Footsteps that Echo Forever: My Holy Land Pilgrimage(Nov. 2014, 165 pages)
[click on the book title for book and purchase info.]
[cover photograph taken by Margie Prox Sindelar in Caesarea Philippi, on 23 October 2014]
Cardinal Newman: “The Principle of Continuity between the Jewish and Christian Churches” (Catholic Authority) [4-9-06; posted to Facebook on 2-15-17]
Biblical Flat Earth (?) Cosmology: Dialogue w Atheist (vs. Matthew Green) [9-11-06]
Flat Earth: Biblical Teaching? (vs. Ed Babinski) [9-17-06]
Seidensticker Folly #14: Something Rather Than Nothing [9-3-18]
Orthodox Interpretation of Genesis and the Serpent [National Catholic Register, 11-19-18]
Scripture, Science, Genesis, & Evolutionary Theory: Mini-Dialogue with an Atheist [8-14-18; rev. 2-18-19]
Seidensticker Folly #38: Eternal Universe vs. an Eternal God [4-16-20]
Seidensticker Folly #73: Philosophy & “Who Created God?” [7-12-21]
Genesis 10 “Table of Nations”: Authentic History [8-25-21]
Pearce’s Potshots #54: Tower of Babel; Who’s the “Idiot”? [11-24-21]
Table of Nations (Gen 10), Interpretation, & History [11-27-21]
Old Earth, Flood Geology, Local Flood, & Uniformitarianism (vs. Kevin Rice) [5-25-04; many defunct links removed and new ones added: 5-10-17]
Adam & Eve, Cain, Abel, & Noah: Historical Figures [2-20-08]
Noah’s Flood and Catholicism: Important Basic Facts [8-18-15]
Do Carnivores on the Ark Disprove Christianity? [9-10-15]
New Testament Evidence for Noah’s Existence [National Catholic Register, 3-11-18]
Seidensticker Folly #49: Noah & 2 or 7 Pairs of Animals [9-7-20]
Pearce’s Potshots #36: Noah’s Flood: 40 or 150 Days or Neither? [7-1-21]
Pearce’s Potshots #37: Length of Noah’s Flood Redux [7-2-21]
Local Flood & Atheist Ignorance of Christian Thought [7-2-21]
Local Mesopotamian Flood: An Apologia [7-9-21]
Pearce’s Potshots #48: Flood of Irrationality & Cowardice [10-1-21]
Noah’s Flood: Not Anthropologically Universal + Miscellany [10-5-21]
Debate: Historical Local Flood & Biblical Hyperbole [11-12-21]
Pearce Pablum #72: Flood: 25 Criticisms & Non Sequiturs [3-8-22]
Biblical Size of Noah’s Ark: Literal or Symbolic? [3-16-22]
Atheist Jonathan MS Pearce’s Straw Man Global Flood [8-30-22]
Seidensticker Folly #19: Torah & OT Teach Polytheism? [9-18-18]
C. S. Lewis Roundly Mocked the Documentary Hypothesis [10-6-19]
Ward’s Whoppers #7-8: “God of Abraham…” / Passover [5-18-20]
Ward’s Whoppers #9-10: Parting the Red Sea / “Foreigners” [5-18-20]
Ward’s Whoppers #11-12: Ten Commandments Issues [5-19-20]
Moses & Aaron & Their Staff(s): Biblical Contradictions? (vs. Dr. Steven DiMattei) [11-21-20]
Golden Calf & Cherubim: Biblical Contradiction? (vs. Dr. Steven DiMattei) [11-23-20]
A Bible Puzzle About the Staff of Moses and Aaron [National Catholic Register, 1-14-21]
Pearce’s Potshots #30: Passover Disproves God’s Omniscience? [5-27-21]
Pearce’s Potshots #33: No Philistines in Moses’ Time? [6-3-21]
Using the Bible to Debunk the Bible Debunkers (Is the Mention of ‘Pitch’ in Exodus an Anachronism?) [National Catholic Register, 6-30-21]
In Search of the Real Mt. Sinai (Fascinating Topographical and Biblical Factors Closely Examined) [8-16-21]
Acacia, Ark of the Covenant, & Biblical Accuracy [8-24-21]
Jericho: Did the Walls Collapse Due to Resonance? [5-1-23]
Nehemiah: Archaeological & Historical Corroboration [3-31-23]
Goliath’s Height: Six Feet 9 Inches, 7 Feet 8, or 9 Feet 9? [7-4-21]
Pearce’s Potshots #41: 13th c. BC Canaanite Iron Chariots [7-16-21]
How Tall Was Goliath? [National Catholic Register, 8-30-21]
Seidensticker Folly #20: An Evolving God in the OT? (God’s Omnipotence, Omniscience, & Omnipresence in Early Bible Books & Ancient Jewish Understanding) [9-18-18]
Loftus Atheist Error #8: Ancient Jews, “Body” of God, & Polytheism [9-10-19]
Do the OT & NT Teach Polytheism or Henotheism? [7-1-20]
Seidensticker Folly #70: Biblical “Henotheism” [?] Redux [1-31-21]
Israel as God’s Agent of Judgment [9-28-14]
Does God Ever Judge People by Sending Disease? [10-30-17]
Seidensticker Folly #10: Slavery in the Old Testament [8-20-18]
Seidensticker Folly #12: God Likes Child Sacrifice? Huh?! [8-21-18]
Seidensticker Folly #17: “to the third and fourth generations”? [9-11-18]
Does God Punish to the Fourth Generation? [National Catholic Register, 10-1-18]
Old Testament Sacrifices: Killing Animals to be Saved? [8-17-19]
David Madison vs. Paul and Romans #9: Chapter 9 (“Hardening Hearts” and Hebrew “Block Logic”) [8-30-19]
Salvation and Eternal Afterlife in the Old Testament [8-31-19]
Loftus Atheist Error #9: Bible Espouses Mythical Animals? [9-10-19]
Salvation and Immortality Are Not Just New Testament Ideas [National Catholic Register, 9-23-19]
The Bible and Mythical Animals[National Catholic Register, 10-9-19]
The Bible is Not “Anti-Scientific,” as Skeptics Claim [National Catholic Register, 10-23-19]
“Why Did God Kill 70,000 Israelites for David’s Sin?” [4-13-20]
Ward’s Whoppers #14: Who Caused Job’s Suffering? [5-20-20]
Ward’s Whoppers #17-21: Proverbs Allow of Exceptions [5-21-20]
Seidensticker Folly #54: “Neighbor” in OT = Jews Only? [9-12-20]
Dialogue: Purgatory & 2 Maccabees 12:39-45 [11-8-20]
God in Heaven & in His Temple: Contradiction? (vs. Dr. Steven DiMattei) [11-23-20]
Dual Fulfillment of Prophecy & the Virgin Birth (vs. JMS Pearce) [12-18-20]
Pearce’s Potshots #27: Anachronistic “Israelites”? [5-25-21]
Camels Help Bible Readers Get Over the Hump of Bible Skepticism [National Catholic Register, 7-21-21]
Pearce’s Potshots #55: “3” in the Bible & Literature [12-1-21]
Pearce’s Potshots #67: Camels Make an Ass of a Man [3-1-22]
Timeline of the Patriarchs: A Summary [Facebook, 9-28-22]
Books by Dave Armstrong: The Word Set in Stone: How Archaeology, Science, and History Back Up the Bible [1-24-23]
Archaeology & a Proto-Hebrew Language in 1800 BC [1-31-23]
15 Archaeological Proofs of Old Testament Accuracy (short summary points from the book, The Word Set in Stone) [National Catholic Register, 3-23-23]
The Word Set in Stone: “Volume Two”: More Evidence of Archaeology, Science, and History Backing Up the Bible (free book with 100 sections) [5-25-23]
Bp. Barron’s Word on Fire Bible (The Pentateuch) [7-6-23]
Book of Judith: History, Allegory, Or Aspects of Both? [Facebook, 11-10-23]
Discussion on Israeli-Gaza Strip Conflict of July 2014 [Facebook, 7-23-14]
Dialogue on Israeli-Palestinian Relations [with Alex Brittain, Facebook, 3-18-15]