Mary: The Blessed Virgin (Index Page)

Mary: The Blessed Virgin (Index Page) November 9, 2006
Cover (555 x 828)
(September 2010, 189 pages)
[see full book content and purchase info.]
Spanish Cover (165 x 246)
“La Virgen de los católicos”: ¿Muy al contrario de la Biblia?
(Spanish translation by Lizette Sellar Moon: June 2017, 220 pages)
Mary: Do Catholics Have a Biblical View?  [cartoon tract; art by Dan Grajek; early 90s]
“Live Chat” Debate on Mary (vs. James White) [12-29-00]
Catholic Converts’ Qualms: Mariology, Formal Worship, Etc. [2-11-04; some new recommended links added on 5-2-17]
Did Mary Know That Jesus Was God? [National Catholic Register, 4-29-18]
The Exalted Blessed Virgin Mary and Theosis [National Catholic Register, 11-28-18]
The “High”, Glorious Mariology of Cardinal Newman (Foreword to The Mariology of Cardinal Newman, by Rev. Francis J. Friedel) [4-11-19]
St. John Henry Newman’s High Mariology [National Catholic Register, 10-18-19]
Blessed Virgin Mary & God’s Special Presence in Scripture [1994; from first draft of A Biblical Defense of Catholicism]
“All Have Sinned” vs. a Sinless, Immaculate Mary? [1996; revised and posted at National Catholic Register on 12-11-17]
Was Mary’s Immaculate Conception Absolutely Necessary? [1-5-05; published at National Catholic Register on 12-8-17]
Sinless Mary: Dialogue w OT Professor (Dr. Jonathan Huddleston) [12-8-14]
Martin Luther’s “Immaculate Purification” View of Mary [National Catholic Register, 12-31-16]
Scripture, Through an Angel, Reveals That Mary Was Sinless [National Catholic Register, 4-30-17]
Why Would a Sinless Mary Offer Sacrifices? (vs. Matt Slick) [10-29-20]
“All Have Sinned” vs. a Sinless, Immaculate Mary? [1996; revised and posted at National Catholic Register on 12-11-17]
On Whether Jesus’ “Brothers” Were “Unbelievers” [National Catholic Register, 6-11-20]
Why Would a Sinless Mary Offer Sacrifices? (vs. Matt Slick) [10-29-20]

Sinning Mary in the Bible? (vs. Jason Engwer) [6-21-22]

Immaculate Mary and the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple [National Catholic Register, 8-31-22]

Did Mary Sin By Thinking Jesus was Crazy? (vs. Lucas Banzoli) [9-8-22]

Lucas Banzoli’s Mindless Denigration of an Imagined “Mary” (Including Extensive Biblical Analyses of Exceptionally “Righteous” and “Holy” People, and Merit) [9-11-22]

Was Our Lady Among Those Who Accused Our Lord of Being ‘Beside Himself?’ [National Catholic Register, 9-28-22]

Anti-Catholic Eric Svendsen Blasphemes Mary & Claims She (the Mother of God Whom an Angel Declared was “Full of Grace”!) Didn’t Have the “Light of Faith” During Jesus’ Ministry [Facebook, 2-3-23]

Mary and “Crazy” Jesus, Pt. II (vs. Lucas Banzoli): In Which Our Quixotic Anti-Catholic Warrior Desperately Savages Several Highly Reputable English Bible Translations in Order to “Prove” That Mary Thought Jesus was Out of His Mind [2-9-23]

Reply to Steve Christie on Catholic Mariology (Part I: Steve’s 15-Minute Opening Statement, Covering the Perpetual Virginity, Immaculate Conception, & Bodily Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) [+ Part II / Part III] [7-12-23]

Luther’s Odd Take On Mary & Jesus In The Temple At 12 (And James Swan’s Unwarranted Conclusion from Luther’s Sermon, That He Was Accusing Her of Sin) [6-14-24]


Jesus’ Use of the Term “Woman” [for Mary. Was it Disrespectful?] (by Jimmy Akin)



Bodily Assumption of Mary (John Saward: Protestant) [edited in 1994; Facebook]

Cardinal Newman on the Bodily Assumption of Mary [edited in 1994]

Ven. Fulton Sheen on the Bodily Assumption of Mary [edited in 1994]

Assumption & Immaculate Conception: Part of Apostolic Tradition (vs. James White) [June 1996]

Mary’s Assumption: Dialogue w Evangelical Protestant [1-21-02]

Bodily Assumption of Mary: Harmonious with the Bible? [2002]

Mary’s Assumption: Brief Explanation, with a New (?) Biblical Parallel [3-1-07]

Mary’s Assumption vs. Material Sufficiency of Scripture? [4-22-07]

Mary’s Assumption & “Reformer” Heinrich Bullinger [4-6-08]

Mary’s Assumption & Historic Protestantism [6-30-08]

Immaculate Conception and Assumption: Why Defined So Late? [2-1-09]

Mary’s Bodily Assumption: Eleven Related Bible Passages [2009]

Defending Mary (Revelation 12 & Her Assumption) [5-28-12]

Biblical Arguments in Support of Mary’s Assumption [National Catholic Register, 8-15-18]
Debate on Mary’s Assumption & the Bible (vs. Matt Slick) [11-17-20]
Jesus’ “Brothers” Always “Hangin’ Around” Mary … (Doesn’t This Prove That They Are Actually His Siblings?) [8-31-09]
Perpetual Virginity: Not “Intuitive” But Still True (see also the vigorous discussion with a deist in the combox underneath) [4-13-18]
Biblical Evidence for the Perpetual Virginity of Mary [National Catholic Register, 4-13-18]
More Biblical Evidence for Mary’s Perpetual Virginity [National Catholic Register, 4-25-18]
Perpetual Virginity of Mary: “Holy Ground” [National Catholic Register, 5-8-18]
Were Sts. Simon and Jude the Cousins of Jesus? [National Catholic Register, 12-24-21]
Mary’s Perpetual Virginity and Biblical Language [National Catholic Register, 1-20-23]
Calvin & Mary Ever Virgin (expanded version, with Tim Staples vs. James Swan) [6-5-14]

Mary’s Perpetual Virginity “In Partu” (a Miraculous, Non-Natural Childbirth) is a Binding Catholic Dogma [9-24-08; expanded on 9-21-15]

Luther & Mary’s Virginity During Childbirth [10-12-11]

Rationalist Objection to the In Partu Virginity of Mary [Facebook, 1-9-13]

Mary Was a Virgin During Jesus’ Birth (In Partu) [9-19-14; slight modifications and additions on 4-18-18]

Martin Luther’s Belief in the Perpetual Virginity of Mary (+ Reformed Apologist James Swan’s Belittling Contempt of Luther) [9-23-14]

Mary’s Virginity During Childbirth: Ott’s Revision & Latin Analysis [9-29-15]

Dialogue: Mary’s “In Partu” Virginity (During Birth) (with Ryan Grant) [3-9-17]

Biblical and Patristic Evidence for Mary’s “In Partu” Virginity [National Catholic Register, 11-14-19]

Mary’s “In Partu” Virginity: Reply to False Charges [11-16-19]

Why Protestants Reject Mary’s Perpetual Virginity / “In Partu” [9-3-22]

Martin Luther: Mary Was a Perpetual Virgin [6-10-24]

Brief Reply to an Orthodox Priest Who Denies Mary’s In Partu Virginity [Facebook, 6-14-24]


The Virginitas in Partu Revisited (Msgr.  Arthur Calkins)

The Virgin Birth of Christ — What the Church Really Teaches (Fr. Ryan Erlenbush)

The Virginity of Our Lady In Partu: The Painless, Miraculous Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ (biblical, patristic, and magisterial proofs)



The Blessed Virgin Mary is Our Role Model [National Catholic Register, 4-20-17]
50 Biblical Reasons to Honor Jesus Through Mary [National Catholic Register, 7-24-19]
Catholics Do Not Worship Mary Like God (vs. Matt Slick) [11-13-20]
Catholics Don’t Worship Mary — We Love and Honor Her [National Catholic Register, 7-31-23]
The Rosary: ‘Vain Repetition’ or Biblical Prayer? [National Catholic Register, 3-16-18]
Mary as the “Queen Mother” and “Queen of Heaven”: Is 1 Kings 2:17-25 a Fatal Counter-Example? (with Steve Ray) [9-5-08]

Armstrong vs. Collins & Walls #6: Assumption, Queen Redux [10-19-17]

Mary is Queen Mother and Queen of Heaven [National Catholic Register, 6-6-19]

Vs. James White #12: Mary the Woman of Revelation 12 [11-7-19]

Is Our Lady the Woman of Revelation 12? [National Catholic Register, 11-27-19]

The Queen Mother & the Bible (vs. James White) [10-8-21]



Reflections on the Spiritual Motherhood & Mediation of Mary [1994]

Mary: Spiritual Motherhood & Rosary: Dialogue w Protestant [1-21-02]

Defense of the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion vs. Calvinists [7-16-07]

People Extend God’s Comfort & Peace (Communion of Saints) [Sep. 2010]

Martin Luther’s Belief in the Invocation and Intercession of Mary and the Saints, as Late as 1521 [10-4-11]

Does Invoking Mary at Death Ignore Jesus? [2013]

Dialogue with an Anglican on “Praying to Mary,” Patron Saints, Etc. [11-10-14]

Reply to Lutheran on Invocation of Saints [12-1-15]

Lutheran Pastor Bashes Prayer to Mary and the Rosary (“Vain Repetition”) [5-5-17]

Can Mary Hear “Simultaneous” Prayers of Millions? (vs. Matt Slick) [9-30-20]

How Can a Saint Hear the Prayers of Millions at Once? [National Catholic Register, 10-7-20]

Reply to Gavin Ortlund on Praying to the Saints (Including a Reply Regarding the [Blasphemous?] “Excesses of Marian Prayers” from the Protestant Point of View) [5-15-22]

Why Do We Ask Mary to Pray for Us? [National Catholic Register, 5-24-22]

5 Replies to Questions About Catholic (and Biblical) Prayer [National Catholic Register, 11-30-22]

“God as the Mediator of Mary”?: vs. Francisco Tourinho [1-18-23]

How Can a Human Like Mary Hear Millions of Prayers? The Answer Is in the Bible [National Catholic Register, 2-18-23]

Our Mother Mary & “Mother Earth” (Rosemarie Scott) [4-4-23]

Mary, Mother Of The Church (By Dr. Robert Fastiggi) [3-18-24]

Quick Refutation of James White Re Praying to Mary [Facebook, 5-10-24]



Reflections on the Spiritual Motherhood & Mediation of Mary [1994]

Mary Mediatrix (Fr. William G. Most) [originally compiled in 1994; Facebook]

Mary Mediatrix: Patristic, Medieval, & Early Orthodox Evidence [1998]

Dialogue on Mary Mediatrix & Spouse of the Holy Spirit [1998]

Mary Mediatrix: A Biblical Explanation [1999]

Mary Mediatrix: Dialogue w Evangelical Protestant [1-21-02]

Mary Mediatrix vs. Jesus Christ the Sole Mediator? [1-30-03]

Mary Mediatrix & the Bible (vs. Dr. Robert Bowman) [8-1-03]

Critique of Mary — Another Redeemer? by James White (Whitewashing History: By William Possidento and Dave Armstrong) [3-12-04; slight revisions and updated links: 6-12-20] 

Defense of Critique of Jame’s White’s Misinformed Mariology (particularly with regard to the differing views on early Mariology of Protestant Church historians J.N.D. Kelly and Philip Schaff) (vs. James Swan) [3-15-04 and 9-7-05]

Mary Mediatrix and the Church Fathers (+ Documentation That James White Accepts the Scholarship of the Protestant Church Historians I Cite [J. N. D. Kelly and Philip Schaff] ) [9-7-05]

Immaculate Heart of Mary & Mary Mediatrix (Excessive Devotions?): Explanations Especially for New Converts to the Catholic Faith [11-25-08]

Biblical Evidence for Mary Mediatrix [11-25-08]

Mary Mediatrix: A Biblical & Theological Primer [9-15-15]

Exchange on Catholic Mariology and Mary Mediatrix [12-3-16]

Mary Mediatrix: Close Biblical Analogies [National Catholic Register, 8-14-17]

Mary Mediatrix & Jesus (Mere Vessels vs. Sources) [8-15-17]

Todd Baker’s Exodus from Rome (Tradition, Mary, Sola Fide) [4-23-18]

Pope Francis vs. the Marian Title “Co-Redemptrix”? (+ Documentation of Pope Francis’ and Other Popes’ Use of the Mariological Title of Veneration: “Mother of All”) [12-16-19]

Pope Francis’ Deep Devotion to Mary (Esp. Mary Mediatrix) [12-23-19]

“God as the Mediator of Mary”?: vs. Francisco Tourinho [1-18-23]

Mary, Not Jesus, is the Catholic “Savior”? (Response to More Misrepresentation of St. Alphonsus de Liguori’s Book, The Glories of Mary) [7-21-23]


Seven Contemporary Fruits from a New Marian Dogma (Mark Miravalle) [1-15-19]


Biblical Evidence for Marian Apparitions [National Catholic Register, 5-21-17]
The Amsterdam Apparitions: Where Are We Now? (by Dr. Robert Fastiggi) [8-13-21]
Last updated on 26 July 2024
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