Hell and the Devil / Last Things (Index Page)

Hell and the Devil / Last Things (Index Page) November 9, 2006
 Gila National Forest, New Mexico (May 2012). Photo by Kari Greer [Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0 license]
  Hell and Sheol (Hades) / Damnation & Reprobation / Heretical Annihilationism

Biblical Evidence for an Eternal Hell [1998]

Jewish and Old Testament Views of Hell and Eternal Punishment [4-14-04]

Dialogue w Agnostic on Basic Differences and Hell [5-17-05]

Replies to Some Skeptical Objections to the Christian Doctrine of Hell (“Religion Is Lies” website) [5-24-06]

Biblical Annihilationism or Universalism? (w Atheist Ted Drange) [9-30-06]

Dialogue w Atheists on Hell & Whether God is Just [12-5-06]

Dialogue on Sheol / Hades (Limbo of the Fathers) and Luke 16 (the Rich Man and Lazarus) with a Baptist (vs. “Grubb”) [2-28-08]

“The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail” Against the Church [11-11-08]

Hell: Dialogue with a Philosophy Graduate Student [12-26-08]

Dialogue: Hell & God’s Justice, Part II [1-2-09]

Purgatory is the Waiting Room for Heaven [4-25-09]

Luke 23:43 (Thief on the Cross): “Paradise” = Sheol, Not Heaven, According to Many Reputable Protestant Scholars [5-25-09]

Our Prayers and Souls Ending Up in Heaven or Hell [3-26-14]

Catholic Mystics & Contemplatives on Hell [2014]

Can Hell Actually be Defended? My Shot … [10-7-15]

Atheism & Atheology (Copious Resources, including on hell) [11-5-15]

A Defense of Hell: Philosophical Explanations of its Plausibility, Necessity, and Factuality [12-10-15]

Exchanges with an Atheist on Hell & Skepticism [12-17-15]

Did Jesus Descend to Hell, Sheol, or Paradise After His Death? [National Catholic Register, 4-17-17]

How to Annihilate Three Skeptical Fallacies Regarding Hell [National Catholic Register, 6-10-17]

Lawler vs. Pope Francis #3: The Pope Annihilated Hell? [1-2-18]

Pope Francis, Hell, Phil Lawler, Lies, Damned Lies, . . . [3-30-18]

Hell as a Deterrent: Analogy to Our Legal Systems [10-3-18]

Taylor Marshall’s Whopper: Pope Francis Denies Hellfire? [6-7-19]

Salvation and Eternal Afterlife in the Old Testament [8-31-19]

Salvation and Immortality Are Not Just New Testament Ideas [National Catholic Register, 9-23-19]

Vs. Atheist David Madison #41: God’s a Sadistic Tyrant (Hell)? [12-18-19]

Luke 16 Doesn’t Describe Hell or Purgatory, But Hades [1-16-20]

The Bible Teaches that Hell is Eternal [National Catholic Register, 4-16-20]

Pope Francis’ Satanic, Demonic, & Hellish Views [6-7-21]

Christ’s Descent Into Hades (vs. Francois Turretin) (Biblical and Patristic Support Examined) [9-1-22]

Defense of Immortal, Conscious Souls (vs. Lucas Banzoli): #11 (“Second Death” = “Lake of Fire” = Eternal Torment in Hell. Jesus & Luke Believed in Both Hades and Hell) [11-25-22]

Eternal Hell: 125 Biblical Evidences [12-2-24]


Universalism / “Hoping All Will be Saved”

Dialogue on Hell & the “Possibility” of Universalism [May 2004]

Biblical Annihilationism or Universalism? (w Atheist Ted Drange) [9-30-06]

Did Pope St. John Paul II Teach Universalism? [4-26-11]

Did Julian of Norwich Teach Universalism & Deny Hell? [3-24-14]

Analysis of “Hoping All Will be Saved” / …Hell is Empty” [8-20-15]

Book of Revelation Annihilates Universalism [8-31-15]

Universalism is Annihilated by the Book of Revelation [National Catholic Register, 6-23-19]

Wishing & Desiring For All To Be Saved, Like God Does [1-29-24]

The Devil (Satan) and Demons


The Stupidity and Idiocy of the Devil (Dialogue) [2-23-97 and 4-10-97]

Unbiblical Antipathy to Miracles & Exorcism (vs. Calvin #53) [12-22-09]

Satan Tempting Jesus as a Proof of His Divinity [2015]

Demonic Possession or Epilepsy? (Bible & Science) [2015]

The Devil’s Stupidity & Vanity [3-4-16]

Screwtape on the Neutralization of Effective Apologetics and Divine Callings (National Catholic Register, 2-5-17) [see also, the original 20% longer Facebook version] [1-25-17]

“Withstand”! Satan Exploits Errors & Falsehood for His Nefarious Ends [3-4-17]

Satan is Highly Intelligent—and an Arrogant Idiot   [National Catholic Register, 11-27-17]

Are We Allowed to Rebuke and/or Mock the Devil? [11-30-17]

Satan Referenced 24 Times in Gaudete et Exsultate [4-9-18]

Christians & the Stupidity of Satan (vs. Insulting Humanist) [11-9-18]

7 Takes on Satan’s Persecutions and the Balanced Christian Life [National Catholic Register, 11-24-18]

Seidensticker Folly #36: Disease, Jesus, Paul, Miracles, & Demons [1-13-20]

Pope Francis’ Satanic, Demonic, & Hellish Views [6-7-21]


Judgment / Second Coming

Judgment of Nations: A Collection of Biblical Passages [9-21-01]

Judgment of Nations: Biblical Commentary and Reflections [9-21-01]

Reflections on Judgment and Sufficient Knowledge for Salvation [6-7-02]

Last Things (Eschatology) / Prophecies

Heaven / Souls (Theological Anthropology) / “Soul Sleep” / Resurrection  
Defense of Immortal, Conscious Souls (vs. Lucas Banzoli) [17-Part Series]:




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Last updated on 2 December 2024

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