Early Protestants & St. Augustine: Ambiguity [1-28-04]
Papal Infallibility Doctrine: History (Including Luther’s Dissent at the Leipzig Disputation in 1519) (Related also to the particular circumstances of the origins of sola Scriptura) [10-8-07]
The Nature of the Church: Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue [11-19-07]
Martin Luther’s Remarkably “Pro-Tradition” Strain of Thought [1-18-08]
A Curious Luther Citation (On Councils) Examined in Extreme Depth (+ Part II / Part III / Part IV) [1-27-08; hosted on Internet Archive]
Luther’s Fascinating Correspondence from 1518 to 1520 [6-11-08]
Luther on the Deaths of Zwingli, St. Thomas More, & St. John Fisher [11-30-07; expanded on 10-31-17]
Martin Luther: “Our manner of life is as evil as is that of the papists” [12-29-07]
Zwingli, Bucer, Oecolampadius: Luther & Lutherans Not Christians [1-10-08]
Did Luther Regret Anything About His “Reformation”? [5-13-08]
Unbridled Sectarianism, Sola Scriptura, Luther, & Calvin [6-24-09]
Luther on Early Lutherans: “Ingrates” Who Deserve God’s “Wrath” [2-28-10]
Luther’s Disgust Over Protestant Sectarianism and Radical Heresies [3-1-10; abridged and published in the National Catholic Register: 9-8-17]
Luther on Early Lutheran Degeneracy & Bad Witness [3-2-10]
Was Luther in His Old Age in Agony & Bitter About Lutheranism? [3-3-10]
Luther’s “Agony” Over Sectarianism (vs. a Lutheran) [3-10-10]
Luther: Monks & Priests More “Earnest” Than Lutherans [11-10-11]
Martin Luther as Initial Cause of Protestant In-Fighting [10-13-17]
Martin Luther vs. Sectarianism and Fanaticism [10-26-22]
Luther: I Was a Better Christian as a Catholic [6-5-24]
Why Martin Luther Said He Was More Spiritual as a Catholic [National Catholic Register: 6-30-24]
Part II: Luther’s Insults of Erasmus in Bondage of the Will and Table-Talk
Part III: Erasmus’ Hyperaspistes (1526): Luther’s Extreme Dogmatism
Part IV: Erasmus’ Hyperaspistes (1526): Luther’s Anti-Traditional Elements
Part V: Erasmus’ Hyperaspistes (1526): Excoriation of Luther’s Personal Insults
Part VI: Erasmus’ Hyperaspistes (1526): Sola Scriptura and Perspicuity of Scripture
Part VII: Erasmus’ Hyperaspistes (1526): Luther’s Dissembling, Arrogance, Polemics, Etc.
Luther and the Origin & Nature of “Instant” Salvation [1991]
Baptismal Regeneration: Central Doctrine, According to Luther & Lutheranism [1996]
Faith Alone & Original Sin: Reply to Smalcald Articles [1-30-01]
N. T. Wright and the “New Perspective” on St. Paul: Did Luther Misinterpret Paul’s Soteriology? [Facebook, 5-5-04]
Luther’s Error Concerning Justification (N. T. Wright) [Facebook, 5-19-04]
Luther’s “Snow-Covered Dunghill” (Myth?) [10-5-05]
Luther’s Projection of His Depression & Crises Onto St. Paul [6-1-06]
Dialogue on Luther’s “Getting to a Gracious God” (vs. Lutheran historian “CPA”) [6-4-06]
Martin Luther: Good Works Prove Authentic Faith [4-16-08]
Luther on Theosis & Sanctification [11-23-09]
Luther: God Predestines Reprobation of the Damned [2-27-10]
Martin Luther: Faith Alone is Not Lawless Antinomianism [2-28-10]
Merit & Sanctification: Martin Luther’s Point of View [11-10-14]
Martin Luther and Lutherans on Mortal & Venial Sins [10-30-17]
Luther (Unlike Lutheranism) Taught Double Predestination [1-11-18]
Calvinist Origin of Luther’s (?) “Snow-Covered Dunghill”? [5-14-19]
Martin Luther, Sounding like a Catholic, Concerning Justification [Facebook, 8-13-20]
Luther’s Translation of “Faith Alone” in Romans 3:28 (Also: Did “Early Erasmus” Agree with Luther?) [12-7-22]
Busting a Myth About Martin Luther (Did Luther Call the Justified Man a “Snow-Covered Dunghill”?) [National Catholic Register, 1-13-23]
Luther, James, Faith & Works: Additional Relevant Data [3-7-23]
Sola Fide (Faith Alone) Nonexistent Before the Protestant Revolt in 1517 (Geisler & McGrath) [Catholic365, 10-31-23]
Luther & the “Immaculate Purification” of Mary [10-2-10]
Luther & James Swan Blaspheme (Christ’s Sinlessness) [9-10-20]
Baptismal Regeneration: Central Doctrine, According to Luther & Lutheranism [1996]
Luther: Confirmation is a Sacramental, Not a Sacrament [4-14-08]
Martin Luther on Absolution & Private Confession [4-14-08]
Martin Luther Didn’t “Condemn” the Seven Sacraments; He Only Denied “That They Can Be Proved From the Scriptures” / True Effects of Sacraments [Facebook, 8-21-24]
Did Luther Deny the Canonicity of Esther? [3-24-07]
James Swan Ignores Protestant Errors on Luther’s Canon (Instead, He Absurdly Blames Catholic Apologists for Historical Errors of Protestant Writers) [expanded “dialogue” edition of the previous article; 8-27-11]
Luther & the Deuterocanon (So-Called “Apocrypha”) [2014]
Martin Luther’s Early Radicalism and Later Traditionalism / Defense of the Book of James (Reply to James Swan) [Facebook, 10-24-24]
Luther’s & Protestants’ Irrational Antipathy Towards the Epistle of James [Facebook, 10-26-24]
Martin Luther vs. Nestorius Regarding “Mother of God” [3-28-18]
Martin Luther’s Exceptionally “Catholic” Devotion to Mary [National Catholic Register, 4-16-19]
Martin Luther’s (“Catholic”) Mariology in a Nutshell [4-12-18; links added on 5-8-19]
Martin Luther’s Inflammatory Rhetoric and the Peasants’ Revolt (1524-1525) (+ Part II) [10-31-03]
Luther Favored Death Penalty for Anabaptists [2-24-04]
The Real Diet of Augsburg (1530) vs. the Protestant Myth [3-3-04]
Luther’s Attitudes on Religious Liberty (Roland H. Bainton) [2-16-06]
16th Century Theft of Church Properties (vs. Lutheran Historian) [2-22-06]
Luther on the Deaths of Zwingli, St. Thomas More, & St. John Fisher [11-30-07; expanded on 10-31-17]
“Reformation” Theft of Thousands of Catholic Churches [4-12-08]
Luther: Execute Adulterers, Witches, Frigid Wives, & Prostitutes [12-20-07 and 2-22-10]
Astonishing Hostility to Higher Education in Early Protestantism [1991]
Critiquing Martin Luther (My Motivations and Purposes) [9-19-04]
Analyzing Luther / Protestant Traditions of Men Inevitable [9-29-04]
Books by Dave Armstrong: Martin Luther: Catholic Critical Analysis and Praise [4-17-08]
John Calvin Rebukes Lutheran “Beasts” and “Evil”, Calls Luther an Idolater [Facebook, 3-23-10]
Finally Got the Entire Hardcover 55-Volume Collection, Luther’s Works (to be Expanded Eventually by the Publisher to at Least 76 Volumes) [Facebook: 4-16-14]
On the Definition of “Christian” and Whether Luther and Calvin Regarded Catholicism as Christian (vs. Anti-Catholic Calvinist Austin Reed) [6-19-13]
Martin Luther on Suffering, Mortification, & Sanctity [2014]
Books by Dave Armstrong: The ‘Catholic’ Luther: An Ecumenical Collection of His ‘Traditional’ Utterances (see the Introduction) [12-28-14]
Am I “Anti-Luther” or “Anti-Lutheran”? (Clarifications) [9-30-08 / 5-28-09 / 1-6-15]
Top Ten Remarkable “Catholic” Beliefs of Martin Luther [1-19-15]
Resources: Martin Luther (by James Swan. Exhibits considerable anti-Catholic bias, but an impressively comprehensive bibliographic resource for locating online Lutheriana)
Links to Additional Luther-Related Writings
Walch Edition of Luther’s Complete Writings (1740-1753) in English (23 volumes)
What Luther Says (ed. Ewald Plass (Vol. 1 / Vol. 2 / Vol. 3)
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Last updated on 17 December 2024