Liberal Theology & Modernism (Index Page)

Liberal Theology & Modernism (Index Page) November 8, 2006
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768-1834), the “Father of Modern Liberal Theology” [public domain / Wikimedia Commons]
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Have Heterodox Catholics Overthrown Official Doctrine? (vs. Eric Svendsen, James White, Phillip Johnson, & Andrew Webb) [6-3-96]
Dialogue with a Skeptic of Christianity (vs. Charlie Kluepfel) [5-2-99]
Conscience Must be Formed in Harmony with the Church (Proof from Scripture & the Catechism of the Catholic Church) [7-19-09] 

Can a Pope be a Heretic or Authoritatively Declare Heresy? [2-3-17]

Modernism vs. History in Genesis & Biblical Inspiration [7-23-18]

Hallmarks of Catholic Theological Liberalism  (The “Dirty Dozen”) [1999; rev. 7-31-18]

St. Paul: Orthodox Catholic or Theological Pluralist? [12-28-18]

It Ain’t About Kumbaya, But About Mindless Naivete [3-21-19]

Is VCII’s Nostra Aetate “Religiously Pluralistic” & Indifferentist? [6-7-19]

C. S. Lewis: Criticism of Theological & Political Liberalism [10-22-19]

Am I Too Soft on Modernists & Too Hard on Reactionaries? [11-6-19]

Apostolic Succession: Reply to Certain Misconceptions [7-1-20]

Do the OT & NT Teach Polytheism or Henotheism? [7-1-20]

Did the Blessed Virgin Mary Think Jesus Was Nuts? [7-2-20]

Dialogue on Biblical Views Re Following Jesus & Riches (vs. Dr. Steven DiMattei) [11-21-20]

Dialogue w Christian “Outside of Orthodoxy” [12-21-20]

Criterion of Catholic Orthodoxy: Degree of “Pearcianism” [6-22-21]

Catholicism, Protestantism, and Theological Liberalism [Facebook, 7-28-22]

“The Catholic Monitor” Butchers My View of Papal Infallibility (. . . and Has the Impudent Audacity to Attack St. John Henry Cardinal Newman as a Modernist and Nominalist) [9-14-22]

Development of Doctrine vs. Evolution of Dogma [Ch. 5 of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (December 2002; slightly revised in November 2023 for the purpose of the free online version). [11-17-23]



Audrey Assad’s Journey: Apology & Retraction [10-1-21]

Audrey Assad Has Graciously Accepted my Retraction and Apology, with Class, While Proud Mary et al Still Savage My Name and Character [Facebook, 10-4-21]

Why Do I (or How DARE I?!) Critique Deconversions? [10-5-21]

Pharisees on Mark Shea’s Page Trash My Apology to Audrey Assad, While She Herself Graciously Accepted It [Facebook, 10-5-21]

Two of the Most Ridiculous Things Ever Said About Me, Concerning Why People Leave the Faith, & Whether I Have Ever Had a Crisis of Faith (and Their Refutations) [Facebook, 10-7-21]


Pope Francis: Liberal?

Dialogue: “Bad” Bishops & “Confusing” Francis (vs. Dr. Peter Kwasniewski) [4-28-16]

Quasi-Defectibility and Phil Lawler vs. Pope Francis (see also more documentation of Lawler’s reactionary leanings, on the Facebook thread) [12-28-17]

Dialogues with Karl Keating & Phil Lawler on Pope Francis [12-29-17]

Dialogues with Karl Keating Regarding Pope Francis [12-29-17]

Lawler vs. Pope Francis #1: Critique of Introduction [1-1-18]

Lawler vs. Pope Francis #2: Homosexuality & “Judging” [1-2-18]

Lawler vs. Pope Francis #3: The Pope Annihilated Hell? [1-2-18]

Lawler vs. Pope Francis #4: Communion / Buenos Aires Letter [1-3-18]

Lawler vs. Pope Francis #5: Jerusalem Council vs. “Ideology” [1-3-18]

Pope Francis Defended: Resources for Confused or Troubled Folks [collection]

“Gay Unions”: Leftist & Reactionary Catholics vs. Pope & CDF [3-23-21]

Pope Francis vs. Same-Sex “Marriage”: The Record [3-25-21]

Pope Francis’ “Endorsement” of Fr. James Martin, SJ (Does it Entail a Denial of Church Teaching on Gravely Disordered Homosexual Sex?) [6-30-21]


Christological Heresy

Trashing or Questioning the Bible / Theologically Liberal or Skeptical Exegesis / Torah / Documentary Hypothesis
Silent Night: A “Progressive” and “Enlightened” Reinterpretation [12-10-04; additionally edited for publication at National Catholic Register: 12-21-17]
Defending the Historical Adam of Genesis (vs. Eric S. Giunta) [9-25-11]
Adam & Eve of Genesis: Historical & the Primal Human Pair? (vs. Bishop Robert Barron) [11-28-13]
New Testament Proofs of Noah’s Historical Existence (Seton Magazine article, 22 April 2014)
“Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?” (Dr. Dennis Bonnette, Crisis Magazine, 11-24-14)
Implications for Ecclesiology?

Modernist Skeptical Historiography 





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Last updated on 25 February 2024

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