Table of Contents
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An Introduction to Bible Interpretation [1987]
Apologetics-Oriented Biblical Commentary on Philippians (RSV) [1998]
Apologetics-Oriented Biblical Commentary on Colossians (RSV) [1998]
Laymen’s Greek & Hebrew Bible Resources for Free [1-22-02; linked sources added on 11-28-16]
“Why Don’t Catholics Read the Bible?” [6-26-02]
Catholic “Three-Legged Stool”: Scripture, Tradition, & Church: Dialogue with an Anglican on the Catholic Rule of Faith (vs. Jon Jacobson) [10-31-02]
“Biblical Evidence” from the Catholic Point of View [2-1-08]
Bibles & Catholics, Sunday School?, Memorization, Etc. [9-25-08]
Why Folks Like the New Catholic Answer Bible (+ Clueless Anti-Catholic Attacks On It) [4-5-09; slightly revised on 8-5-21]
How Do Catholics Approach & Interpret Holy Scripture? [6-17-09]
Catholic Interpretation of Scripture (Hermeneutics / Exegesis): Resource List (Links) [6-28-09]
Were Vernacular Bibles Unknown Before Luther? (Luther’s Dubious Claims About the Supposed Utter Obscurity of the Bible Before His Translation) [6-15-11]
Reply to a Lutheran on Tradition & the Patristic Rule of Faith [1-10-12; additions on 2-20-18]
Debate: Church Fathers & Sola Scriptura (vs. Jason Engwer) [8-1-03]
Ten Church Fathers & Sola Scriptura (vs. Jason Engwer) [8-1-03]
Sola Scriptura: Unbiblical!: Refutation of Dr. Richard Bennett [9-15-03]
Refutation of Dr. John MacArthur’s Sola Scriptura Defense: “The Sufficiency of the Written Word” [9-15-03]
Biblical Argumentation: Same as Sola Scriptura? [10-7-03]
Quick Ten-Step Refutation of Sola Scriptura [10-10-03]
“Moses’ Seat” & Jesus vs. Sola Scriptura (vs. James White) [12-27-03]
Sola Scriptura and Private Judgment Are Logically Circular [1-28-04; slight modifications and abridgment on 9-5-17]
Difficulties of Authority: Luther, Calvin, & Protestantism [4-11-04]
Sola Scriptura is Self-Defeating and False if Not in the Bible (vs. Kevin Johnson) [5-4-04]
Jerusalem Council vs. Sola Scriptura [9-2-04]
Analyzing Luther / Protestant Traditions of Men Inevitable [9-29-04]
Dialogue: Lutherans, Sola Scriptura, & the Church Fathers [5-29-05]
Baptismal Regeneration: Central Doctrine, According to Luther & Lutheranism [1996]
Dialogue: Clearness (Perspicuity) of Scripture and the Formal Sufficiency of Scripture (vs. Carmen Bryant) [6-8-00]
Dialogue: Church Fathers on Perspicuity & Sola Scriptura [6-11-00]
The Sufficiency & Perspicuity of Scripture & the Trinity [6-16-03; slightly revised on 1-20-04]
The Revised Fundamentalist Baptist Version (RFBV) [5-18-04]
Is the Bible in Fact Clear, or “Perspicuous” to Every Individual? [2007]
Luther: Scripture Easily Grasped by “Plowboys” [11-1-08]
Erasmus’ Hyperaspistes (1526): Sola Scriptura and Perspicuity of Scripture [2-12-09]
25 Brief Arguments Regarding Biblical “Clearness” [2009]
The Perspicuity (Clearness) of Scripture: A Summary [1-22-10]
The Anglican Newman (1833-1838) on the Falsity of Perspicuity (Clearness) of Holy Scripture [3-7-11]
Perspicuity (Clearness) of Scripture (vs. Wm. Whitaker) [July 2012]
The Bible: “Clear” & “Self-Interpreting”? [February 2014]
Perspicuity (Clarity) of Holy Scripture [11-21-15]
Protestant Unity on “Central” Doctrines?: Baptism as Test Case (vs. Methodist Philosophy professor Jerry Walls) [1-9-17]
Dialogue on Authoritative Bible Interpretation in the New Testament (vs. Reformed Baptist Elder Jim Drickamer) [1-14-17]
The Clearness, or “Perspicuity,” of Sacred Scripture [National Catholic Register, 11-16-17]
Biblical Interpretation & Clarity: Dialogue w an Atheist [5-26-18]
Is Inspiration Immediately Evident in Every Biblical Book? [National Catholic Register, 7-28-18]
Bible “Difficulties” Are No Disproof of Biblical Inspiration [National Catholic Register, 6-29-19]
“Difficulty” in Understanding the Bible: Hebrew Cultural Factors [2-5-21]
An Omniscient God and a “Clear” Bible [National Catholic Register, 2-28-21]
FEATURED: Bible & Archaeology / Bible & Science (A Collection) [6-30-21]
Scripture, Science, Genesis, & Evolutionary Theory: Mini-Dialogue with an Atheist [8-14-18; rev. 2-18-19]
The Bible and Mythical Animals[National Catholic Register, 10-9-19]
The Bible is Not “Anti-Scientific,” as Skeptics Claim[National Catholic Register, 10-23-19]
Herod Agrippa I “Eaten By Worms”: Myth or Plausible? [6-20-23]
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