(Martin Luther, in the year 1532; from Protestant Luther biographer Roland H. Bainton, Studies on the Reformation [Boston: Beacon Press, 1963], p. 26; primary source: WA [Werke, Weimar edition in German], XXX, 552)
“Could the Catholic Church Go Off the Rails?” (Indefectibility) [1997]
Anti-Catholic Orthodox Claims of Exclusive Apostolic Succession [Nov. 1998; revised in 2004]
Indefectibility: Does God Protect His Church from Doctrinal Error? [11-1-05; abridged and reformulated a bit on 2-14-17]
“The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail” Against the Church [11-11-08]
Indefectibility of the One True Church (vs. Calvin #9) [5-16-09]
Indefectibility & Apostolic Succession (vs. Calvin #10) [5-18-09]
Dialogue with a Lutheran on Ecclesiology & Old Testament Indefectibility Analogies [11-22-11]
The Bible on the Indefectibility of the Church [2013]
Michael Voris’ Ultra-Pessimistic Views Regarding the Church [7-3-13]
Critique of Three Michael Voris Statements Regarding the State of the Church [7-3-13]
Indefectibility, Fear, & the Synod on the Family [9-30-15]
Quasi-Defectibility and Phil Lawler vs. Pope Francis (see also more documentation of Lawler’s reactionary leanings, on the Facebook thread) [12-28-17]
Salesian Apologetics #1: Indefectibility of the Church [2-4-20]
Reply to a Despairing Catholic Seminarian (Indefectibility) [6-26-21]
Vatican II Defended Against Reactionary (and Some Traditionalist) Charges [4-25-14; expanded and re-edited: 1-23-17]
“Novelties” of Vatican II (Religious Liberty & Ecumenism)? [2-10-17]
Bp. Schneider Evokes Luther’s Disdain for Councils [7-17-20]
Is Vatican II Analogous to “Failed” Lateran Council V? (Reply to Timothy Flanders) [8-11-20]
Defense of Vatican II vs. Oliveira Leonardo’s Attacks [10-13-22]
A Response to Archbishop Viganò’s Letter about Vatican II (Fr. Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM., Cap., The Catholic World Report, 8-13-20)
Vatican II and “weaponized ambiguity” (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 10-1-20)
Karl Keating is More Concerned About My Classifying Kwasniewski as a “Reactionary” Than About His Serious Errors, Including Rejecting Both Vatican II and Vatican I [Facebook, 12-3-20]
Pope Silvester and the Council of Nicaea (vs. James White) [August 1997]
Conciliar Infallibility: Summary from Church Documents [6-5-98]
Infallibility, Councils, and Levels of Church Authority: Explanation of the Subtleties of Church Teaching and Debate with Several Radical Catholic Reactionaries [7-30-99; terminology updated, and a few minor changes made on 7-31-18]
Eastern Orthodoxy, Councils, & Doctrinal Development [2000]
The Analogy of an Infallible Bible to an Infallible Church [11-6-05; rev. 7-25-15; published at National Catholic Register: 6-16-17]
Cdl. Newman, Vatican I & II, & Papal Infallibility (Clarification) [12-10-05]
The Bible on Papal & Church Infallibility [5-16-06]
Galileo Affair: No Disproof of Catholic Infallibility (vs. Ken Temple) [5-18-06]
Protestant Historian Philip Schaff: The Church Fathers Believed in Conciliar Infallibility Based on the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15) [Facebook, 10-8-07]
Infallibility: Dialogue with a Traditional Anglican [10-6-08]
Papal Participation in the First Seven Ecumenical Councils [4-22-09]
Popes & Early Ecumenical Councils (vs. Calvin #16) [6-15-09]
Authority and Infallibility of Councils (vs. Calvin #26) [8-25-09]
Catholic Development of Doctrine: A Defense (vs. Jason Engwer; Emphasis on the Canon of the Bible & Church Infallibility) (+ Pt. II / Pt. III / Pt. IV) [1-15-10]
Dialogue with an Atheist on the Galileo Fiasco and its Relation to Catholic Infallibility (vs. Jon Curry) [8-11-10]
Books by Dave Armstrong: Biblical Proofs for an Infallible Church and Papacy [2012]
“Reply to Calvin” #2: Infallible Church Authority [3-3-17]
Dialogue on the Logic of Catholic Infallible Authority [6-4-96]
Church Authority & Certainty (The “Infallibility Regress”) [July 2000; some revisions on 12-8-11]
Ecclesiological Certainty (?) & the “Infallibility Regress” [5-22-03 and 10-7-08]
Does Church Infallibility Require Infallible Catholics? [6-8-10]
“How Can we Find a List of Infallible Catholic Doctrines?” [12-15-18]
Clerical Celibacy & the Principle of Asceticism in Catholicism (Louis Bouyer) [1997; Facebook]
Mandatory Celibacy of Priests & Religious (Dialogue) [1997-1998]
Why Peter’s Marriage Doesn’t Disprove Catholicism: A Dialogue [January 1999]
Clerical Celibacy: Hostile Protestant Commentary & Catholic Replies [2-21-04]
Martin Luther & Antipathy Towards Clerical Celibacy [2-21-04]
Dialogue w a Baptist on Required Clerical Celibacy [7-2-06]
Objections to Clerical Celibacy: In-Depth Dialogue [7-12-06]
Unbiblical Rejection of Priestly Celibacy (vs. Calvin #31) [9-15-09]
Clerical Celibacy: Dialogue with John Calvin [9-17-09]
Mandatory Celibacy of Catholic Priests in the Western / Latin Rite: A New (?) Argument [11-16-12]
Further Reflections on Mandatory Priestly Celibacy [8-2-14]
The Fruitfulness of the Eunuch Devoted to God (Isaiah 56) (Paul Seberras) [Facebook, 2-7-17]
Consecrated Virginity & Catholic “Both / And” [9-13-17]
Priestly Celibacy: Ancient, Biblical and Pauline [National Catholic Register, 9-18-17]
Priestly Celibacy: Garden-Variety Objections Debunked [9-18-17]
Married Bishops (1 Tim 3) & Catholic Celibacy: Contradiction? [9-18-17; expanded on 6-20-18]
Q & A with a Critic of Priestly Celibacy [National Catholic Register, 2-4-19]
Thoughts on Fr. Jonathan Morris’ Laicization Request [5-21-19]
Madison vs. Jesus #5: Cultlike Forsaking of Family? [8-5-19]
Pope Francis: Strong Defender of Priestly Celibacy [1-14-20]
Priestly Celibacy as a Discipline: Steve Skojec’s Ignorance [3-20-20]
St. Peter’s Marriage and Priestly Celibacy [National Catholic Register, 4-9-20]
Dialogue: Are More Married Catholic Priests Desirable? [1-13-22]
On Whether Required Celibacy is “Biblical” (vs. Lucas Banzoli) [9-24-22]
Objection to Mandatory Priestly Celibacy Based on Married Bishops (1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9) [Facebook, 9-24-22]
Clergy Celibacy: Back-and-Forth with Lucas Banzoli [11-16-22]
Priestly Celibacy: Explicit and Undeniable Biblical Proof [Catholic365, 11-6-23]
Celibate Clergy: Reply to a Methodist Polemic [5-20-24]
Is Celibacy “Superior” to Marriage in Some Sense? [7-24-24]
Catholic or Roman Catholic? (Proper Titles) (w J. Akin) [1996]
Catholic Christian Implies a Non-Catholic Ecclesiology? [3-23-06]
Objections to the Reactionary Epithet Neo-Catholic [3-9-07]
In What Century Did the Title, “Catholic Church” Begin? [7-22-07]
On the Use of Traditionalist Preceding the Name of Catholic [7-3-13]
On the Use of the Titles Catholic & Roman Catholic [10-20-17]
Jame’s White: Hypocritical Use of “Roman Catholic Church” [11-11-19]
Is Catholicism Half-Pagan? [1999; revised in one section on 2-22-06]
Is Catholicism Half-Pagan, & a Blend of Gospel & Lies? [2007]
Biblical Evidence for Expensive Church Buildings [3-18-08]
Why Is the Catholic Church Singularly Despised & Hated? [7-7-08]
Biblical Evidence Against Tithing [2-4-09]
Biblical Evidence for Holy Days [9-21-09]
Mandatory Tithing: Further Thoughts [11-1-09]
“Leaven” of the Pharisees: Hypocrisy or False Doctrine? (vs. Nathan Rinne) [11-3-11]
Reply to Robin Phillips’ “Why I’m Not a Catholic” [1-31-12]
Dialogue on the Renaissance: Good or Bad Thing? [3-20-13]
Discussion of the Met Gala, in Which Catholicism was Mocked in Some of the Costumes [Facebook, 5-8-18]
Take Heart: Notre Dame Will be Rebuilt: Better Than Ever! [4-16-19]
“Who is My Mother?”: Beginning of “Familial Church” [8-26-19]
Mother Teresa on Love & Theology [9-5-16]
Malcolm Muggeridge & Mother Teresa: A Blessed, Fruitful Meeting [9-6-16]
The Holy Collaboration of Mother Teresa and Malcom Muggeridge [National Catholic Register, 6-20-18]
Last updated on 15 September 2024