Marc A. Krell
Marc A. Krell teaches Judaic Studies at The Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Educational Campus in Las Vegas, NV. He received his Ph.D in The Cultural and Historical Studies of Religions at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA in 1998.
Previously he held academic positions at the University of Arizona Center for Judaic Studies and the University of California, Riverside Department of Religious Studies. He is the author of Intersecting Pathways: Modern Jewish Theologians in Conversation with Christianity (Oxford University Press, 2003) and recently published "Fashioning a Neutral Zone: Jewish and Protestant Socialists Challenge Religionswissenschaft in Weimar Germany," in Modern Judaism and Historical Consciousness: Identities - Encounters - Perspectives, ed. Andreas Gotzmann and Christian Wiese ( Brill Publishers, 2007).
His articles have appeared in such journals as Cross Currents, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Shofar, The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, Modern Judaism and Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte and Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations. He is currently preparing a new manuscript for publication entitled, "Building on the Past: Toward a Postmodern Jewish-Christian Theology after the Holocaust."
Dr. Krell's research interests include Jewish-Christian Relations, Modern Jewish Thought, Post-Holocaust Theology, and Postmodern constructions of Jewish identity. He has taught courses in the Hebrew Bible, Jewish Thought and Culture, Jewish Mysticism, Jewish-Christian Relations, Modern Jewish Thought, and Jewish Responses to the Holocaust. He is especially interested in examining the Jewish encounter with modern Christian culture by integrating the study of modern Jewish theology with the cultural study of Jewish identity.