Reply to Gavin Ortlund’s “Sola Scriptura Defended” [4-27-22]
Augustine & Sola Scriptura (vs. Gavin Ortlund) (+ Part 2) [4-29-22]
Reply to Gavin Ortlund’s “Relics: A Protestant Critique” [5-12-22]
Reply to Gavin Ortlund on Purgatory (+ Part 2) [5-14-22]
Reply to Gavin Ortlund on Praying to the Saints (Including a Reply Regarding the (Blasphemous?) “Excesses of Marian Prayers” from the Protestant Point of View) [5-15-22]
Reply to Baptist Gavin Ortlund’s Critique of Icons [5-19-22]
Reply to Baptist Gavin Ortlund on Baptism [5-20-22]
St. Jerome, Papacy, & Succession (vs. Gavin Ortlund) [1-20-24]
Reply to a Gavin Ortlund Argument Against Infant Baptism [1-26-24]
Series: Replies to [Steve] Hays’ “Biblical Calvinism”:
Reply #1: Preliminaries; God “Hardens” Hearts?; Few or Many Saved? [6-12-23]
John Calvin: Only God Knows Who is Numbered Among the Elect [1-5-06]
Reply to a Calvinist: Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart (vs. Colin Smith) [10-14-06]
Catholic Predestination, Molinism, & Thomism in a Nutshell [3-27-08]
Luther: God Predestines Reprobation of the Damned [2-27-10]
Dialogue: Double Predestination, Total Depravity, & Limited Atonement [4-14-10]
Bible vs. Double Predestination (No Reprobate Parallels) [4-22-10]
Romans 9: Plausible Non-Calvinist Interpretation [4-22-10]
Is God the Author of Evil? (vs. John Calvin) [Oct. 2012]
Reply to James White’s Exegesis of James 2 in Chapter 20 of His Book, The God Who Justifies [10-9-13]
God “Hardening Hearts”: How Do We Interpret That? [12-18-08; expanded on 1-4-17]
Does God “Want” Men to Sin? Does He “Ordain” Sin? [2-17-10 and 3-16-17]
Luther (Unlike Lutheranism) Taught Double Predestination [1-11-18]
Hays’ Calvinist Prooftexts #1: “Hardening Hearts” [10-23-21]
Hays’ Calvinist Prooftexts #2: Eli’s Sons (1 Sam 2:25) [10-25-21]
The Lord “Bringing Evil” Means Righteous Judgment [10-25-21]
Hays’ Calvinist Prooftexts #3: Absalom’s Judgment [10-27-21]
Hays’ Calvinist Prooftexts #4: Judgment of Assyria [10-27-21]
“Certainty” of Eternal Life? (1 John 5:13 and John 5:24) [5-8-02]
Calvinist Total Depravity: Does Romans 1 Apply to All Men? [4-10-08]
2nd Council of Orange: Sola Gratia vs. Total Depravity [1-5-09]
Dialogue with a Calvinist Regarding Falling Away from Grace or Salvation [7-28-09]
Books by Dave Armstrong: Biblical Catholic Answers for John Calvin [3-11-10]
Gospel = Total Depravity, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace? [4-6-10]
Dialogue: Double Predestination, Total Depravity, & Limited Atonement [4-14-10]
Bible vs. the Reformed Doctrine of Total Depravity [October 2010]
Bible vs. the Reformed Doctrine of Limited Atonement [October 2010]
Calvinist Irresistible Grace vs. the Bible [October 2010]
Calvinist Dialogues with Ghost of Plato [10-31-11]
St. Francis de Sales: Bible vs. Total Depravity [11-24-11]
A Biblical Critique of Calvinism (Dave Armstrong): Introduction [10-1-12]
Total Depravity and the Evil of the Non-Elect (vs. John Calvin) [10-12-12]
Refutation of Calvinist Total Depravity [10-12-12]
Can Only Regenerate Men Perform Truly Good Works? (vs. John Calvin) [Oct. 2012]
Books by Dave Armstrong: A Biblical Critique of Calvinism [10-23-12]
The Bible is Clear: ‘Eternal Security’ is a Manmade Doctrine [National Catholic Register, 8-17-20]
Eternal Security vs. the Bible [National Catholic Register, 8-23-20]
There Never Will Be a Single Human Being for Whom Christ Did Not Suffer [National Catholic Register, 4-28-21]
Perseverance of the Saints: Reply to a Calvinist [5-17-21]
Westminster vs. Bible #1: Assurance of Salvation [5-19-21]
Limited Atonement: Refutation of James White [9-1-21]
Jesus vs. James White on Who Can be Saved [10-12-21]
Biblical Reasons Why Catholics Don’t Believe in ‘Limited Atonement’ [National Catholic Register, 10-27-21]
More Biblical Reasons Why Catholics Don’t Believe in ‘Limited Atonement’ [National Catholic Register, 10-30-21]
VIDEO: “Once Saved Always Saved” REFUTED! – [20+verses] [Dave Armstrong & Kenny Burchard at Catholic Bible Highlights, 11-22-24]
Turretin Lied About the Catholic View of Scripture [8-24-22]
Turretin, 1 Timothy 3:15, Infallibility, & Eisegesis [8-24-22]
Christ’s Descent Into Hades (vs. Francois Turretin) (Biblical and Patristic Support Examined) [9-1-22]
Francis Turretin: the 2nd Greatest Calvinist Theologian After John Calvin, Endorses “Mother of God” Terminology [Facebook, 3-10-23]
Francis Turretin: the 2nd Greatest Calvinist Theologian After John Calvin, Believed in the Perpetual Virginity of Mary [Facebook, 3-10-23]
Vs. Turretin #1: Communion Of Saints 1 (Preliminaries) [12-21-23]
Vs. Turretin #2: Communion Of Saints 2 (Veneration) [12-22-23]
Vs. Turretin #3: Communion Of Saints 3 (Intercession) [12-23-23]
Vs. Turretin #4: Communion Of Saints 4 (Invocation) [12-26-23]
Vs. Turretin #5: Communion Of Saints 5 (Relics) [12-27-23]
Vs. Turretin #6: Communion Of Saints 6 (Images) [12-27-23]
Vs. Turretin #7: Intercession & Veneration Of Angels [12-29-23]
Vs. Turretin #8: Church #1 (Infallibility 1) [1-4-24]
Vs. Turretin #9: Church #2 (Indefectibility) [1-9-24]
Vs. Turretin #10: Sanctification [5-7-24]
Perpetual Virginity of Mary: Held by All Protestant Reformers [1-27-02]
Luther’s Mariology: Have Catholic Apologists Exaggerated It? (And Has Present-Day Protestantism Maintained the Classical “Reformation” Protestant Mariology?) [4-26-03; rev. 7-15-20]
Protestant “Reformer” Zwingli Denied Original Sin [5-27-06]
“Moderate” Heinrich Bullinger: “Reformation” Anti-Catholicism [1-16-07]
Zwingli: Protestant “Reformer”, Fornicator, & Vow-Breaker [12-20-07]
Zwingli, Bucer, Oecolampadius: Luther & Lutherans Not Christians [1-10-08]
Mary’s Assumption & “Reformer” Heinrich Bullinger [4-6-08]
Mary Mother of God: Protestant Founders Agree (Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, and Bullinger) [10-10-08]
Protestant “Reformer” Martin Bucer: Death for Adulterers! [9-18-09]
Turretin & Bullinger Accepted Mary’s Perpetual Virginity [1-5-10 and 6-1-10]
Zwingli’s Belief in Mary’s Sinlessness [9-30-10]
Mariology of “Reformers” Zwingli & Bullinger [4-28-16]
Francis Turretin: the 2nd Greatest Calvinist Theologian After John Calvin, Endorses “Mother of God” Terminology [Facebook, 3-10-23]
My Respect for Protestants / Catholic Ecumenical Principles [2001; addendum: 1-8-03]
The Real Diet of Augsburg (1530) vs. the Protestant Myth [3-3-04]
Regensburg (1541) & Poissy (1561): Protestant “Ecumenism”? [4-27-04]
Zwingli, Bucer, Oecolampadius: Luther & Lutherans Not Christians [1-10-08]
John Calvin: Authoritative Council Needed to Unite Protestants [1-18-08]
What I Like About Calvinism and Calvinists [June 2009]
John Calvin Rebukes Lutheran “Beasts” and “Evil”, Calls Luther an Idolater [Facebook, 3-23-10]
Total Depravity and Salvation Outside the Church (vs. a Calvinist) [4-4-17]
Zwingli, Bucer, Oecolampadius: Luther & Lutherans Not Christians [1-10-08]
“Reformation” Theft of Thousands of Catholic Churches [4-12-08]
Unbridled Sectarianism, Sola Scriptura, Luther, & Calvin [6-24-09]
Protestant “Reformer” Martin Bucer: Death for Adulterers! [9-18-09]
Critique of Van Til’s Presuppositionalism [10-23-04]
Critique of Presuppositionalism & Greg Bahnsen [4-14-07]
Dialogue on Presuppositionalism with a Baptist [6-10-07]
Calvinism: Tiny Minority Historically & Demographically [2-10-22]
Protestantism is Too Man-Centered (Extreme Over-Emphasis on the Pastor) [Facebook, 1997]
My Respect for Protestants / Catholic Ecumenical Principles [2001; addendum: 1-8-03]
Catholic Critique of Anglicanism and the Via Media [11-12-01]
Books by Dave Armstrong: Protestantism: Critical Reflections of an Ecumenical Catholic [May 2003]
Protestantism Was Not a Revolt? [6-2-03]
Clerical Celibacy: Hostile Protestant Commentary & Catholic Replies [2-21-04]
The Revised Fundamentalist Baptist Version (RFBV) [5-18-04]
Early Protestant Hostility Towards Science [7-9-04]
Word “Protestant” Stemmed from Intolerance of Catholic Worship [2-8-06]
Why Write “Bad” Stuff About Protestant “Reformers”? [5-22-06]
Catholic “Both/And” vs. Protestant “Either/Or” Dichotomies [2-4-08]
George Washington’s Religious Views [5-23-08]
Erasmus vs. Luther Disputes Documented [Feb. 2009]
Calling of St. Paul & Church Authority: Dialogue w Calvinist [10-24-11]
Books by Dave Armstrong: The Quotable Wesley [5-2-12]
Dialogue on the Term, “Protestant Reformation” and Proposed Alternatives Like “Era of Reformations” and “Protestant Revolt” (vs. Anglican historian Dr. Edwin W. Tait) [1-7-14]
Protestant & Catholic Holiness, Miracles, & Reform [9-23-14]
Comments on the Question: “Are Protestants Heretics?” [vigorous Facebook discussion on this topic and about anti-trinitarianism, 10-10-14]
“Who Cares About Early Protestant Mariology?” [10-16-14]
Broad Exchange with a Former Catholic, Bible-Only Protestant (vs. John Hallman) [4-13-15]
“Why Convince Protestants to Become Catholics?” [4-30-15]
Debunking the Mythical Invisible Church [9-14-15]
Arbitrary Bias in the NIV Against “Tradition” [9-18-15]
“Armstrong vs. Geisler” (Series of Ten Mini-Debates) [Facebook, 3-2-17]
Why Do Atheists Almost Always Prefer Protestantism to Catholicism? [Facebook, 10-25-17]
Critique of Ten Exaggerated Claims of the “Reformation” [10-31-17; its 500th anniversary date]
Why Not Become a Protestant, Due to the Sex Scandals? [3-7-19]
Dialogue on the Logic of Catholic Infallible Authority [6-4-96]
Church Authority & Certainty (The “Infallibility Regress”) [July 2000; some revisions on 12-8-11]
The Protestant “Non-Quest” for Certainty [3-15-06; abridged and links added on 7-12-20]
Ecclesiological Certainty (?) & the “Infallibility Regress” [5-22-03 and 10-7-08]
Glorying in Uncertainty in Modern Protestantism (Dialogue with a Calvinist) [11-11-09]
Does Church Infallibility Require Infallible Catholics? [6-8-10]
Radically Unbiblical Protestant “Quest for Uncertainty” [2-12-14]
Protestantism: Is it Logically Self-Defeating? [9-15-03]
Sola Scriptura is Self-Defeating and False if Not in the Bible (vs. Kevin Johnson) [5-4-04]
Difficulties of Authority: Luther, Calvin, & Protestantism [4-11-04]
Protestant Principles of Authority are Self-Defeating [9-25-08]
Denominationalism and Sectarianism: An Anti-Biblical Scandal [1996]
33,000 Protestant Denominations? No! [9-4-04]
“Absurd” Protestant Divisions: Calvin’s Revealing Lament to Melanchthon [2-6-06]
Philip Melanchthon’s Agony Over Protestant Sectarianism [2-8-06]
Bible vs. Denominationalism and Against “Primary / Secondary” Doctrines [8-18-06]
Melanchthon in 1530 Longed for Return of Catholic Bishops [11-30-07]
John Calvin: Authoritative Council Needed to Unite Protestants [1-18-08]
Unbridled Sectarianism, Sola Scriptura, Luther, & Calvin [6-24-09]
Short Dialogue with a Presbyterian and a Baptist on the Definition of “Fundamentalist” [Facebook, 1-7-10]
John Calvin Rebukes Lutheran “Beasts” and “Evil”, Calls Luther an Idolater [Facebook, 3-23-10]
Melanchthon’s Agonized Tears Over Early Protestant Divisions [6-15-11; additions on 10-11-17]
Early Protestant “Unity”: Calvin vs. Westphal vs. Luther [11-6-11]
Bishop Bossuet on the Schismatic Nature and Internal Difficulties of Protestantism [Facebook, 1-4-12]
33,000 [?] Denominations & “Thankful” James White [2-20-16]
Church Authority vs. Rampant Sectarianism [9-22-16]
Orthodoxy and Heresy: Biblical Notions? [9-23-16]
“Reply to Calvin” #4: “Primary” & “Secondary” Doctrines [4-3-17]
Catholicism is True and Denominationalism is Anti-Biblical [National Catholic Register, 6-27-17]
Sectarianism & Denominationalism: Reply to Calvin #6 [12-19-18]
Does Sola Scriptura Create Chaos? (vs. Steve Hays) [5-15-20]
Unbiblical Denominations (vs. Lucas Banzoli) [6-9-22]
Jason Engwer’s Anti-Papalism Refutes Denominationalism [8-2-22]
Martin Luther vs. Sectarianism and Fanaticism [10-26-22]
How Steve Hays Squared Jesus’ Prayer for Unity in John 17 with Denominationalism [Facebook, 6-2-23]
Early Protestant Idyllic Unity & Catholicity (1525-1563): One Big Happy and Tolerant Family [Facebook, 2-10-24]
“Ecclesialism” vs. Sola Scriptura (vs. “The Other Paul”) [3-25-24]
Calvin & Cranmer: Councils Necessary For Doctrinal Unity [5-8-24]
Martin Luther Classified Zwingli, Karlstadt, & Oecolampadius as “Heathen” Non-Christians with “hyper-bedeviled heart[s]” etc. [Facebook, 7-11-24]
TV Interview: On Catholicism, Over Against Protestantism (Transcript) (also, listen to the audio; see #5) [5-1-99]
My Respect for Protestants / Catholic Ecumenical Principles [2001; addendum: 1-8-03]
Word “Protestant” Stemmed from Intolerance of Catholic Worship [2-8-06]
The Catholic “Both/And” vs. the Protestant “Either/Or” Dichotomous Mindset [2-4-08]
On the Definition of “Evangelical” [3-20-08]
Dialogue: Definition of “Christian” (vs. Reformed Pastor) (+ Did Trent Anathematize all Protestants?) [6-5-10]
Reply to Robin Phillips’ Why I’m Not a Catholic [1-31-12]
Michael Voris’ Anti-Protestant Rhetoric [8-8-13]
Should Catholics Try to Persuade Protestants? [5-25-16]
“Armstrong vs. Geisler” (Series of Ten Mini-Debates) [Facebook, 3-2-17]
Critique of Ten Exaggerated Claims of the “Reformation” [10-31-17; its 500th anniversary date]
Response to All-Over-the-Ballpark Criticisms of my National Catholic Register Article, “Here’s Proof That Not Every Protestant Doctrine is Biblical” [Facebook, 3-9-18]
Why Not Become a Protestant, Due to the Sex Scandals? [3-7-19]
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