Bible, Tradition, Canon, & “Sola Scriptura” (Index Page)

Bible, Tradition, Canon, & “Sola Scriptura” (Index Page) November 8, 2006
Photograph by Chris Sloan, 28 Nov. 2009 [Flickr / CC BY 2.0 license]

Table of Contents

* * *
I. Relationship of the Bible to the Church
II. Tradition (Apostolic)
III. Sola Scriptura (Scripture as the Only Infallible Authority)
IV. Perspicuity (Clearness) of Scripture
V. Material and Formal Sufficiency of Scripture / Rule of Faith
VI. The Canon of Scripture
VII. Deuterocanonical Books (So-Called “Apocrypha”)
VIII. Biblical Accuracy / Alleged Biblical Contradictions and Difficulties
* * * * *

Why Do Christians Believe in Biblical Inspiration? (Archaeological, Prophetic, and Manuscript Evidences) [1987]

An Introduction to Bible Interpretation [1987]

Apologetics-Oriented Biblical Commentary on Philippians (RSV) [1998]

Apologetics-Oriented Biblical Commentary on Colossians (RSV) [1998]

Laymen’s Greek & Hebrew Bible Resources for Free [1-22-02; linked sources added on 11-28-16]

“Why Don’t Catholics Read the Bible?” [6-26-02]

Catholic “Three-Legged Stool”: Scripture, Tradition, & Church: Dialogue with an Anglican on the Catholic Rule of Faith (vs. Jon Jacobson) [10-31-02]

The Freedom of the Catholic Biblical Exegete / Interpreter + Bible Passages that the Church has Definitively Interpreted [9-14-03]

“Biblical Evidence” from the Catholic Point of View [2-1-08]

Bibles & Catholics, Sunday School?, Memorization, Etc. [9-25-08]

Books by Dave Armstrong: Bible Proofs for Catholic Truths: A Source Book for Apologists and Inquirers [4-18-09]

Why Folks Like the New Catholic Answer Bible (+ Clueless Anti-Catholic Attacks On It) [4-5-09; slightly revised on 8-5-21]

How Do Catholics Approach & Interpret Holy Scripture? [6-17-09]

Catholic Interpretation of Scripture (Hermeneutics / Exegesis): Resource List (Links) [6-28-09]

Were Vernacular Bibles Unknown Before Luther? (Luther’s Dubious Claims About the Supposed Utter Obscurity of the Bible Before His Translation) [6-15-11]

Reply to a Lutheran on Tradition & the Patristic Rule of Faith [1-10-12; additions on 2-20-18]

Dialogue on Authoritative Bible Interpretation in the New Testament (vs. Reformed Baptist Elder Jim Drickamer) [1-14-17]
Church Fathers and Sola Scriptura [originally July 2003; somewhat modified condensation: 4-5-17]
Catholics R More Biblical Than Protestants? (Dialogue) (vs. Dustin Buck Lattimore) [5-3-17]
The Analogy of an Infallible Bible to an Infallible Church [11-6-05; rev. 7-25-15 and 6-7-17; published at National Catholic Register: 6-16-17]
Why Are Catholics So Deficient in Bible-Reading? [National Catholic Register, 11-22-17]
Catholic Biblical Interpretation: Myths and Truths [National Catholic Register, 12-3-18]
Martin Luther on the Exact Nature of Being “Biblical” [11-10-14; revised and expanded on 1-5-20]
Vatican II Upheld Biblical Inerrancy (vs. David Palm) [4-23-20]
No, Pope Innocent III Did Not Prohibit the Bible in 1199 [National Catholic Register, 8-2-21]
Dialogue on “Perspicuous Apostolic Teaching” (vs. James White) [May-June 1996]
“Tradition” Isn’t a Dirty Word [late 90s; rev. 8-16-16]
 “Tradition” Is Not Always a Bad Word! [written specifically for children: 12 or younger; 2-12-14]
Church Fathers and Sola Scriptura [originally July 2003; somewhat modified condensation: 4-5-17]
Tradition is Not a Dirty Word — It’s a Great Gift [National Catholic Register, 4-24-17]
Martin Luther on the Exact Nature of Being “Biblical” [11-10-14; revised and expanded on 1-5-20]
2 Thessalonians 2:15 & Tradition (vs. Steve Hays) [5-12-20]
The Bible Alone? That’s Not What the Bible Says [National Catholic Register, 3-5-21]
Extra-Biblical, Spirit-Led Prophecy After the Day of Pentecost [4-1-21; published at Catholic365, 11-7-23]
How Did the Gospel Writers Know About ‘Hidden’ Events? [National Catholic Register, 3-31-22]
Pharisees, “Moses’ Seat”, Tradition & Catholicism [Dec. 2003 and May 2005; a condensed, re-edited, and mildly revised version: 5-1-22]
The Authority of Apostolic Tradition: chapter one of my 2009 book, Bible Truths for Catholic Truths: A Source Book for Apologists and Inquirers [10-9-23]
VIDEO: No Tradition? Fine. NO CHRISTIANITY! [13 Verses To Highlight] [Kenny Burchard, utilizing my biblical research, 9-22-24]

Debate: Church Fathers & Sola Scriptura (vs. Jason Engwer) [8-1-03]

Ten Church Fathers & Sola Scriptura (vs. Jason Engwer) [8-1-03]

Sola Scriptura: Unbiblical!: Refutation of Dr. Richard Bennett [9-15-03]

Refutation of Dr. John MacArthur’s Sola Scriptura Defense: “The Sufficiency of the Written Word” [9-15-03]

Biblical Argumentation: Same as Sola Scriptura? [10-7-03]

Quick Ten-Step Refutation of Sola Scriptura [10-10-03]

55-Minute Interview on Catholic Answers Live: “Why we Need More than the Bible” (listen to audio file: see #8) (10-10-03)

“Moses’ Seat” & Jesus vs. Sola Scriptura (vs. James White) [12-27-03]

Sola Scriptura and Private Judgment Are Logically Circular [1-28-04; slight modifications and abridgment on 9-5-17]

Difficulties of Authority: Luther, Calvin, & Protestantism [4-11-04]

Sola Scriptura is Self-Defeating and False if Not in the Bible (vs. Kevin Johnson) [5-4-04]

Jerusalem Council vs. Sola Scriptura [9-2-04]

Analyzing Luther / Protestant Traditions of Men Inevitable [9-29-04]

Dialogue: Lutherans, Sola Scriptura, & the Church Fathers [5-29-05]

Papal Infallibility Doctrine: History (Including Luther’s Dissent at the Leipzig Disputation in 1519) (Related also to the particular circumstances of the origins of sola Scriptura) [10-8-07]
Sola Scriptura Debate (vs. C. Michael Patton) [10-19-08]
10-Point Biblical Refutation of Sola Scriptura [National Catholic Register, 12-11-16]
Church Fathers and Sola Scriptura [originally July 2003; somewhat modified condensation: 4-5-17]
Catholics R More Biblical Than Protestants? (Dialogue) (vs. Dustin Buck Lattimore) [5-3-17]
3 Effective Biblical Refutations of Sola Scriptura [National Catholic Register, 11-12-17]
David T. King Ignores Sola Scriptura Biblical Disproofs (Incl. lengthy analysis of 2 Peter 1:20: “no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation”) [11-13-17]
The New Testament Canon is a “Late” Doctrine [National Catholic Register, 1-22-18]
Martin Luther on the Exact Nature of Being “Biblical” [11-10-14; revised and expanded on 1-5-20]
1 Timothy 3:15 = Church Infallibility (vs. Steve Hays) [5-14-20]
Does Sola Scriptura Create Chaos? (vs. Steve Hays) [5-15-20]
Is Sola Scriptura Self-Refuting? (vs. Bruno Lima) [10-12-22]
How Martin Luther Invented Sola Scriptura [National Catholic Register, 5-21-24]

Baptismal Regeneration: Central Doctrine, According to Luther & Lutheranism [1996]

Dialogue: Clearness (Perspicuity) of Scripture and the Formal Sufficiency of Scripture (vs. Carmen Bryant) [6-8-00]

Dialogue: Church Fathers on Perspicuity & Sola Scriptura [6-11-00]

The Sufficiency & Perspicuity of Scripture & the Trinity [6-16-03; slightly revised on 1-20-04]

The Revised Fundamentalist Baptist Version (RFBV) [5-18-04]

Is the Bible in Fact Clear, or “Perspicuous” to Every Individual? [2007]

Luther: Scripture Easily Grasped by “Plowboys” [11-1-08]

Erasmus’ Hyperaspistes (1526): Sola Scriptura and Perspicuity of Scripture [2-12-09]

25 Brief Arguments Regarding Biblical “Clearness” [2009]

The Perspicuity (Clearness) of Scripture: A Summary [1-22-10]

The Anglican Newman (1833-1838) on the Falsity of Perspicuity (Clearness) of Holy Scripture [3-7-11]

Bible: Completely Self-Authenticating, So that Anyone Could Come up with the Complete Canon without Formal Church Proclamations? (vs. Wm. Whitaker) [July 2012]

Perspicuity (Clearness) of Scripture (vs. Wm. Whitaker) [July 2012]

The Bible: “Clear” & “Self-Interpreting”? [February 2014]

Perspicuity (Clarity) of Holy Scripture [11-21-15]

Protestant Unity on “Central” Doctrines?: Baptism as Test Case (vs. Methodist Philosophy professor Jerry Walls) [1-9-17]

Dialogue on Authoritative Bible Interpretation in the New Testament (vs. Reformed Baptist Elder Jim Drickamer) [1-14-17]

The Clearness, or “Perspicuity,” of Sacred Scripture [National Catholic Register, 11-16-17]

Biblical Interpretation & Clarity: Dialogue w an Atheist [5-26-18]

Is Inspiration Immediately Evident in Every Biblical Book? [National Catholic Register, 7-28-18]

Bible “Difficulties” Are No Disproof of Biblical Inspiration [National Catholic Register, 6-29-19]

“Difficulty” in Understanding the Bible: Hebrew Cultural Factors [2-5-21]

An Omniscient God and a “Clear” Bible [National Catholic Register, 2-28-21]

Did Pope Innocent III Forbid the Bible in 1199? (+ Does the Bible Itself Teach That it Should be Read Without Need of Any Authoritative Interpretation?) [5-11-21]


The Sufficiency & Perspicuity of Scripture & the Trinity [6-16-03; slightly revised on 1-20-04]
Church Fathers and Sola Scriptura [originally July 2003; somewhat modified condensation: 4-5-17]
Martin Luther on the Exact Nature of Being “Biblical” [11-10-14; revised and expanded on 1-5-20]
1 Timothy 3:15 = Church Infallibility (vs. Steve Hays) [5-14-20]
VIDEO: 100% Biblical Proof FOR Catholic Authority vs. Sola Scriptura [12+ Verses to highlight] [Catholic Bible Highlights with Kenny Burchard; utilizing my biblical research, 9-28-24]
Development of the Biblical Canon: Protestant Difficulties [2-26-02 and 3-19-02, abridged with slight revisions and additions on 7-19-18]
The Deuterocanon: 27-Point Catholic Summary [3-19-02; slightly modified and reposted on 5-27-24]
The New Testament Canon is a “Late” Doctrine [National Catholic Register, 1-22-18]
The Deuterocanon: 27-Point Catholic Summary [3-19-02; slightly modified and reposted on 5-27-24]
How to Defend the Deuterocanon (or ‘Apocrypha’) [National Catholic Register, 3-12-17]
[see also related papers in the Atheist and Agnostic section]
FEATURED: Inspired!: 191 Supposed Biblical Contradictions Resolved (free online book) [6-3-23]
Master Lists and  Resources 
Refutation of 194 Biblical “Contradictions” (#26-50) [4-6-22] [links to the entire eight-part series included]
See also:
How Ancient Authors Wrote (Jimmy Akin, 3-19-22)
The Resurrection: Hoax or History? [cartoon tract with art by Dan Grajek: 1985]
Atheist “Refutes” Sermon on the Mount (Or Does He?) [National Catholic Register, 7-23-17]
What Does “Turn the Other Cheek” Mean? [National Catholic Register, 7-20-19]
The Signs Of His Coming (David Palm, 1993) [Master’s Thesis on whether Jesus thought the end times were coming during the lifetime of His hearers] 
Gerasenes, Gadarenes, Pigs and “Contradictions” [National Catholic Register, 1-29-21]
Dialogue with a Skeptic of Christianity (vs. Charlie Kluepfel) [5-2-99]
Vatican II Upheld Biblical Inerrancy (vs. David Palm) [4-23-20]
Who Caused Job to Suffer — God or Satan? [National Catholic Register, 6-28-20]
God in Heaven & in His Temple: Contradiction? (vs. Dr. Steven DiMattei) [11-23-20]
Genesis, Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, & Other Early Figures
Historicity of Adam and Eve [9-23-11; rev. 1-6-22]
Defending the Historical Adam of Genesis (vs. Eric S. Giunta) [9-25-11]
“Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?” (Dr. Dennis Bonnette, Crisis Magazine, 11-24-14)
The Genesis Creation Accounts and Hebrew Time [National Catholic Register, 7-2-17]
New Testament Evidence for Noah’s Existence [National Catholic Register, 3-11-18]
Orthodox Interpretation of Genesis and the Serpent [National Catholic Register, 11-19-18]
Golden Calf & Cherubim: Biblical Contradiction? (vs. Dr. Steven DiMattei) [11-23-20]
A Bible Puzzle About the Staff of Moses and Aaron [National Catholic Register, 1-14-21]
Bible and Science

Scripture, Science, Genesis, & Evolutionary Theory: Mini-Dialogue with an Atheist [8-14-18; rev. 2-18-19]

The Bible and Mythical Animals[National Catholic Register, 10-9-19]

The Bible is Not “Anti-Scientific,” as Skeptics Claim[National Catholic Register, 10-23-19]

Herod Agrippa I “Eaten By Worms”: Myth or Plausible? [6-20-23]


Massacres and Wars of Annihilation / God’s Judgment
Last updated on 3 October 2024




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