College near Philadelphia and then headed to Duke Divinity School to study for the ministry.

Dr. McKenzie is a frequently featured preacher, Bible study leader and teacher at workshops, conferences, and worship services around the country. She and her husband Murry live in Allen, Texas where they are active in the life of First United Methodist Church of Allen. The McKenzies enjoy traveling, movies, music, and spending time with friends and family. They have 3 children, Melissa, Rebecca and Matt. Dr. M. is an avid fan of mystery novels, a student of yoga, and an accomplished baker.


Works by Alyce McKenzie
The Green-Eyed Monster
Alyce McKenzie | August 10, 2016
God Is Still Calling
Alyce McKenzie | July 26, 2016
Communicating Hope In Times of Crisis
Alyce McKenzie | July 18, 2016
Spiritual Fitness Training
Alyce McKenzie | July 08, 2016
How to Declutter Your Home
Alyce McKenzie | June 30, 2016
Come In and Have Breakfast
Alyce McKenzie | June 27, 2016
Surprise! You're the Keynote Speaker!
Alyce McKenzie | March 28, 2016
Hold Steady!
Alyce McKenzie | March 15, 2016
The Little Red Hen
Alyce McKenzie | February 26, 2016
Mixed Emotions
Alyce McKenzie | February 22, 2016
The Devil's Hindsight: Edgy Exegesis on Luke 4:1-11,...
Alyce McKenzie | February 10, 2016
Confessions of a Shabbos Goy: Reflections on Friendship
Alyce McKenzie | February 10, 2016
Who Was Born on Your Birthday?
Alyce McKenzie | February 01, 2016
I'm not as concerned about the future of religion in America as I am about the future of......
As we remember those who have passed away this Sunday, let us allow their memory to......
What Happened to My Happy Song? Reflections on...
Alyce McKenzie | October 16, 2014
Life is not a continuous-loop Happy Channel for the Thessalonians or for Paul in working......
When we tire of the endless struggle to master our anxiety by summoning our own inner......
Reflections on Keep On Keepin' On! Perseverance and...
Alyce McKenzie | September 30, 2014
For Paul, perseverance is a way to get closer to Christ. It means not looking back, but......
Level with Me: Reflections on Philippians 2:1-11
Alyce McKenzie | September 19, 2014
Jesus came to earth to be level with you and level with me. So why would any of us still......
Smile, Though Your Heart Is Aching: Reflections on...
Alyce McKenzie | September 16, 2014
Paul can smile and say "thank you" to God -- especially in prison -- because he has......
You Be the Judge (Not!): Reflections on Romans 14:1-12
Alyce McKenzie | September 08, 2014
Who is the person who is wise? The one who has the ability to learn something from every......
The Cross as Our Ringtone: Reflections on Romans 13:8-14
Alyce McKenzie | September 04, 2014
Paul says there is one claim on our lives that trumps all others—the claim of......
Many Members, One Body: Reflections on Romans 12:1-8
Alyce McKenzie | August 18, 2014
What made Paul think of this body metaphor for the church?...
In this strange and unpredictable world, we feel compelled to explain both the good and......
Good News or Bad News? Reflections on Romans 10:5-15
Alyce McKenzie | August 03, 2014
For as long as we continue to pursue our own agendas and to exclude others from God's......
When we try to save ourselves in the dangerous waters of life, we are swimming against......
When we are living into a difficult calling, we need to be able to discern the......
Labor Pains: Reflections on Romans 8:12-25
Alyce McKenzie | July 14, 2014
It is interesting that Paul, writing to what was probably a predominantly male audience,......
Just because we are susceptible to sin doesn't mean we're doomed to be sinners....
Taking on Jesus' yoke also means laying down certain burdens that are no longer......
When we give our lives away for some purpose beyond ourselves, that paradoxically......
String of Pearls: Reflections on Matthew 10:24-39
Alyce McKenzie | June 15, 2014
What observations and admonitions for life are on your "string of beads" you wear into......
How long will the disciples continue down the road without recognizing that the Risen......
Why is it that we so often only hear the first half of Jesus' prediction: "The Son of......
Holy Week is our annual opportunity to choose courage over cowardice, to choose to be a......
Death Threat: Reflections on John 11:1-45
Alyce McKenzie | March 30, 2014
The lesson of the raising of Lazarus, as it foreshadows the raising of Jesus, is that......
Deal with It! Reflections on John 9:1-41
Alyce McKenzie | March 23, 2014
It seems to me that the man born blind must have had pretty keen spiritual sight long......
Deep Well, No Bucket? Reflections on John 4:5-42
Alyce McKenzie | March 14, 2014
As we stand beside a deep well with no bucket, our spiritual sustenance is not a far-off......
In honor of Nicodemus during this Lenten season, let us participate in his and our own......
Maybe the Temptation narrative, with all its drama and distance, is closer to home, both......
A Love Like Sunshine? Reflections on Matthew 5:38-48
Alyce McKenzie | February 17, 2014
Jesus' teachings in these texts introduce us to that change agent -- the love of God --......
Intense and internal: this is what Jesus affirms about the heart of the Law and what he......
Could we critique Jesus' Sermon on the Mount for setting up an impossible goal for the......
Have a Blessed Day! Reflections on Matthew 5:1-12
Alyce McKenzie | January 26, 2014
Some days the best attitude in the world can't keep misfortune at bay. What does having......
All In: Reflections on Matthew 4:12-23
Alyce McKenzie | January 19, 2014
To be a disciple means to go all in for a ministry to the least and the lost. We don't......
Stick Around: Reflections on John 1:29-42
Alyce McKenzie | January 15, 2014
What might we experience if we stuck around Jesus, if we sought out intentional time to......
Cousins: Reflections on Matthew 3:13-17
Alyce McKenzie | January 07, 2014
John the Baptist and Jesus are cousins in the same way that judgment and grace are......
I give thanks that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome......
Let us face the reality of an unknown future with the goods news that we are accompanied......
Any News? Reflections on Matthew 1:18-25, Advent 4
Alyce McKenzie | December 15, 2013
Let us embrace this child, this God with us. Let us embrace this Good news whatever bad......
It is quite easy to fly in the face of good advice and end up unprepared for a future......
Make Your Own Snow Globe: Reflections on Advent 1 --...
Alyce McKenzie | November 24, 2013
This week's text challenges us with the question: What does the plaque read on the snow......
What Kind of King Is This? Reflections on Luke 23:33-43
Alyce McKenzie | November 17, 2013
What kind of king is this that we honor on this Reign of Christ Sunday? Not one we've......
No Preparation Needed? Reflections on Luke 21:5-19
Alyce McKenzie | November 10, 2013
The best way to prepare for calamity that could happen at any time is to always be......
Alive in God: Reflections on Luke 20:27-38
Alyce McKenzie | November 04, 2013
God is the God of the living, not the dead. God is the God of two by two and one by one.......
When we persist in genuine humility, we invite the power of God to work through us....
What if we applied the same principles we apply to getting customer satisfaction to......
The broad witness of Scripture from both testaments shows that God has great timing,......
Jesus says to those he heals, "Congratulations and keep moving. Don't stick around......
The Rich Man and Lazarus: Reflections on Luke 16:19-31
Alyce McKenzie | September 22, 2013
What is it that causes some people to have something or someone in their line of vision......
The Dishonest Steward: Reflections on Luke 16:2-8a
Alyce McKenzie | September 15, 2013
This strange parable disrupts our usual definition of what acting in our own......
Lost and Found: Reflections on Luke 15:1-10
Alyce McKenzie | September 08, 2013
There is a lot that can show up in the lost and found box of your life lying in there......
How Not to Respond to an Evite: Reflections on Luke...
Alyce McKenzie | September 01, 2013
Discipleship comes at a cost. But staying home and not answering the invitation comes at......
Bacon Feta Chocolate Swirl?
Alyce McKenzie | August 27, 2013
A Lifeline in the Blizzard
Alyce McKenzie | August 24, 2013
What excuses are coming between you and the feast you've been invited to?...
Partial View Seats: Reflections on Luke 13:10-17
Alyce McKenzie | August 15, 2013
It turns out that a partial view seat is not such a bargain after all....
TiVo Weather Report: Reflections on Luke 12:49-56
Alyce McKenzie | August 11, 2013
TiVo weather has become a metaphor in my thinking for how we often draw conclusions......
The Parable of the Unemployed Fundraiser
Alyce McKenzie | August 06, 2013
Mise en Place: Reflections on Luke 12:32-40
Alyce McKenzie | August 01, 2013
We've seen the joke "Jesus is coming back soon. Look busy." Looking busy isn't enough.......
Alyce Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Alyce McKenzie | July 29, 2013
The Christian's attitude toward possessions is an important theme in Luke....
The Baby in the Middle
Alyce McKenzie | July 24, 2013
Have you ever realized, too late, that help was available, if only you had been paying......
Both preparation and presence are required when planning for an honored guest....
This parable is not about helping us determine who our neighbor is and to whom we are to......
Before you go on your next trip, take your ego out of the suitcase, but make sure you......
French Onion Soup
Alyce McKenzie | June 24, 2013
Haven't we all, at one time or another, put our hand to the plow and looked back?...
Have our demons fled at the command of Christ or are they still in residence?...
Who is Jesus? If this man were a prophet he would know who she is. And in fact he does.......
Jesus shows who he is through his compassionate healing....
The centurion knows a thing or two about confidence in the one giving him his orders. Do......
You too?
Alyce McKenzie | May 24, 2013
Boot Against the Wall
Alyce McKenzie | May 20, 2013
When the three-in-one names we recite are "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit," we can face......
We know the panoramic, pyrotechnic Pentecost that comes around every spring. Do we......
Mother's Day is a day when we moms suspect that your cards tell us not who we really......
Home Alone? Reflections on John 14:23-29
Alyce McKenzie | April 28, 2013
We are charged with preparing Jesus' home in our lives....
When we experience a week like this past one, we can't help but wonder if Easter,......
"A Psalm for Boston?"
Alyce McKenzie | April 20, 2013
Hands Up, Hands Down: Reflections on John 10:22-30
Alyce McKenzie | April 14, 2013
We may be tempted to lift our hands in a shrug of despair or a gesture of surrender. At......
Really? You're Not Taking Any Notes??
Alyce McKenzie | April 11, 2013
My New Motto
Alyce McKenzie | April 10, 2013
How to Write a Pompous Letter
Alyce McKenzie | April 08, 2013
Going home to hide from Jesus isn't an option, because he knows where we live. He stands......
Sometimes I think we have more faith in our fears than we do in God. Have you ever been......
Resurrection: The Ultimate Spoiler Alert
Alyce McKenzie | March 25, 2013
Easter Sunday is the best spoiler alert ever; knowing that, in the end, life wins,......
Harnessing the Darkness
Alyce McKenzie | March 20, 2013
What Gives??
Alyce McKenzie | March 18, 2013
Palm Sunday ought to fill us with revulsion and incite us to rebellion. It's our job to......
In anointing Jesus' feet with expensive oil, Mary teaches us a simple message about......
Getting Our Story Straight
Alyce McKenzie | March 06, 2013
Maybe our yearning for the love that lies within the banquet hall will overcome all......
Condiments Don't Make a Meal!
Alyce McKenzie | March 01, 2013
Sadie, the Prayer Dog: Reflections on Luke 13:1-9
Alyce McKenzie | February 24, 2013
Advice from a wise beagle: Lent is a good time to turn around and head toward God....
In this season of Lent, let us expect to be uncomfortable as we walk with Jesus through......
Have a Heart!
Alyce McKenzie | February 14, 2013
Satan contemplates his failure to tempt Jesus....
Appreciating our Gifts: Andrea Bocelli, the Barefoot...
Alyce McKenzie | February 09, 2013
Snacking on a Rosary at Half Time
Alyce McKenzie | February 04, 2013
A Transforming Transfiguration: Reflections on Luke...
Alyce McKenzie | February 03, 2013
Through Scripture, our identities as individuals and communities will be formed and......
Call back!
Alyce McKenzie | February 02, 2013
The Best Advice You Never Took
Alyce McKenzie | February 01, 2013
We all have our own Mount of Jumpification, that cliff where we can choose to embrace or......
Alyce McKenzie | January 26, 2013
Hold your breath and let's hope for the best in this week's cliffhanger from Luke....
From fainting bridesmaids to running out of wine, Jesus' miracles invite us to receive......
Procrastination, Anyone?
Alyce McKenzie | January 09, 2013
There is a wealth of insight in this passage that could enrich our preaching, teaching......
Epiphany is about assuming our role of allowing Jesus to grow and become strong in our......
"Twenty Children See Him" (And Six Adults)
Alyce McKenzie | December 17, 2012
Like Mary, we are all prophets....
The Advent of My Radio Career
Alyce McKenzie | December 11, 2012
Welcome to Our World: Reflections on Luke 3:7-18
Alyce McKenzie | December 09, 2012
John the Baptist wants to shake our nativity snow globe so hard it cracks and all the......
Advent Car Talk
Alyce McKenzie | December 06, 2012
Old Habits Die Hard
Alyce McKenzie | December 03, 2012
Setting the Scene for Advent: Reflections on Luke 3:1-6
Alyce McKenzie | December 02, 2012
In the theater of our own lives, John the Baptist's story sets the stage for us to......
See You at The Pool: Final Installment
Alyce McKenzie | November 27, 2012
Advent Possible: Reflections on Luke 21:25-36
Alyce McKenzie | November 27, 2012
Jesus didn't give in to fear and foreboding, and neither should we....
Rather than let everyone's voice in the world tell us who we are and what we are to do,......
See You at the Pool Part 2
Alyce McKenzie | November 15, 2012
The Pony Under the Pile: Reflections on Mark 13:1-8
Alyce McKenzie | November 11, 2012
When we're going through hell, how can we keep on going?...
See You at the Pool: Part One
Alyce McKenzie | November 09, 2012
All In! Reflections on Mark 12:38-44
Alyce McKenzie | November 04, 2012
Rethinking discipleship and hoarding the Almond Joys for myself....
Living by Heart
Alyce McKenzie | October 31, 2012
Bewildered, bleeding, or been around? No problem. All God wants is your heart....
October's Promise
Alyce McKenzie | October 29, 2012
Name That Sermon!
Alyce McKenzie | October 21, 2012
When preaching, it's best to own up to your unique voice, for as Solomon said: "No one......
Stupid Disciple Tricks: Reflections on Mark 10:35-45
Alyce McKenzie | October 17, 2012
How do we become humble servants? Do what the disciples in Mark don't do; instead, in......
The Rich Man's Conundrum: Reflections on Mark 10:17-31
Alyce McKenzie | October 09, 2012
Whatever the baggage weighing down our particular life, Jesus commands us to leave it......
The Undead: Vampires, Zombies and Christians?
Alyce McKenzie | October 03, 2012
Trusting God on the Trip: Reflections on Mark 10:13-16
Alyce McKenzie | September 30, 2012
Receiving the kingdom of God like a little child means to completely trust in God on the......
Hi, Perbole! Exaggeration, Anyone? Reflections on Mark...
Alyce McKenzie | September 24, 2012
Jesus spices up the traditional proverb with a dash of paradox and a dollop of......
You are not to be trusted!
Alyce McKenzie | September 23, 2012
Tips for Self-Promotion: Reflections on Mark 9:30-37
Alyce McKenzie | September 16, 2012
A memo to the disciples: "Top Ten Ways You Are Failing at Promoting the Good News."...
Finding and Losing Life: Reflections on Mark 8:30-37
Alyce McKenzie | September 10, 2012
If we cling for dear life to our lives, we won't have an arm to reach out to anyone......
Alyce McKenzie | September 07, 2012
Jesus Is In the House! Reflections on Mark 7:24-37
Alyce McKenzie | September 02, 2012
When Jesus is in the house, you only need a crumb of faith....
Planes, Trains, and Hospital Beds: Lessons in...
Alyce McKenzie | August 27, 2012
This passage from Mark stresses that the pure in heart are those who are spiritually......
Jesus' Journey and Ours: Reflections on John 6:56-59
Alyce McKenzie | August 19, 2012
Where are you going? What journey are you on?...
Living in Jesus' Heart: Reflections on John 6:51-58
Alyce McKenzie | August 12, 2012
We are used to thinking about Jesus living in our hearts. We are not so accustomed to......
"You just don't get it, do you?" is always the beginning of an argument or the end of a......
The disciples treat Jesus like a talent show contestant who has to prove himself before......
Mind the Gap: The Feeding of the 5,000
Alyce McKenzie | July 19, 2012
Our job as disciples is to "mind the gap" between the "Here is the little we have," and......
Jesus' version of a church supper isn't just a blessing on our bounty; it's an......
Herod's Choice: The Beheading of John the Baptist
Alyce McKenzie | July 08, 2012
An imagined soliloquy in which King Herod reflects on his tortured decision to behead......
We all have our own internal "Mount of Jumpification." Either we hurl Jesus over it or......
In Touch with Jesus: Reflections on Mark 5:21-43
Alyce McKenzie | June 21, 2012
When we stay in touch with Jesus, our words, our touch, and our presence have more life......
"Mayhem is coming," says the popular Allstate Insurance ad campaign. Who you gonna call?...
Good fathers know to look beneath the surface of their children's lives and see the good......
This week's text in Mark is not focused on life's complexities. It is saying simply, now......
Blessed Are We
Alyce McKenzie | May 28, 2012
Mary and Elizabeth's faith and courage inspire us today, and remind us that like them,......
Everyday Pentecost
Alyce McKenzie | May 20, 2012
Pentecost is not an event we wait for. It's one in which we participate. Every moment is......
Quotes and songs on friendship abound. But the best quote on friendship of all comes......
Make Your Home in Me: Reflections on John 15:1-8
Alyce McKenzie | May 02, 2012
When we make our home in Jesus, there's a reciprocal promise that he'll make his home in......
Staying at Your Post: Reflections on John 10:11-18
Alyce McKenzie | April 22, 2012
A faithful minister cares for the sheep without regard for his or her own safety....
Pop-In Jesus: Reflections on Luke 24:36-48
Alyce McKenzie | April 17, 2012
The resurrection appearances in Luke say to us, in effect: Consider yourself warned.......
Whether you're locked in or locked out, Jesus has the answer to your dilemma....
When you are on a death hunt and you find life, amazement is a natural response....
Was the unnamed woman's anointing of Jesus with costly oil foolish, or a bold act of......
Sometimes, getting within earshot of Jesus is transformative enough....
Walking in the Light: Reflections on John 3:14-21
Alyce McKenzie | March 11, 2012
Who are you when no one's looking? Are you a master of light or shadow?...
Spring Cleaning: Reflections on John 2:13-22
Alyce McKenzie | March 05, 2012
Let's embrace spiritual spring-cleaning of our houses and our souls....
Jesus' famous teaching in Mark 8 invites us to a spiritual free fall....
The Transfiguration, then and now, is a shining mountaintop experience amidst scenes of......
Blessed to Be a Blessing: Reflections on Mark 1:40-45
Alyce McKenzie | February 06, 2012
If we're going to truly have a blessed day, it will necessarily involve being a blessing......
The Secrets We Keep: Reflections on Mark 1:29-39
Alyce McKenzie | January 30, 2012
If we are living faithful lives, seeking to serve others and love them as Christ loved......
The Secrets We Keep: Reflections on Mark 1:29-39
Alyce McKenzie | January 26, 2012
Real Authority: Reflections on Mark 1:21-28
Alyce McKenzie | January 23, 2012
The "unclean spirit" in Mark recognizes the sound of the real enemy's voice. The real......
Ready or Not: Reflections on Mark 1:4-20
Alyce McKenzie | January 17, 2012
Mark would argue that our being called by Jesus is a situation that calls for the......
Jesus already knows us, even if we have no recollection of many of our prior encounters......
First Things First: How to Be a Disciple in 2012
Alyce McKenzie | January 03, 2012
This passage from the Sermon on the Mount provides us with two principles that will help......
Bring It! A Christmas Reflection on John 1:1-18
Alyce McKenzie | December 19, 2011
Like a good fitness teacher, Jesus asks us to "Bring It," while joining us in the......
A Mother's Wisdom: Reflections on Luke 1:26-38
Alyce McKenzie | December 12, 2011
We need Mary's wisdom this Advent. We are all, like her, being called by God. And we are......
Hidden in Plain Sight: Advent Reflections on John 1
Alyce McKenzie | December 06, 2011
The fact that we do not see Jesus among us is no fault of his. He is seeking to make......
Turnaround: Reflections on the Second Sunday of Advent
Alyce McKenzie | November 29, 2011
John the Baptist wouldn't last five minutes as a Mall Santa. He's a prophet, and he's......
Emergency Alert System: Reflections on Mark 13:24-37
Alyce McKenzie | November 22, 2011
I wonder if our Advent temptation isn't to be alert to the wrong things: the ideal of a......
Who is a sheep and who is a goat? We may think we have a clear view of that distinction,......
According to this parable of the talents and the pounds, we are to take what ability and......
As we live out our faith in a troubled world, the parable of the ten bridesmaids can......
Do As I Say, Not As I Do: Lectionary Reflections on...
Alyce McKenzie | October 23, 2011
Matthew lifts up the Pharisees as a cautionary tale, summing up the timeworn adage:......
Reality-Show Jesus: Reflections on Matthew 22:34-46
Alyce McKenzie | October 16, 2011
In this passage full of pop quizzes between Jesus and the disciples, Jesus proves to be......
State vs. God: Reflections on Matthew 22:15-22
Alyce McKenzie | October 09, 2011
When questioned about politics, Jesus didn't offer a theory of church-state relations.......
Proper Attire Required: Reflections on Matthew 22:1-14
Alyce McKenzie | October 03, 2011
What Matthew and Luke tell us about Jesus' parable of the banquet -- and how we can make......
Who Are the Wicked Tenants?: Lectionary Reflections on...
Alyce McKenzie | September 25, 2011
What implications might this parable have for how we are producing a harvest for God's......
Sheer Grace: Reflections on Matthew 19:27- 20:16
Alyce McKenzie | September 11, 2011
Only when we shed our spiritual arrogance can we experience the good news of this quirky......
Radical Forgiveness and 9/11: Reflections on Matthew...
Alyce McKenzie | September 02, 2011
A parable about radical forgiveness is the lectionary text for September 11.......
Spiritual Lessons from a Black Bear
Alyce McKenzie | August 29, 2011
Sometimes it's good that we don't know exactly what we're getting into, because we might......
Naive readings are like typing in comments on Trip Advisor without having visited the......
We must be clear, as Jesus was, that we risk personal losses out of radical love for......
We share Peter's identity as flawed disciples who sometimes, in pressure situations, let......
It's not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out. What's......
Every time we call on Jesus, it is because he is already coming toward us. Every time we......
You Want Us To Do What?
Alyce McKenzie | July 22, 2011
What are we to make of Jesus' "divine dare" to feed the five thousand with only five......
A rule-of-thumb for parable interpretation is this: identify what is strange about the......
How are two groups to coexist productively and peacefully when each refuses to forbear......
Spiritual Lessons I Learned in Honduras
Alyce McKenzie | July 06, 2011
We have heard the parable of the sower before. Many, many times. So let's try to hear......
Lay Your Burden Down
Alyce McKenzie | June 26, 2011
Wisdom in Person, the real deal, stands before us. The question is, will we choose to......
Without the preventive medications and small comforts of daily life, I am afraid a......
Doing What You're Told: Matthew 28:1-20
Alyce McKenzie | June 12, 2011
How good are you at doing what you are told? We can't afford to wait until we are......
How will you allow the Holy Spirit to transform your mind and heart, and fire your will......
We might expect the disciples to be mournful at Jesus' departure. Instead, they return......
Promises, Promises: Jesus' Commencement Address
Alyce McKenzie | May 22, 2011
Jesus certainly doesn't need my "Change of Address" clinic for commencement speakers.......
I Am the Way: Reflections on John 14: 1-14
Alyce McKenzie | May 15, 2011
How can we know the way to God? How can we see God? The answer Jesus gives to us is both......
The Good Shepherd is not an image intended to comfort children. It is an image intended......
What kind of journey are you on? What direction is it taking you?...
When will the moment come when we look up and really notice, really see the Risen Lord......
Clean Feet: A Maundy Thursday Meditation
Alyce McKenzie | April 21, 2011
Ready or Not: Reflections on the Unexpected Easter
Alyce McKenzie | April 17, 2011
According to John's story, Christ rises in the dark. Christ rises for everyone. Easter......
This text is not about watching Jesus put his hands on somebody else's feet. It's about......
Preacher Alyce McKenzie shares her Palm Sunday "play," a creative dramatization and......
Lazarus Is Us: Reflections on John 11:1-45
Alyce McKenzie | April 03, 2011
Until recently, I have seen this story of raising Lazarus from the dead as an......
I say we take a page out of the discipleship book of this stubborn, outspoken formerly......
The Secrets We Keep: Reflections on John 4:1-30
Alyce McKenzie | March 22, 2011
Our first-century Samaritan woman is not the only secret-keeper walking toward the well.......
If we start letting the wind of the Spirit blow through our souls, our church, our......
Lent is really about saying no to some things so we can say yes to others. An Ash......
What might the Devil think after his epic fail to tempt Jesus? How might he rethink his......
Finding Ourselves in the Story: Reflections on...
Alyce McKenzie | February 28, 2011
The Transfiguration is a story with six characters, but we can't fully or clearly......
No Easy Answers: Reflections on Matthew 6:24-34
Alyce McKenzie | February 22, 2011
No Easy Answers: Reflections on Matthew 6:24-34
Alyce McKenzie | February 21, 2011
Jesus' teachings are digging tools that undercut the foundation of my house . . . which......
Sketchy Scenes: Reflections on this Sunday Scriptures
Alyce McKenzie | February 18, 2011
Sketchy Scenes: Reflections on Matthew 5:38-48
Alyce McKenzie | February 14, 2011
When I hear the teachings about loving our enemies and turning the other cheek, I feel......
The Telltale Heart: Reflections on Matthew 5:21-37
Alyce McKenzie | February 07, 2011
When I read this text from Matthew 5:21-37 about anger, adultery, careless severing of......
A Salt & Light Job Description: Reflections on...
Alyce McKenzie | January 31, 2011
In these verses, Jesus is saying, "Go, be salt and light." Of course, lots of people,......
Fans or Friends? Reflections on Matthew 5:1-12
Alyce McKenzie | January 20, 2011
I like Facebook, but I have somehow ended up with lots of friends I don't even know.......
The life of the disciple, which begins with what may look like a sudden decision,......
Introducing Jesus: Reflections on John 1:29-34
Alyce McKenzie | January 11, 2011
Do you notice how, in this passage, being introduced to Jesus prompts the disciples to......
The beginning of a New Year, with its challenges and trials, is a good time to remember......
Level With Me: A Christmas Eve Meditation
Alyce McKenzie | December 23, 2010
In the juxtaposing of Herod and Jesus in the lectionary texts for this week, we see the......
The Fear of Betrayal: Advent Reflections on Matthew...
Alyce McKenzie | December 11, 2010
Joseph is out and about this Advent, tool box in hand -- a model of faith in hopeful......
The Fear of (Spiritual) Blindness
Alyce McKenzie | December 03, 2010
Is John having second thoughts about Jesus? Is he wondering, "Is Jesus who I thought he......
"It All Leads to Jesus..."
Alyce McKenzie | November 30, 2010
The good news of the Incarnation is that God meets our fear of punishment with the hope......
Happy Thanksgiving! from the Book of Proverbs
Alyce McKenzie | November 24, 2010
This Advent series seeks to portray the Holy Family as people with real hopes and fears,......
Christ the King: Luke 23:33-43
Alyce McKenzie | November 02, 2010
In the gospel reading for November 21, Jesus' last words of forgiveness and reassurance......
The Gift He Brings: Luke 20:27-38
Alyce McKenzie | November 02, 2010
In the gospel reading for November 7, the Sadducees challenge Jesus with a question......
Get Over Yourself! Luke 21:5-19
Alyce McKenzie | November 02, 2010
In the gospel reading for November 14, Jesus identifies the obstacles that prevent......
In these weeks before Advent, the gospel readings from the lectionary prepare us for the......
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector: Reflections on...
Alyce McKenzie | October 20, 2010
This week's parable is one of two men who each offer prayers, with surprisingly......
October's Promise
Alyce McKenzie | October 11, 2010
The Sermon We're Not Going to Preach: Lectionary...
Alyce McKenzie | October 09, 2010
A Glass of Cold Water in Your Face: The Parable of the...
Alyce McKenzie | September 26, 2010
Watermelon Rugby with the Shrewd Manager: Lectionary...
Alyce McKenzie | September 12, 2010
Tony, Tony, Turn Around: Reflections on Luke 5:1-10
Alyce McKenzie | September 07, 2010
Guest of Honor? Lectionary Reflections for Aug. 29
Alyce McKenzie | August 23, 2010
Eat, Pray, Love: Spiritual Quest or Chick Flick?
Alyce McKenzie | August 16, 2010
Eat, Pray, Love: Spiritual Quest or Chick Flick?
Alyce McKenzie | August 16, 2010
There is something in author Elizabeth Gilbert's experience that transcends one woman's......
How Not to Inherit Eternal Life
Alyce McKenzie | July 06, 2010
The Preacher as Last Comic Standing?
Alyce McKenzie | July 01, 2010
How Not to Be a Disciple: Week Two July 4, 2010
Alyce McKenzie | June 28, 2010
How Not to be a Disciple: A Summer Sermon Series
Alyce McKenzie | June 21, 2010
The Friend at Midnight: A Father's Day Sermon
Alyce McKenzie | June 10, 2010
One Nation Under God, and a lot of stress
Alyce McKenzie | June 07, 2010
A Trinity-Shaped Life
Alyce McKenzie | May 26, 2010
James Bond at Blockbusters
Alyce McKenzie | May 25, 2010
Pentecost Meditation: "The Inside Story"
Alyce McKenzie | May 17, 2010
What to Preach on Ascension Day?
Alyce McKenzie | May 15, 2010
Star Wars Opening Crawl
Alyce McKenzie | May 11, 2010