February 22, 2018

Sin in the Church and Dreher’s Inadequately Explained Rejection of Catholic Doctrine

Rod Dreher, over at The American Conservative, wrote on 2-12-18:

For a TAC review, I re-read Ross Douthat’s forthcoming book To Change The Church: Pope Francis and the Future of CatholicismIt really holds up, and as this papacy falters further—now the sex abuse scandal has directly touched the Pope, in the mess with the Chilean bishop—Douthat’s book is a must-read for understanding how Francis gets into these messes, and what it may portend for the future of Catholicism.

Late last week, I received in the mail Philip Lawler’s latest book, Lost Shepherd: How Pope Francis Is Misleading His Flock. I can hardly wait to jump in.

What a huge surprise, that a guy who left the Catholic Church because of the sex scandal (the fallacy of “sin in the Church disproves the theology of the Church”) — becoming Orthodox — would be thrilled and (like a kid on Christmas Eve) “can hardly wait” to read not just one, but two pope-bashing books. Well, duh! The marvel is that Catholics flock in droves to read these hit pieces, but Dreher is perfectly understandable. Phil Lawler himself somehow (inexplicably) sees this as something to be proud of and to triumphantly report on his Twitter page: the giddy excitement of the fallen-away Catholic over his book. That must be shared with his followers! What a strange world we find ourselves in (especially we Catholics) these days.

In his article, “Why I’m Not Returning To Catholicism” (The American Conservative, 9-30-13), Dreher  explained (my italics and bolding): “the primary reason I’m not a candidate for returning to Rome is because I simply do not believe Catholic doctrine any longer.” Such “Catholic doctrine” includes, of course, papal supremacy and infallibility. So of course it’s not rocket science to predict that he would love pope-bashing books, to help confirm himself in his own errors.

In his rant about American Catholicism on the ground in Time Magazine the day before, Dreher made any number of criticisms of existing Catholicism in practice: most of which I would actually agree with: as one who has always railed against religious laxity, heterodoxy, and moral compromise. But he never explains to the reader how these moral shortcomings in human beings (including bishops, who are also human, last time I checked) prove that Catholic doctrine is false.

Yet the very next day he explains that his “primary reason” for rejecting Catholicism is “I simply do not believe Catholic doctrine any longer.” Very well. I’d like to see, then, his explanations for rejecting the doctrines and the theology and ecclesiology. Noting sin does not do that, no more than St. Paul’s noting of massive sin in the Galatian and Corinthian assemblies made him stop calling and regarding them as fellow believers in the Church. Every atheist uses the fallacious “sin and hypocrisy” argument to ditch Christianity altogether: including Dreher’s Orthodoxy.

According to Dreher’s mentality, sin (adultery and murder) explained why God rejected King David and revoked His eternal covenant with him, as a prototype and ancestor of the Messiah Jesus (oh wait!: God didn’t do that . . . sorry for my slip there!). Sin — according to Dreher, were he consistent — would explain why Catholicism lost its credibility in asserting exclusive ecclesiological and papal truth claims (so we are told by many non-Catholic critics) when St. Paul rebuked St. Peter (the first pope) for hypocrisy. But oddly enough, St. Peter (who had already denied Christ three times as well) remained pope, and somehow St. Paul got to be an apostle and write much of the New Testament despite having murdered a good number of Christians before his conversion. Imagine an elected pope today who had in his past a record of persecuting and murdering Catholics!

Mark Shea was dead-on in his critique of Dreher’s forsaking of Catholicism, in a 2006 article:

Rod Dreher has posted an account of his conversion from the Catholic Church to Orthodoxy that consists, sadly, of non-reasons for converting, non-reasons that are, I fear, simply setups for further heartache in the future, not to mention unpersuasive.

For instance, I don’t believe that the personal charisma—or lack thereof–of a bishop is sufficient reason to leave the Catholic Church, just as I don’t believe the sins of bishops and priests somehow de-legitimate the nature of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church any more than Judas’ or Peter’s did.

. . . when Rod wonders if his revised view of the papacy—that the pope can never speak infallibly—is just an ex post facto justification for a choice made mostly on emotional grounds, I have to say, “Yeah.” Because I don’t buy Rod’s notion that something about Catholic teaching has suddenly been shown to be false. The fact is, the overwhelming bulk of Rod’s testimony regarding his Catholic-to-Orthodox conversion is not about his questions regarding the truth or falsity of Catholic teaching, but about ringing changes on how the sins and “self-satisfied” average-ness of Catholics drove him and his family to distraction and how the various comforts and beauties of Orthodoxy made them feel.

These are but some of the reasons I fear that the Orthodox communion will not, in the end, provide permanent sanctuary for Rod. For in the end, what Rod cites as unbearable in Catholicism is also true of Orthodoxy. . . . when Rod discovers the history of Orthodox sins that rival anything in the history of Catholic sins—such as a long habit of being in the pocket of the state to such a degree that many clergy and even some bishops in the Soviet Union were on the KGB payroll and routinely reported the contents of confessions to the Stalinist police–what will he do? When he discovers that the Orthodox have their own struggles with priestly abuse and episcopal cover-ups, how shall he find purity then? Will he content himself with the fact that his own particular parish is beyond reproach, so it doesn’t matter what happens in the larger Orthodox communion? If so, how is that different from the Protestant sectarianism he left when he became Catholic? . . .

Orthodoxy, like Catholicism, and like the rest of humanity, teems with sinners and mediocrities living ordinary and even profoundly wicked lives. That’s life outside the Garden of Eden. When the Orthodox reveal themselves to be remarkably like human beings, and just as prone to self-satisfied ignorance, not to mention corruption and wickedness to match any pedophile priest and episcopal enabler, what then?

My prayer is that Rod and his family will not continue to build on the sand of presumed human goodness, but will trust that the church is holy only because of the mercy of her head, not because of the goodness of her members.

Canon lawyer Edward Peters (on 4-7-15) also strongly criticized Dreher’s forsaking of Catholicism (after praising many of his columns):

Frankly, as a life-long Catholic who has seen pretty much anything Dreher saw and who has unquestionably put up with more than Dreher ever suffered (if only in terms of the liturgical insanity and catechetical nonsense of the ‘60s and ‘70s, which I suffered through, and Dreher didn’t), I may be forgiven for wondering why Dreher’s experience of the Church in the ‘90s excuses his departure without demanding the departure of all others for the sake of their integrity, but that verges toward soul-reading, . . .

Writing about his change of affiliation on 18 March 2011, Dreher again failed to explain why he rejected Catholic doctrine. He talks about everything but that: the beauty in Orthodoxy and its sublime liturgy, etc.  Those are all wonderful things, but, sorry, they don’t come within a million miles of explaining why Catholic distinctive doctrines should be regarded as false teaching.

So let’s try again to find the reasons why, okay, Rod? Dreher wrote “Orthodoxy and Me” (6-22-10). Let’s see if he provides any reasons there. After reiterating a litany of sexual abuse stories that all good Catholics detest and abhor, Dreher reveals that it was yet another non-doctrinal personal-type crisis that helped lead him out of the Catholic Church:

The priest in question — orthodox and personally charismatic — lied to me in a manipulative way about how he had come to Dallas (he said the liberals in his old diocese had driven him out), and lied to my catechumen friend, who is a liberal, in the same manipulative way (he told her the conservatives had driven him out).

This was too much. When I told Julie what Father’s true background was, we were both shattered. I mean shattered. Given all that had come before, and given that we finally thought we could let our guard down, that we were among orthodox Catholics now, and we could trust them — well, something broke in us.

It would be months before we realized how broken. We returned to our old parish, and spent months going through the motions. It’s hard for me to express how spiritually depressed we were. The only strong emotion I felt about faith in those days was … anger and bitterness.

After some months of this sort of thing, he and his wife decided to visit an Orthodox Church:

[I]t was a wonderful place. The liturgy was breathtakingly beautiful. The preaching orthodox. And the people — half of them Russian, most of the others converts — could hardly have been kinder and more welcoming.

Again, that’s all great and good, as far as it goes, but it has nothing whatever to do with comparative Catholic and Orthodox doctrine. At last, he finally touches on doctrine:

I had to admit that I had never seriously considered the case for Orthodoxy. Now I had to do that. And it was difficult poring through the arguments about papal primacy.

I’ll spare you the details, but I will say that I came to seriously doubt Rome’s claims. Reading the accounts of the First Vatican Council, and how they arrived at the dogma of papal infallibility, was a shock to me: I realized that I simply couldn’t believe the doctrine. And if that falls, it all falls.

I know about such “accounts” because papal infallibility was my own primary objection to Catholicism as I considered its claims in 1990 (eventually converting later that year). I studied this very thing in great depth.  They are usually written by hostile observers and strong critics of papal infallibility, like Hans Kung and Joseph Dollinger, who left the Church in 1870 over this issue, and formed the Old Catholics. Those are the sources I found and devoured.

We don’t know from this threadbare account, but I would bet good money that Dreher was reading the highly skeptical stuff from Catholic liberals and dissidents like Kung and Dollinger, and not material from orthodox Catholics who explain and defend papal infallibility. If you read only one side, you’ll come out talkin’ and believing like that side. We are what we eat. For my part, I read both sides: these accounts and Cardinal Newman’s Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine.

If indeed Dreher only read one hostile side of the debate on papal primacy and infallibility (from disenchanted Catholics), then he was doomed to reject the Catholic doctrines, and already had formed strong emotional and personal motives to do just that. It would be like reading exclusively Democrat interpretations of Republican policies in the attempt to determine if the latter are believable and worthy of allegiance or not. It’s doomed from the start (from a Republican point of view: analogous to Catholicism in this instance).

If Dreher ever reads this piece (not likely), I’d love to learn about all the materials he studied when considering the truth or falsity of papal infallibility.

Ironically, when I was strongly considering leaving Protestantism I quickly ruled out Orthodoxy on moral grounds: having discovered that it forsook apostolic morality in its decision to countenance divorce and also (increasingly now), contraception, which it itself had considered grave, moral sin until very recently. I saw both of those things as caving into the modern relativist zeitgeist and the sexual revolution: exactly what I was trying to get away from, since it is rampant within Protestantism.

I wanted the morality of the Bible and the early Church, and it was quite impossible for me to believe that Orthodoxy possesses it, rather than Catholicism, in light of these two anomalous factors. I love my Orthodox brethren, and admire a lot about Orthodoxy, but those are the reasons why I am not an Orthodox Christian (I have many many more reasons for why I am a Catholic, that I have written about many times).

Dreher then adds, revealingly, as he continues to describe his spiritual odyssey:

I had made in my life till that point the fundamental error of conceiving of the Church as an end in itself, rather than a means to the end of becoming a saint in Christ.

That’s not Catholic teaching. It was Dreher’s own error. Hence, he can’t blame the Catholic Church for it. Nor can he blame the Catholic Church (not just the priests who sexually abused others, and any bishops who outergeously covered that up) for his own anger problem:

I became so tormented over what had happened to those children at the hands of the Catholic clergy and hierarchy that I could see nothing else but pursuing justice. And my own pursuit of justice allowed me to turn wrath into an idol. . . . over time, the anger, and my inability to master it and put it in its place, corroded the bonds that linked me to Catholicism. That is something that could happen to anybody, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox or what have you. Be warned.

He continues:

Without quite realizing what was happening, I became a Professional Catholic, and got so caught up in identifying with the various controversies in the American church that I began to substitute that for an authentic spirituality. This is nobody’s fault but my own.

Again, this is no reason whatever to reject Catholic doctrine and to leave the Church, when he freely admits that it was his fault. As a fellow Christian (of whatever stripe), I am happy that Dreher has found his own personal peace, and gotten over his self-confessed pride, anger, and idolatry. That’s all good. We all have our crosses and our besetting sins, to embrace, and overcome, respectively. As a Catholic apologist, however, I am thoroughly unconvinced, for reasons explained above, that Dreher had anywhere near adequate justification to leave the Catholic Church and reject its doctrines (where they are different from Orthodoxy’s).

Lastly, in this 2011 article, Dreher wrote:

I had become the sort of Catholic who thought preoccupying himself with Church controversies and Church politics was the same thing as preoccupying himself with Christ. Me and my friends would go on for hours and hours about what was wrong with the Church, and everything we had to say was true. But if you keep on like that, it will have its effect.

How fascinating. And it is because here is Rod Dreher, now in February 2018, gushing over books that bash Pope Francis (even reading one of them twice!). He is, precisely (ignoring his former words of wisdom), “preoccupying himself with [Catholic] Church controversies and Church politics” and maybe even thinking that this is “the same thing as preoccupying himself with Christ.”

But it’s not. It’s arguably self-justification (“see! All this mess with Pope Francis confirms that I was right to leave after all!”), He claimed in this article that he was beyond all that, and had no wish to bash Catholicism (now, safe from its grasp and in the bosom of Orthodoxy). He even claimed that he liked it more and more, now that he has forsaken it. So why is he reveling in Francis-bashing (just like so many misguided Catholics are), like the proverbial dog that returns to its own vomit?

I think it would be good for him to ponder that, on the basis of his own ostensible “spiritual self-correction”.


Photo credit: image originally uploaded on 


February 13, 2016

+ Obligatory Digs at Patheos


Some folks love that mud! Photo by “skeeze” [public domain / Pixabay]

* * * * *

My recent post, “Neo-Catholic” (Silly Radical Catholic Reactionary Term), has drawn some criticism which was quite misguided as to basic aspects of my own position. One “Thetimman” (anonymous, as usual), who has a blog called Saint Louis Catholic, took umbrage with the post and my behavior. His words will be in blue.

* * * * *

…if only I knew who Dave Armstrong is. I checked it out to save you time.  He apparently writes for Patheos,

He certainly writes for Patheos.

and has recently written a typical article on how trads are mean, 

First of all, my article was not directed to traditionalists per se, but a separate category that I have coined (in 2013) “radical Catholic reactionaries.” They are not identical. Hence in the article I write, “‘traditionalists’ and also reactionaries” [italics added presently]. In the first sentence I link “radical Catholic reactionaries” to my lengthy paper explaining the differentiation that I make. But I did add it a little later than the initial posting, so my critic may have read it before I made the link. The question of definition always comes up, so I should have had the link from the beginning. “My bad” there. I wrote in this paper:

I define “radical Catholic reactionaries” (“RCRs” or “RadCathRs” in abbreviation) as a rigorist, divisive group completely separate from mainstream “traditionalism” that continually, vociferously, and vitriolically (as a marked characteristic or defining trait) bashes and trashes popes, Vatican II, the New Mass, and ecumenism (the “big four”): going as far as they can go without technically crossing over the canonical line of schism.

At any rate, my article was not about “trads”: with whom I have a great deal in common; it was about radical Catholic reactionaries and their improper use of terminology, in describing Catholics as “neo-Catholics.” My term describes a sub-group of Catholics, whereas this objectionable term qualifies the very word “Catholic” and in so doing creates an entirely new category, quite without warrant.

But confusion arises because the reactionary habitually calls himself a “traditionalist.” Because they do not represent mainstream traditionalism, I coined the new word so as to remove legitimate traditionalists from the “bad association” with the radical reactionaries.

especially to Catholics who would never act meanly to trads, part 3,297.

I am on record, time and again, in decrying prejudice against legitimate traditionalists or anyone else. I never implied anything remotely like this in my post, and I didn’t, because it is not my position. I often defend traditionalists against bum raps, especially because my views are so similar to theirs (so, e.g., I have attended a very reverent, liturgically traditional Novus Ordo Latin Mass these past 25 years). See my paper: Am I a Catholic Traditionalist? (YOU Decide).

I tried to engage in “dialogue” with him, but I’ve been blocked.  No problem, it’s his site– but pardon my rueful chuckle at the juxtaposition of the ban with the subject matter of his article. And the thing that makes me wonder is that I’ve never before commented on an article by him, so why am I blocked? 

I ban folks who exhibit the negative aspects of the reactionary position, because it is a poison and cancer that spreads like wildfire, if left unchecked. I don’t allow pope-bashing, or Vatican II-bashing, or Novus Ordo-bashing on my site, as a matter of policy (all aspects fundamentally characteristic of reactionaries). I don’t ban anyone who simply disagrees. Hence in the same thread where I banned my critic, I have engaged in dialogue with no less than four others, who appear to be either traditionalists or reactionaries. My critic must have said something that was clearly crossing the line, for me to ban him. I don’t have a record of what he said, so I can only search his blog to find something of similar nature. It took just a few seconds to find relevant material:

The one benefit of the Francis pontificate has been the stripping away of all illusions of an inevitable triumph (in earthly terms only) of the Church, or of that neo-Catholic understanding of the Church. This reliance on the “Vatican II was good but hijacked” theory is no longer defensible, unless like Mark Shea or George Weigel or Elizabeth Scalia or others, you get paid to defend it. [12 January 2016]

This sort of rotgut is eminently ban-worthy on my website, and I make no apologies for it. I openly note my view of reactionaries in my Discussion Policy (linked at the top of my site): “. . . those Catholics who habitually bash the Novus Ordo Mass, Vatican II, ecumenism, and recent popes, . . .”

The knee-jerk requirement that neo-Catholics stubbornly maintain that the sayings of (what I earlier labelled) thisPope [his mocking repetitive title for Pope Francis] must be true to the exclusion of all Catholic Tradition has now made it necessary to shove JP2 down the memory hole. [1 December 2014]

Etc., etc. ad nauseam. This guy’s plainly a radical Catholic reactionary; not merely a traditionalist who loves the extraordinary form of the Mass (which I myself attended at Midnight Mass last Christmas). Elsewhere, he bashes Pope St. John Paul II. And that’s why I banned him. He made it clear in his comment. It’s always the same: going after popes, Vatican II, the New Mass, and ecumenism, with the obligatory use of “neo-Catholic” and links to Rorate Caeli and The Remnant (poster-boy sites for reactionaryism).

Funny. I hope that Patheos hasn’t banned commenters across all their contributors’ blogs, merely for the crime of trying to question Mark Shea about, well, anything– or perhaps for failing to swoon before the collected wisdom of Simcha and Scalia.

This is a big miscomprehension of how things work here. Each writer is completely independent. We are free to write and opinionize as we please. I’ve been here exactly six months now and no one has ever censored my opinions (which often ruffle feathers of lots of different folks) in the slightest. Each person moderates their own website. Many don’t allow comments at all. I always allow comments, but I have a very strict commenting policy, for the sake of good discussion and the best possible experience for all.

Secondly, Mark Shea and Simcha [Fisher] no longer post at Patheos, and my friend Elizabeth Scalia is no longer the leader of the Catholic channel; though she still blogs here occasionally and has maintained her site. All departed on amiable terms. All are freelance writers, who are free to write in many different venues and publish with various publishers (as I do myself). Whatever beefs this critic has with them has nothing to do with me. My opinions are my own, and neither endorsed nor objected to, by Patheos (though I was initially deemed qualified to be brought on as a regular writer here). It’s called freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

In my own writing, I always seek to be 100% orthodox Catholic, according to the magisterium and sacred tradition of the Catholic Church. My first book has a Foreword by the late great Servant of God Fr. John A. Hardon, S. J., who received me into the Church and baptized my first two sons. Even radical Catholic reactionaries, as well as mainstream traditionalists, have immense respect for him as a doctrinal and moral traditionalist, with unquestioned rock-solid orthodoxy (he was a catechist for Blessed Mother Teresa). That’s where I come from.

Of course, the Internet wouldn’t be what it is without the “peanut gallery” combox and further silliness:

Jane ChantalI’m sorry to hear this. Back in the late ’90s, Dave Armstrong’s apologetics website, “Biblical Evidence for Catholicism” (it was magnificent, and much more comprehensive than its name would suggest), was tremendously helpful to me. Eventually, the website became less accessible, and I gave up trying to use it. I’ve never forgotten it, though. Sounds like Mr. Armstrong has gone through some changes. Time does such a number on us…

I thank Jane for her very kind words about my work. But I haven’t changed one whit: either in Catholic orthodoxy or in my critiques of reactionary Catholics. I’ve been criticizing them since 1997 when I first began my website, and have written two books about them [one / two]: the first dating from 2002. Surely Jane couldn’t have missed all that if she read my site a lot. I’m the same old me. But (apparently based on this article) Jane suffers from the illusion that I have somehow changed.

XXXXXXX [wonderful name, huh?]: Mr. Armstrong complains about the term “Neo-Catholic,” and yet he describes traditionalists as “radical Catholic reactionaries.” Seems a bit hypocritical to me. 

Yes it does, if it’s not understood. I clarified this in a reply in the combox for the disputed post:

It’s not a magisterial term. It’s merely a sociological term to differentiate the radicals from the “traditionalists” who emphasize legitimate things, and to eliminate a lot of confusion.

The radical Catholic reactionary generally calls himself a “traditionalist”: which is not a magisterial term, either, but it is an acceptable term, just as “orthodox Catholic” is acceptable.

Note that “Catholic” is part of my term (I coined it a while back, so I first used it). I’m not denying that anyone is a Catholic. But because “neo-Catholic” modifies the very important term, “Catholic” and is insinuating that certain folks are “new” sorts of Catholics altogether (which is nonsensical: a Catholic is a Catholic. A = A), it needs a magisterial basis, since the magisterium (particularly, canon law) decides who is and isn’t a “real” and authentic Catholic or not.

That is the essential difference between my term and “Neo-Catholic”: which was coined by sedevacantist Gerry Matatics and greatly popularized by reactionary Chris Ferrara of “The Remnant” infamy.

What if traditionalists were always extremely charitable in how they present their criticisms of the post-conciliar popes? Would Mr. Armstrong then support what they say? I doubt it.

He is correct. But my point in my paper is to object to the ridiculous terminology of “Neo-Catholic”: not to comment on nastiness among a sub-group (though I don’t deny that it is a strong tendency: as many have noted, and often readily conceded by the reactionaries themselves).

One can easily hide their anti-tradition views behind the complaint of the lack of charity of trads, when in fact, they don’t want to hear what trads say
even if trads were always very charitable in how they present their concerns. Sometimes a person isn’t even aware that they are doing this. We can deceive even ourselves at times. 

I’ll say it again (repetition being a good teaching tool): I have many affinities with traditionalists; I even defend in numerous papers many things that they favor. My problem is with radical Catholic reactionaries. I am as far from “anti-tradition” as is imaginable.

Sure, trads can and should be more charitable in how they present their concerns, but that’s not really the basic problem. The basic problem is that trads know that there is a severe Crisis in the Church today, and they know the causes of it, even if they cannot always present it in a charitable manner.

I know there is a severe crisis, too. I agree with Fr. Hardon, who always said that the modernist crisis was the “greatest” in the history of the Church. Where I differ with the reactionaries is in identifying the cause and solutions to the problem.

* * * * *

One last thing I should note is that my critic classifies my post under the category of “Moneychangers of the Blogosphere.” Isn’t that a delightful description? It’s the old bum rap that full-time apologists like me are devoted to filthy lucre above all else. It seems to often get thrown around at Patheos writers, since we get paid by the hit on the site. But how much are we paid? That’s quite relevant. I’m one of the most prolific posters on the Catholic channel (probably the most), and I can attest to the fact that when I figure out the time I put in per week writing at Patheos, the average payment I receive comes out to 94 cents an hour. One month it was 47 cents an hour.

It takes me about seven hours to make what my three sons make in an hour at their jobs. Or put it this way: I make in a month at Patheos, what I make for two articles, that take me about two hours to write, for another publication that has hired me. Now, it’s true that perhaps I will learn in due course, how to exponentially increase my traffic, but it will clearly be a long laborious haul, if so.

I didn’t become an apologist to become a rich man or even a modestly “well-off” person (or as a popularity contest). I’ve endured great personal sacrifice in order to follow my vocation (full-time now for over 14 years), both financially and in the endurance of innumerable insults, for 19 years online, such as the ones presently directed at me. I’ve taken on additional part-time jobs as needed through the years (four different ones): added on top of my 40+ hours as an apologist. I don’t make much money doing what I do, but that’s fine. I knew that going in.

I make enough to pay all my bills and have good credit and no debts at all except my mortgage (my family doesn’t even use credit cards). I’ve supported a wife who homeschools our four children, all these years. Even my bestselling books (I have four) bring me all of $1.50 or so per sale. Those are the facts. I’m like thousands of Catholic and other Christian workers (and servants and teachers of all types, generally speaking) who are not in it for the money. That’s not what motivates us. We do what God called us to do, and do it joyfully. God has always provided our needs. But it’s not your typical American “materialistic” lifestyle, I can attest.

Yet this person, who scarcely knows me at all, even by my writings, feels compelled to describe what I do as “Moneychangers of the Blogosphere”: as if I should be ashamed and be seen as in league and spirit with the greedy, out-of-place, blasphemous merchants at the temple who made Jesus angry, and were tossed out by Him. This is sheer slander, to accompany the wrongheadedness and sheer fact-challenged fallacies of the rest of the critique.


July 8, 2015

Pope Francis, 8-17-14 in South Korea [Wikimedia CommonsCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license]
See also my own articles: Replies to Critiques of Pope Francis [237 as of 5-10-24]

I wrote on 9-20-13:

For all of you out there worried about the pope. Relax; chill. All is well. We have a pope who says the unexpected: a lot like Jesus. And, like Jesus, those who don’t get it and are outside looking in, will misunderstand, and those who are in the fold will grasp what is being said, in the context of historic Catholic teaching, if they look closely enough and don’t get hoodwinked by silly media wishful thinking.

Those who are outside often hear only what they want to hear (God loves everyone, even sinners!!!) and not what they need to hear (stop sinning; stop this sin . . .).

I wrote in a letter to a friend:

It’s the same old dumb misunderstandings: media misreports what the pope said; never understand what he means in context, and in context with past teachings. Don’t fall into their trap! Pope Francis is a good Catholic; nothing to be alarmed about at all. The world wants Christians to renounce their teachings. We’re the guys who have never done so. We keep the same moral teaching that the Church had from the beginning: no abortion, no divorce, no contraception, no same-sex “marriages,” etc. Virtually no one else has done so! So the attack is against us to change traditional morality, and we will never do that.


1. Nine things you need to know about Pope Francis’s inaugural Mass (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 3-17-13)

2. Should We Be Concerned About Pope Francis’s Inaugural Mass? (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 3-18-13)

3. Pope Francis on Homosexual Unions (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 3-20-13)

4. Behind the Campaign to Smear the Pope (Mary Anastasia O’Grady, Crisis / The Wall Street Journal, 3-22-13)

5. How Should We Understand Pope Francis Washing Women’s Feet? (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 3-28-13)

6. Pope Francis, Foot-Washing, & Humility (Pete Vere & Dave Armstrong, Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 3-13-13 and 3-30-13)

7. Pope Francis and lying to save life  (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 5-15-13)

8. Dreadful Misleading Headline of Catholic Online Pins Heresy on Pope (Brian Kelly, Catholicism.org, 5-23-13)

9. Did Pope Francis Say That Atheists Can Get to Heaven by Good Works? (Jimmy Akin, JimmyAkin.com, 5-24-13)

10. Did Pope Francis poke Protestants in the eye? (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 6-4-13)

11. Seven things you need to know about what Pope Francis said about gays (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 7-29-13) 

12. Pope Francis and the Franciscan Friars (Michelle Arnold, Catholic Answers, 7-30-13)

13. Don’t Tell the Press: Pope Francis Is Using Them (Elizabeth Scalia, First Things, 7-30-13)

14. Franciscans of the Immaculate decree worries traditionalists (Catholic News Agency, 7-30-13)

15. On the Pope’s Remarks about Homosexuality (Scott P. Richert, Crisis, 8-1-13)

16. What Did the Pope Really Say about Gays in the Priesthood?  (Fr. Regis Scanlon, O.F.M. Cap., Crisis, 8-5-13)

17. Pope Francis Will Enliven the Benedict Legacy (Jeffrey Tucker, Crisis, 8-12-13)

18. What should we make of Pope Francis bowing when greeting people?  (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 8-30-13)

19. Is Pope Francis about to eliminate celibacy? (9 things to know and share) (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 9-12-13) 

20. What Pope Francis really said about atheists (Stephen Kokx, Catholic Vote, 9-13-13)

21. Did Pope Francis say atheists don’t need to believe in God to be saved? (9 things to know) (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 9-15-13)

22. Pope Francis Focuses on the Bigger Picture With New Interview (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register,  9-20-13)

23. Pope condemns abortion as product of ‘throwaway culture’ (Francis X. Rocca, Catholic News Service,

24. Francis Confounds the Associated Press (Elizabeth Scalia, The Anchoress, 9-20-13)

25. Francis and Benedict, Peter and John (Thomas L. McDonald, God and the Machine, 9-20-13)

26. Pope Francis and His Critics  (Scott P. Richert, Crisis, 9-23-13)

27. The Mission of Pope Francis, S. J. (Michelle Arnold, Catholic Answers, 9-23-13)

28. Report: Pope Excommunicates Priest for Supporting Gay Marriage, Female Priest (Dr. Susan Berry, Breitbart, 9-24-13)

29. The Papal Interview: A Survey of Reactions  (Joseph Meaney, Crisis, 9-25-13) 

30. Pope Francis and ‘The Interview’ (Abp. Charles Chaput, CatholicPhilly.com, 9-25-13)

31. Pope Francis: Every Unborn Child Has the Lord’s Face (Andrew M. Greenwell, Esq., Catholic Online, 9-26-13)

32. A Big Heart Open to God: The exclusive [complete] interview with Pope Francis (Antonio Spadaro, S. J., America, 9-30-13)

33. Did Pope Francis just say that evangelization is “nonsense”? 8 things to know and share  (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 10-1-13)

34. Is Pope Francis about to “rip up” the Vatican constitution? 12 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 10-2-13)

35. The Pope’s Pro-Life Declaration “in Context”  (Dr. William Oddie, Crisis, 10-3-13)

36. Pope Francis’s new letter to homosexual Catholics (9 things to know and share)  (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 10-11-13)

37. Is Pope Francis going to let the divorced and remarried receive Communion?  (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 10-22-13)

38. Papal Style: Caring for Souls while Leaving Doctrinal Exposition to Others (Dr. William Oddie , Crisis, 11-19-13)

39. Pope’s words in interview may not have been his own, Scalfari says (Andrea Gagliarducci, Catholic News Agency,  11-21-13)

40. Only Fools RUSH in Where Angels Fear to Tread: Limbaugh Excoriates Pope Francis Unfairly (Fr. John Trigilio, 11-30-13)

41. Would Someone Just Shut That Pope Up? (Patrick J. Deneen, The American Conservative, 12-5-13; mostly about economics)

42. Pope Francis addresses Marxism charges, women cardinals in La Stampa interview (Catherine Harmon, The Catholic World Report, 12-15-13)

43. Pope Francis takes on allegations and rumors about his papacy: 9 things to know and share  (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 12-15-13)

44. Pope Benedict Defends Francis on Markets and Ethics (Andrew M. Haines, 12-16-13, Ethika Politika)

45. Pope Francis on the “parable” of the loaves and fishes: 11 things to know and share  (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 1-1-14)

46. Don’t fall for this Pope Francis hoax: 5 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 1-2-14)

47. What did Pope Francis say about the children of homosexual couples? 8 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin,  National Catholic Register, 1-4-14)

48. Does Francis Really Have a Marxism Problem? (David Byrne, Crisis Magazine, 1-10-14)

49. Did Pope Francis baptize a baby whose parents aren’t married? 12 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 1-12-14)

50. Il Papa’s Not a Rollin’ Stone  (Christopher Manion, Crisis Magazine, 2-3-14)

51. The War on Pope Francis (M. Anthony Mills, Real Clear Religion, 2-3-14) [economics issues]

52. Quotes from Pope Francis [great website that notes the massive distortions and spin taking place about the pope; added on 2-8-14]

53. Judge Not (Tim Staples, Catholic Answers, 2-14-14) [Same-sex couples and homosexuality]

54. Did Pope Francis just diss apologists? 9 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin, 3-10-14)

55. Francis and Traditionalist Catholics (Alberto Carosa, The Catholic World Report,  3-12-14)

56. The Media’s Fictional Francis (John Paul Shimek, The Catholic World Report, 3-13-14)

57. Did Pope Francis tell a divorced and civilly remarried woman she could receive Holy Communion? (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 4-23-14)

58. Vatican responds to Francis’ call to Argentinian woman; more details emerge (Catherine Harmon, The Catholic World Report, 4-24-14)

59. Pope Francis: Zacchaeus and “legitimate redistribution” (Ed Morrissey, Hot Air, 5-9-14)

60. Breaking: Pope Francis is not an anarcho-capitalist (David Freddoso, Conservative Intelligence Briefing, 5-9-14)

61. Totally Missing the Pope Francis Story, Yet Again (Kathryn Jean Lopez , National Review Online, 5-9-14)

62. No scandal here: How the 20 couples married by Pope Francis were legit (Kevin Jones and Ann Schneible, Catholic News Agency, 9-15-14)

63. Sorry, But Media Coverage of Pope Francis is Papal Bull (Elizabeth Dias, Time,  10-29-14)

64. Is Pope Francis Duping Liberals on Marriage? (Paul Kengor, American Spectator, 11-21-14)

65. Pope Francis As Reformer, Evangelizer — And Doctrinal Conservative (National Public Radio; All Things Considered: review of The Great Reformer by Austin Ivereigh, 11-30-14)

66. What Hierarchy Really Means (By Eric Johnston, Crisis Magazine, 12-1-14)

67. The Pope’s True Agenda (William Doino, Jr., First Things, 12-1-14)

68. No, Pope Francis Did Not Call the Koran a “Prophetic Book of Peace” (Thomas L. McDonald, God and the Machine, 12-5-14)

69. Sorry, Fido. Pope Francis did Not say our pets are going to heaven (David Gibson, Religion News Service, 12-12-14)

70. Documentation: Pope Francis is Orthodox, Pro-Tradition and Against Modernism (Dan Marcum, Catholic Answers Forum, 1-9-15)

79. Is the Left’s Honeymoon with Pope Francis Finally Over? (Paul Kengor, Crisis Magazine, 2-17-15)

80. VIP treatment for LGBT group at the Vatican? Not really  (Andrea Gagliarducci, Catholic News Agency / EWTN News, 2-19-15)

81. Is Pope Francis’ Papacy a New Front for the Left? (Kate O’Hare, Breitbart, 1-3-14)

82.   The game changer nobody has noticed [Pope Francis’ closing remarks to the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops] (Joe Garcia, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, 10-21-14)

83. Here We Go Again or “Lousy English Translations, Pt. CCXVIII” (Joe Garcia, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, 11-26-13)

84. Pope Francis: An Agenda Behind his Back? (Andrea Gagliarducci, MondayVatican, 2-23-15)

85. Concerning Recent Reports from the Blogosphere on the State of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate (Fr. Angelo M. Geiger, Mary Victrix, 2-18-15)

86. Pope Francis Defends Human Nature Against Gender Radicals (Anne Hendershott, Crisis Magazine, 2-25-15)

87. Irish Liberals Have Second Thoughts on Pope Francis (John P. McCarthy, The Irish Echo, 2-25-15 / reprinted in Crisis Magazine, 3-2-15)

88. Can a Pope Be a Heretic? (Jacob W. Wood,  Crisis Magazine, 3-4-15)

89. Beware of the two faces of Pope Francis: he ain’t no liberal (Jemima Thackray [a liberal], The Telegraph, 1-22-15)

90. Notre Dame Prof Accuses Pope Francis of Being a Misogynist (Thomas P. Williams, Breitbart, 2-23-15)

91. Signs of Hope: The Benedict Bishop Bump (Thomas Peters, Catholic Vote, 3-4-15)

92. Foundless Francis Fantasies (Adam A. J. DeVille, The Catholic World Report, 3-6-15)

93. Demystifying the Pope Francis Enigma (Msgr. Hans Feichtinger, Crisis Magazine, 3-17-15)

94. Pope Francis ‘refuses’ gay French ambassador  (Henry Samuel, The Telegraph, 4-10-15)

95. Pope Francis: Removal of Differences Between Man and Woman Is the Problem, Not the Solution (Zenit, 4-15-15)

96. Pope Francis: Challenging and Humbling the Faithful (David Mills, Aleteia: Religion, 5-20-15)

97. I Am Not the Pope and Neither Are You (Constance T. Hull, Swimming the Depths, 5-27-15)

98. Did Pope Francis say it doesn’t matter what kind of Christian you are? 9 things to know (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 5-26-15)

99. Pope Francis: “Children have a ‘Right’ to a Mother and Father” (Paul Kengor, Crisis Magazine, 6-8-15)

100. Pope Francis simply doesn’t take sides (Dr. Jeff Mirus, CatholicCulture.org, 6-5-15)

101. Pope Francis and the Just Third Way (Michael D. Greaney, Homiletic & Pastoral Review, 6-13-15)

102. Draft of Environmental Encyclical Leaked! 12 Things to Know and Share (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 6-15-15)

103. Pope Francis’s Conservatism of Joy (Aaron Taylor, Ethika Politika, 6-22-15)

104. Fear Not, Faithful Catholics (Paul Kengor, Crisis Magazine, 6-25-15)

105. Pope Francis’s Puzzling Comments on Guns and War: The Clue to Understanding Laudato Si’ (Jennfer Fitz, Sticking the Corners, 6-22-15) 

106. A Prophetic Pope and the Tradition of Catholic Social Teaching (Fr. Robert Barron, Patheos, 7-14-15)

107. Pope Francis on Weapons: 12 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 6-27-15)

108. Pope Francis Against the World (Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig, New Republic, 7-30-15)
109. The Pope on Immigration: The Real Story (Tom Trinko, American Thinker, 8-17-15)
110. George Will’s Puerile Tantrum over Pope Francis (Paul E. Gottfried, Crisis Magazine, 9-25-15)
111. Is Pope Francis Really a Liberal? (Glen A. Sproviero, The Imaginative Conservative, 9-23-15)
112. Pope Francis on Intercommunion with Lutherans (Jimmy Akin, JimmyAkin.com, Nov. 2015)
113. The other side of the Francis effect: Hypersensitivity and hysteria? (Jeff Mirus, Catholic Culture,  12-1-15)

114. Trump, Clinton, and the Pope (Bill Donohue / Catholic League, 2-18-16)

115. Pope, Trump, and Immigration (Bill Donohue / Catholic League, 2-18-16)

116. Vatican: Pope Francis’ Comments About Donald Trump Not ‘Personal Attack or Instruction on How to Vote’ (Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, 2-19-16)

117. Pope Francis Speaks on Hot-Button Issues: 9 Things to Know and Share (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 2-19-16)

118. Francis, Contraception, and the Zika Virus (Fr. Timothy V. Vaverek, The Catholic Thing, 2-25-16)

119. UK’s Mirror Incompetently Botches Easter Pope Story  (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 3-17-16)

120. Pope Francis’s New Document on Marriage: 12 Things to Know and Share (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 4-8-16)

121. Pope Francis Shatters Reformers’ Dreams with ‘Modern Family’ Document (Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, 4-8-16) 

122. Interpreting Amoris Laetitia ‘through the lens of Catholic tradition’ (Andrea Gagliarducci, Catholic News Agency, 4-8-16)

123. First Thoughts on “Amoris Laetitia” (Bishop Robert Barron, Aleteia, 4-8-16)

124. “True Innovations but Not Ruptures”: Cardinal Christoph Schönborn Presents “Amoris Laetitia” (Diane Montagna, Aleteia, 4-8-16)

125. Pope Affirms Traditional Marriage (Bill Donohue, Newsmax, 4-8-16)

126. Pope Francis’s revolution has been cancelled (Damian Thompson, The Spectator, 4-8-16)

127. Pope Francis on love in the family (Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, CatholicPhilly.com, 4-14-16)

128. Pope Francis is a social conservative (Tim Stanley, The Telegraph, 4-18-16)

129. Amoris Laetitia and the Progressive Pope Myth (Anthony S. Layne, Catholic Stand, 4-23-16)

130. Cardinal Müller: Magisterium on Remarried Divorcees Unchanged by Amoris Laetitia [cites precedent in both Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI] (Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register, 5-4-16)

131. Cardinal Müller: Amoris Laetitia is in line with previous teaching on Communion (Catholic Herald, 5-4-16)

132. The Bitter Sons Speak of Francis (David Mills, Ethika Politica, 11-3-15) 

133. Defend Him Against All Hazards: Newman on the Pope (David Mills, 10-24-14)

134. Pope Francis on Apologizing to Gays (And More): 6 things to know and share (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 6-28-16)

135. Pope Francis Condemned The Reform Of The Reform? Not Quite… (Jeff Ostrowski, Views from the Choir Loft, 2-23-15)

136. Framing the bottom line on opposition to Pope Francis (John L. Allen Jr., Crux, 7-17-16)

137. Pope okays Argentine doc on Communion for divorced and remarried (Inés San Martín, Crux, 9-12-16)

138. What Pope Francis said about Communion for the divorced-and-remarried (Catholic News Agency, 9-13-16)

139. Not heretical: Pope Francis’ approval of the Argentine bishops’ policy on invalid marriages (Dr. Jeff Mirus, Catholic Culture, 9-15-16)

140. How Pope Francis’ ‘new joy’ surprised Benedict XVI (Catholic News Agency, 9-12-16) [“Pope emeritus Benedict XVI has said he is satisfied with the papacy of Pope Francis . . . he sees ‘no breach anywhere’ between his pontificate and that of his successor. ‘New accents yes, but no contradictions,’ . . .”]

141. Pope Francis on “Proselytism” (Jimmy Akin, Catholic Answers blog, 10-21-13)

142. Cardinal Schönborn: Pope Francis follows John Paul II’s teaching on communion (Catholic Herald, 4-8-16)

143. Is Pope Francis a Heretic? (+ Part II) (Tim Staples, Catholic Answers blog, October 3-4, 2016)

144. Amoris Laetitia – An Apologia for its Orthodoxy (Scott Smith, Reduced Culpability, 1-19-17)

145. Vatican’s Muller: No Communion For Divorced, Remarried — Not Even a Pope Can Change This (Michael W. Chapman, CNS News, 2-1-17)

146. Cardinal Müller, German bishops clash on interpretation of Amoris Laetitia (Catholic World News, 2-1-17)

147. Cardinal Müller: Communion for the remarried is against God’s law (Catholic Herald, 2-1-17)

148. Does Amoris Laetitia 303 Really Undermine Catholic Moral Teaching? (Robert Fastiggi & Dawn Eden Goldstein, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 9-26-17)

149. The document against the Pope’s “heresies”: it happened to Wojtyla too (Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 9-27-17)

150. ‘Filial correction’ of pope marked by glaring hypocrisy, risible accusations (Stephen Walford, National Catholic Reporter, 9-28-17)

151. Cardinal Müller Speaks Out on ‘Amoris Laetitia,’ the Dubia and the Vatican [see highlighted passages about desired replies from the pope, and the need for dialogue, on Facebook] (Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register, 9-28-17)

152. Dr. Robert Fastiggi Defends Amoris Laetitia Against Critics (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 10-3-17)

153. Defending Pope Francis (Amoris Laetitia) [+ Part Two] (Tim Staples, unknown date)

154. Donum Veritatis illegitimatizes the Filial Correction (Emmet O’Regan, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 10-3-17) 

155. Critics of Amoris laetitia ignore Ratzinger’s rules for faithful theological discourse (Robert Fastiggi & Dawn Eden Goldstein,  La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 10-4-17)

156. “The correctio? The method is incorrect: they do not discuss, they condemn” [Dr. Rocco Buttiglione] (Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 10-5-17)

157. Dr. Fastiggi & Dr. Goldstein Debate Dr. Shaw Regarding Pope Francis (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 10-9-17)

158. Dr. Fastiggi Replies to Dr. Brugger Regarding Amoris Laetitia (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 10-12-17)

159. Dr. Fastiggi’s “Exchange” with Correctio Signatory Chris Ferrara (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 10-12-17)

160. Recent Comments of Pope Francis Should Help to Quiet Papal Critics (Robert Fastiggi, La StampaVatican Insider, 11-28-17)

161. Pastoral Charity is the Key to Pope Francis’s Endorsement of the Buenos Aires Bishops’ Document (Robert Fastiggi, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 11-28-17)

162. No, Pope Francis Is Not Changing the Lord’s Prayer (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 12-11-17)

163. The Heretical Pope Fallacy (Emmet O’Regan, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 11-12-17)

164. “The approach a Pope takes is not what destroys the Church” (Andrés Beltramo Álvarez, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 12-23-17)

165. Vatican “Awards” for Abortion Activists? (Facebook discussion, featuring Paul Hoffer, 1-18-18)

166. Canon Law, Pope Francis, and Airplane Weddings [+ Part Two] (Pete Vere, Facebook, 1-19-18)

167. Pope Francis explains why he celebrated the airborne marriage of two flight attendants [+ Facebook discussion] (Nicole Winfield, America, 1-22-18)

168. Striking God’s Anointed One (Mark Mallett, The Now Word, 1-18-18)

169. Articles on Pope Francis and Sex Abuse Scandals in Chile (one / two / three / four / five) (2-18-18)

170. Development or Corruption? (Gerhard Cardinal Müller, First Things, 2-20-18)

171. Responding to the Five Dubia from Amoris Laetitia Itself (Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Vatican Insider / La Stampa3-9-18)

172. Ratzinger, “Francis with no theological formation? A foolish prejudice” (Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 3-12-18)

173. Douthat’s Francis book is poorly sourced, inadequate journalism (Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter, 3-21-18)
174. On Charging a Pope with Heresy (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 5-2-19)
175.  Some Clarifications Regarding the Open Letter (Jimmy Akin, JimmyAkin.com, 5-3-19)
176.  A Response to Peter Kwasniewski (Jimmy Akin, JimmyAkin.com, 5-4-19)
177.  A Second Response to Peter Kwasniewski (Jimmy Akin, JimmyAkin.com, 5-5-19)
178. Pope Francis On . . . [31 different issues] (Mark Mallett, The Now Word, 4-24-18)
179. Pope Francis: Our Father Should Say “Abandon Us Not When in Temptation” (Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC, Through Catholic Lenses, 12-11-18)
180. The Politically Incorrect Francis—14 Shocking Statements (Paul Kengor, Crisis Magazine, 3-22-19)
181. Cardinal Sarah: To oppose the pope is to be outside the church (Cindy Wooden, National Catholic Reporter, 10-9-19)
182. Clarity is Next to Godliness [atheist mythicist Scalfari claimed that Pope Francis denied Jesus’ divinity . . .] (Jimmy Akin, Catholic Answers Magazine, 10-10-19) 
183. Paganism in the Vatican? Hermeneutic of suspicion at its peak (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 10-16-19) 
184. Our Lady of the Amazon, Pray for Us (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 10-16-19) 
185. Our Lady of the Amazon: solving the contradictions (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 10-26-19) 

186. Pachamama, Celibacy, and the Amazonian Synod (Trent Horn, Catholic Answers, 10-23-19; audio with transcript)

187. Synod offers cautious support for married priests, study of women deacons (Inés San Martín and Christopher White, Crux, 10-26-19)
189. Just the Facts: the Amazon Synod (Jimmy Akin, Catholic Answers, 10-29-19)
190. What Did Pope Francis Really Say About Married Priests? (Fr. Charles Grondin, Catholic Answers, c. 10-30-19)
193. Pachamama: Is It A Gotcha Mama for Enemies of Pope Francis? (“Catholic in Brooklyn”, 11-6-19)
194. Pachamama – the missing piece of the puzzle (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 11-10-19)
195. The Pachamama Primer (Dom Cornelius, Abbaye de Saint-Cyran, 10-27-19)
196. Conservatism and Fideism: My answer to Ross Douthat (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 11-13-19)
197. St. John Paul II: ‘Respect for life extends to the rest of creation’[Pope Francis was not the first to address environmentalism and ecology] (Deacon Greg Kandra, The Deacon’s Bench, 11-18-19)
198. It was clearly idolatry! [“Pachamama” controversy] (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 12-1-19)
199. Fr. Pacwa and divine signs [“Pachamama” controversy] (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 12-16-19)
200. Is “Mother Earth” a Catholic Concept (Church Fathers)? (Rosemarie Scott, hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 12-17-19)
201. Our Lady of the Amazon – 2018 Video Footage Emerges (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 10-17-19)
202. Pope Francis and Mary Co-Redemptrix (Robert Fastiggi, Where Peter Is, 12-27-19)
203. Francis: Evangelize by Example, not Pushing Your Faith on Others (Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, Through Catholic Lenses, 12-23-19)
204. On yanking and slapping hands (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 1-1-20)
205. On the Church in China (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 2-13-18)
206. Perspective on the China/Vatican deal (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 9-30-18)
207. China’s “other” cardinal (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 3-18-19)
208. The infallibly erring Pope (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 1-3-20)
209. Cardinal Burke’s Contradictory and Tenuous Position (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 1-6-20)
210. Benedict kept his word (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 1-14-20)
211. Pope Francis and the coredemptive role of Mary, the “Woman of salvation” (Mark Miravalle & Robert Fastiggi, La Stampa, 1-8-20)
212. Making things right [hand-slapping incident: see #407, 409] (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 2-5-20)
213. 8 Questions (and Answers) About the Pope’s New Document [Querida Amazonia] (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 2-12-20)
215. Dr. Fastiggi: Open Letter Re Abp. Viganò, Pope Francis, & Mary (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 2-22-20)
216. Dr. Fastiggi Defends Pope Francis Re “Pachamama Idolatry” (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 3-3-20)
217. Pope Francis, the Corona Virus, and Nature (Jimmy Akin, JimmyAkin.com, 4-8-20)
218. Criticizing the Critics (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 4-2-20)
219. Is Archbishop Viganò in Schism? (Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Where Peter Is, 6-13-20)
220. Silence according to Pope Francis (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 12-5-18)
221. Silence: the shield against Suspicious Man (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 12-10-18)
222. Why the Vatican is silent on Viganò (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 7-7-20)
223. Pope Francis: Don’t be afraid that God has allowed different religions in the world (Carol Glatz, America, Catholic News Service, 4-3-19)
225. Vigano: Radical Traditionalism Redivivus (Adam Rasmussen, Where Peter Is, 7-13-20)
226. Exposing Viganò’s spurious theory of two councils (Adam Rasmussen, Where Peter Is, 7-14-20)
227. The “Fake News” of Viganò and Company. Unmasked by a Cardinal [Cdl. Walter Brandmüller corrects the errors of Abp. Vigano and Bp. Schneider regarding the councils of Constance and Florence] (Sandro Magister, L’Espresso, 7-13-20)
229. Dr. Peters’ deer & hunter: death penalty & the inversion of roles” (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 4-12-20)
230. The inanity of CTRL-F criticism [i.e., searching papal documents for key words & trying to “prove” they “aren’t Catholic”] (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 10-9-20)
231. Simply Inadmissible [regarding capital punishment & Pope Francis’ use of this term] (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 5-21-20)
232. Pope Francis and Civil Unions: Critical Context (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 10-22-20)
233. Those Pope Francis quotes: Video editing and media controversy” [same-sex unions controversy] (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 10-22-20)
234. Pope Francis’s Words on Civil Unions Distorted by Editing (Fr. Matthew Schneider, Through Catholic Lenses, 10-22-20)
235. Has Pope Francis changed Church teaching on same-sex civil unions? (Dawn Eden Goldstein & Robert Fastiggi, Where Peter Is, 10-22-20)
236. Full Text Proves Francis Meant Civil Unions INSTEAD OF “Gay Marriage” (Fr. Matthew Schneider, Through Catholic Lenses, 10-24-20)
238. Nuncio Further Clarifies Pope on Civil Unions (Fr. Matthew Schneider, Through Catholic Lenses, 11-5-20)
239. Which God’s Will?[Re: Diversity of Religions] (Dr. Randall B. Smith, The Catholic World Report, 11-15-19)
240. Pope Francis and Papal Authority under Attack (Dr. Robert Fastiggi, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 2-18-19)
241. Bellarmine, Taylor Marshall, and Ryan Grant on Papal Faith (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 8-1-20)
242. Vatican I taught that no Pope can teach heresy or be a heretic (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 7-23-20)
243. Dear 1Peter5, Your Claims about Gasser and Pighius are False (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 7-23-20)
244. Bishop Vincent Gasser to the fathers of Vatican I on papal faith (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-23-20)
245. The Errors of John Salza and Robert Siscoe on the Papacy (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 8-22-20)
246. Fr. Iannuzzi asks Can a Pope Become a Heretic? (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 3-22-17)
247. How the Canonization of Three Popes by Pope Francis utterly defeated the Papal Accusers (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 8-16-20)
248. The Argument from Past Papal Error is not Valid (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 8-13-20)
249. The Crypto-Schismatic Position called “Recognize and Resist” (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 8-8-20)
250. Is Taylor Marshall a sedevacantist? Yes. (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 7-31-20)
251. Reply to Carlo Vigano on Fratelli Tutti (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-7-20)
252. Every Papal Teaching is Free From Every Grave Error (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-8-20)
253. If Pope Francis is a heretic, how is he still Pope? (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-7-20)
254. Pope Pius IX Syllabus of Errors and Freedom of Religion (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-12-20)
255. Can a Pope intend to cause a Schism? (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-23-20)
256. Contra Raymond Leo Burke on Civil Unions (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-23-20)
258. Has Pope Francis changed Church’s doctrine on Homosexuality? (Francis Figuero, The Reproach of Christ, 10-22-20)
259. Every Roman Pontiff is Indefectible (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 12-29-16)
260. Summary of “The Indefectibility of the Roman Pontiff” (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., Catholicism.io, 4-30-19)
261. The Innocence of Pope Honorius (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 10-18-20)
262. In Defense of Pope Honorius (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., Catholicism.io, 5-15-19)
263. Was Pope Honorius I a heretic? (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 9-17-16)
264Popes Francis, Vigilius, Paul IV, and Ex Apostolatus Officio (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 12-19-19)
265. The Innocence of Pope John XXII (Ronald L. Conte, Jr., The Reproach of Christ, 5-3-19)
266. The Heretical Pope Fallacy (Emmett O’Regan, La Stampa / Vatican Insider, 12-11-17)
267. Dr. Fastiggi on Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis, & Aquinas (Dr. Robert Fastiggi & Dave Armstrong; hosted on Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 2-1-21)
268. Father Z, Challenge Accepted (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 3-5-21)
269. I was not an ultramontanist then (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 3-5-21)
270. Papal Indefectibility: Dr. Fastiggi vs. Fr. Z (hosted on Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 3-11-21)
271. Can a Pope Become a Heretic? (Rev. Joseph L. Ianuzzi, STD, Ph.D)
272. The Roman Pontiff: Immunity from Error and Never-failing Faith (collection of Catholic sources; compiled by Ronald L. Conte, Jr.)
275. Traditionis Custodes: The Council and the Roman Rite (Adam Rasmussen, Where Peter Is, 7-16-21)
276. Traditionis Custodes: In the Hope of Liturgical Reform (Daniel Amiri, Where Peter Is, 7-17-21)
277. Et Cum Spiritu NoNo–The Demise of the Traditional Latin Mass Experiment (Monsignor Eric Barr, Thin Places, 7-17-21)
278. Francis: The Pope We Need (Monsignor Eric Barr, Thin Places, 11-9-19)
279. The modernist root of radical traditionalism (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 7-14-21)
280. Pope Francis understands Fr. Martin—Do we? (Rachel Amiri, Where Peter Is, 7-2-21)
281Pope Francis’s Changes to the Latin Mass (Catholic Answers, 7-20-21)
282. Traditionalism’s flawed approach to the Magisterium (Adam Rasmussen, Catholic Outlook, 1-19-21)
283. Is Traditionis Custodes an Abuse of Papal Authority? (Michael Lofton, Reason & Theology, 8-17-21)
284. Did the Pope Say the Commandments are Relative? (Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC, Through Catholic Lenses, 8-19-21)
286. A Catholic moral panic, two years on [Pachamama] (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 10-24-21)
287. Aquinas: Some Sins Worse Than Sexual Sins (Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC, 12-10-21)
289. Does Cardinal Burke think Francis is an antipope? (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 10-18-21)
290.  Does Amoris Laetitia untie the knots in Veritatis Splendor? (Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 7-4-22)
291. Amoris, Veritatis, and things left unsaid (Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 7-22-22)
292. Dr. Brugger and Papal Authority [contraception and Amoris Laetitia] (Robert Fastiggi, Where Peter Is, 8-12-22)
293. Does Pope Francis Contradict The Council of Trent? [Desiderio Desideravi] (Robert Fastiggi, Where Peter Is, 9-17-22)
295. Our Mother Mary & “Mother Earth” (Rosemarie Scott) (Rosemarie Scott, hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 4-4-23)
296. Pope Francis upholds Catholic ban on contraception (Simon Caldwell, Catholic Herald, 5-2-23)
297. Capital Punishment and Magisterial Authority (+ Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) (Robert Fastiggi, Where Peter Is, 8-17-23)
298. 5 Things to Know About the Pope, St. Vincent of Lérins and Doctrinal Development [related to the pope’s statements on the death penalty] (Jimmy Akin, National Catholic Register, 8-31-23)
299. Unofficial translation of pope’s response to Dubia 2.0 (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 10-2-23)
300. Blessings undisguised: Debunking disinfo on Francis and gay unions (Dawn Eden Goldstein, Where Peter Is, 10-8-23)
301. The ‘Hyperpapalist’ Straw Man (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 11-13-23)
302. Cardinal Gerhard Muller on Papal Authority over Bishops (Ron Conte, The Reproach of Christ, 9-21-23)
303. Cardinal Müller and the Destruction of the Church (Rachel Amiri, Where Peter Is, 10-11-22)
306. Pope Francis Does Not Support Homosexual Unions That Mimic Marriage (Tim Staples, Oct.? 2023)
Papal Consistency on Same-sex Blessings (Deacon Tracy Jamison, Where Peter Is, 10-18-23)
309. What Pope Francis said about Cardinal Burke (Austin Ivereigh, Where Peter Is, 11-29-23)
310. Strickland, Voris, and Burke: The November Three (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 12-1-23)
311. “Despite everything, always blessed” [blessings for homosexuals] (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 12-18-23)
312. Catechism on the New Gay Blessings Document (by a “very holy priest” & Michael Lofton, Reason & Theology, 12-19-23)
313. Demystifying ‘Fiducia Supplicans’: Answering 7 Frequently Asked Questions [blessings for homosexuals] (Pedro Gabriel, The City & the World, 12-20-23)
314. If Social Media Was Around in Christ’s Day [satire] (anon. priest, Reason & Theology, 12-20-23)
315. Blessings: A pastoral development anchored in tradition (Rocco Buttiglione, Vatican News, 12-20-23)
316. Does The Catholic Church Now Allow Same-Sex Unions? (Fr. Pablo Migone, Labyrinthine Mind, 12-21-23)
318. Clarity in Confusion: An Approach to “Fiducia Supplicans” (Dr. Richard DeClue, Word on Fire, 12-21-23)
319. Criticism of Fiducia Supplicans: Confusion or spoiled milk? (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 12-27-23)
322. Honestly confused over “couples” and “unions”? (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 12-28-23)
323. Pope OKs blessing persons in gay unions: What it means, why it matters (Dawn Eden Goldstein, Where Peter Is, 12-19-23)
326. Vatican responds to widespread backlash on same-sex blessing directive (Courtney Mares, Catholic News Agency, 1-3-24)
327. Response to Cardinal Müller’s essay on Fiducia Supplicans (Jake Hardin, Where Peter Is, 1-3-24)
328. President of Argentine Bishops on Same-sex blessings (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 12-31-23)
329. Always with the Pope (Rodrigo Guerra, Where Peter Is, 1-9-24)
331. Theologian Robert Fastiggi On Papal Indefectibility (hosted at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, 3-11-24)
332. Bishop Strickland’s flirtation with sedevacantism (Mike Lewis, Where Peter Is, 5-5-24)
* * * * *
Last Updated 10 May 2024

Practical Matters: Perhaps some of my 4,600+ free online articles (the most comprehensive “one-stop” Catholic apologetics site) or fifty-five books have helped you (by God’s grace) to decide to become Catholic or to return to the Church, or better understand some doctrines and why we believe them.
Or you may believe my work is worthy to support for the purpose of apologetics and evangelism in general. If so, please seriously consider a much-needed financial contribution. I’m always in need of more funds: especially monthly support. “The laborer is worthy of his wages” (1 Tim 5:18, NKJV). 1 December 2021 was my 20th anniversary as a full-time Catholic apologist, and February 2022 marked the 25th anniversary of my blog.
PayPal donations are the easiest: just send to my email address: apologistdave@gmail.com. You’ll see the term “Catholic Used Book Service”, which is my old side-business. To learn about the different methods of contributing, including 100% tax deduction, etc., see my page: About Catholic Apologist Dave Armstrong / Donation InformationThanks a million from the bottom of my heart!*
November 9, 2006

[published in March 2012, 150 pages]
[Papal Encyclicals Online: fabulous resource: includes Kindle / Nook / ePub capability]
50 Biblical Indications of Petrine Primacy and the Papacy [National Catholic Register, 11-20-16]
Top 20 Biblical Evidences for the Primacy of St. Peter [National Catholic Register, 1-8-18]
Papal Passages Lk 22:31-34 & Jn 21:15-17 (vs. Jason Engwer) [5-12-20]
Is Peter’s Primacy Disproved by His Personality? [National Catholic Register, 11-30-20]
The Authority of Popes (chapter three, pp. 139-158, of my 2009 book, Bible Truths for Catholic Truths: A Source Book for Apologists and Inquirers) [10-16-23]
The Origins of the Denial of Peter’s Roman Sojourn (Nicholas Gulda, The Crossroads, 9-4-22)
The Development of the Papacy (St. John Henry Cardinal Newman) [Facebook, 1997]
Papal Succession: Biblical and Logical Arguments [National Catholic Register, 5-26-17]
Jesus Christ and St. Peter — Are Both Rocks? [National Catholic Register, 6-29-22]
The Meaning of the Keys of St. Peter [National Catholic Register, 8-25-22]
A Brief History of Papal Infallibility [National Catholic Register, 5-21-18]
Protestant Objections to Papal Infallibility [National Catholic Register, 2-29-20]
Explicit Papal Infallibility in 96 AD (Pope St. Clement) [originally from 7-30-21; posted at Catholic365 on 11-20-23]
The Supposed Fall of Honorius and His Condemnation (J. H. R., American Catholic Quarterly Review, vol. 7, 1882, pp. 162-168)
The Condemnation of Pope Honorius (Dom John Chapman, O.S.B., London: Catholic Truth Society, 1907)
Pope Honorius I (Catholic Encyclopedia [Dom John Chapman])
The Alleged Fall of Pope Liberius (P. J. Harrold, American Catholic Quarterly Review, vol. 8, 1883, 529-549)
Pope Liberius (Catholic Encyclopedia [Dom John Chapman])
Pope Vigilius (Catholic Encyclopedia)
The Sixth Nicene Canon and the Papacy (James F. Loughlin, American Catholic Quarterly Review, vol. 5, 1880, 220-239)
Pope Silvester and the Council of Nicaea (vs. James White) [August 1997]

The Papacy & Conciliarity (or, Collegiality): How Popes Routinely Consult & Involve Bishops, Priests, & Laity Prior to Momentous Decrees [9-13-14]

Peter Kwasniewski: Gotta Exorcise Vatican I (1870) [12-4-20]

Which Has More Authority: A Pope or an Ecumenical Council? [National Catholic Register, 5-19-21]

Did Peter or James Preside at the Jerusalem Council? (And Was it the Prototype of Ecumenical Councils or Merely a Local Synod?) [5-21-21]



Denunciations of Incessant Bashing of Pope Francis [2-22-15]

Is Pope Francis Wrong? Thoughts on the “Filial Correction” [9-24-17]

Radical Reactionary Affinities in “Filial Correction” Signatories [9-28-17]

On Rebuking Popes & Catholic Obedience to Popes [12-27-17]

On Rebuking Popes & Obedience to Popes, Part II [12-28-17]

Fr. Angel Sotelo on the Scandal of the Current Pope-Bashing [Facebook, 1-4-18]

Negative Reactionary Views of Popes Since 1958 [3-18-18]

Honoring Popes / Scriptural Honor of Even Wicked Rulers [11-30-17; some additions on 3-26-18]

Pope-Criticism: Vigorous Exchanges w Karl Keating [3-27-18]

Do I Think Popes Can Never be Criticized for Any Reason? Nope. (I Respectfully Criticize the Prudence of Pope Francis’ Repeated Interviews with an Atheist Who Lies About Him [Eugenio Scalfari]) [3-31-18]

Olson’s Nitpicking, Persnickety Guide to Gaudete et Exsultate [4-10-18]

Honoring Popes (Even Alleged “Bad” Ones) as Persons [4-11-18]

Are Pope-Critics Evil? Reply to Karl Keating [4-13-18]

Why Have Popes At All if We Reject Papal Guidance? [8-4-18]

Protestant Champion Jerry Walls Notes the Obvious: Many Catholics Think Like Protestants, With Regard to the Authority of the Pope and the Rule of Faith [Facebook, 8-7-18]

Pope Francis Accusers Reject Magisterial Teaching on Popes (The pope’s teaching is indefectible and cannot be judged or “overruled” by any man: or even an ecumenical council) [7-23-20]

St. Paul’s Rebuke of St. Peter = Francis-Bashing? [8-19-20]

If We Have to Constantly Defend Holy Scripture, How Much More the Pope? [Facebook, 10-23-20]

Kwasniewski vs. Cdl. Newman Re Pope- & Council-Bashing [12-3-20]

Pope Francis: Popes Can be Respectfully Criticized [7-21-21]

Did Pope Francis Rebuke Pelosi Re Abortion? (And Why One Seeming Methodological Approach Towards the “Right” and a Very Different One Towards the “Left”?) [10-11-21]

Erasmus’ Criticism of Popes = Today’s Pope-Bashing? [11-10-21]

On the Last Three Popes’ Appointments of Cardinals: Traditionalists Have a Valid Point About Bad Appointments and the Disastrous Appeasement of Theological Liberals in the Church [7-18-22]

“Lying about the Holy Father is a mortal sin” [Facebook discussion thread, 8-22-22]

Pope St. Pius X on Obedience to the Pope + Great Group Discussion [Facebook, 5-19-23]

Ed Feser’s “Respectful and Reserved Criticism” of the Holy Father (?) [Catholic365, 11-29-23]

Bible on the Disgraceful Attitude & Behavior of So Many Pope-Bashers [Facebook, 12-24-23]

Bible on Deference to Popes & Leaders, & Disobedience [12-26-23]

Get it Right! Yours Truly on Papal Criticism (from the Year 2000) and on My Distinctions Among Papal Critics (2018) [Facebook, 1-13-24]

Pope-Criticism: Ultra-Rare, Private, & Saintly (Reply to Clueless Accusations That I Supposedly Think Popes Should Never be Criticized At All, & Make No Distinctions Whatsoever Concerning Papal Critics) [1-15-24]

St. Ignatius of Antioch [50-110 or 117] on Submission to the Bishop [Facebook, 1-25-24]




Papal Critics Concede: No Proof of Canonical Papal Heresy [5-10-19]

Reactionary Infiltration of Taylor Marshall’s Book, Infiltration [5-30-19]

Pope Francis Accusers Reject Magisterial Teaching on Popes (The pope’s teaching is indefectible and cannot be judged or “overruled” by any man: or even an ecumenical council) [7-23-20]

Pastor Aeternus (1870): Can a Pope Ever Make Heresy Binding? (Dr. Robert Fastiggi and Ron Conte; edited by Dave Armstrong, in Response to Timothy Flanders) [12-1-20]

Kwasniewski vs. Cdl. Newman Re Pope- & Council-Bashing [12-3-20]

Pope Francis: Most Theological Errors? (Ed Feser) [8-26-22]

Post-Vatican II “Liberal” Popes [Ch. 13 of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (December 2002; revised in November 2023 for the purpose of the free online version) ] [11-25-23]


* * * * *
The Supposed Fall of Honorius and His Condemnation (J. H. R., American Catholic Quarterly Review, vol. 7, 1882, 162-168)
The Condemnation of Pope Honorius (Dom John Chapman, O.S.B., London: Catholic Truth Society, 1907)
The Alleged Fall of Pope Liberius (P. J. Harrold, American Catholic Quarterly Review, vol. 8, 1883, 529-549)
Pope Vigilius (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Was Pope Vigilius a Heretic? (Mark Hausam, Where Peter Is, 4-12-20)
Popes Vigilius and Honorius I (David J. Pollard, Worldwide Catholic Solidarity, 2-7-14)


[see the many links on my Jews, Judaism, & Old Testament page]
John Paul II Kissing the Koran: Dialogue with Traditionalists [2012; new Introduction added on 6-4-19] [6-4-19]
Was Pope St. John Paul II a “Modernist”? [Ch. 15 of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (December 2002; revised in November 2023 for the purpose of the free online version)] [11-27-23]
Benedict and Clergy Sexual Abuse: Decisive and Aggressive Action (Judy Roberts; National Catholic Register,  3-5-13)
Pope Francis, Foot-Washing, & Humility (Pete Vere & Dave Armstrong) [3-13-13 and 3-30-13]
Exchange on Pope Francis and the Church (vs. Tony Jokin) [Facebook, 12-17-14]

Confused or Perplexed About Pope Francis? Possible Relief! [8-18-15]

Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato si: A Beautiful and Profoundly Wise Statement of Christian Environmentalism and Theology of Creation [9-11-15]

Forcing Pope Francis Into Our Own Image [9-18-15]

Reply to Dr. Phil Blosser’s Critique of My Book, Pope Francis Explained [9-24-15]

Must the Pope Explicitly Mention Abortion to Congress? [9-24-15]

Pope Francis’ Strongly Pro-Life Comments to the UN (“Both/And”!) [9-25-15]

Dialogue: “Bad” Bishops & “Confusing” Francis (vs. Dr. Peter Kwasniewski) [4-28-16]
I Hope the Pope Will Provide Some Much-Needed Clarity (Re: Answering the Dubia) [National Catholic Register, 9-30-17]

Burning Heretics, Frying Murderers, & Slavery (Analogies) [8-3-18]

Yes, Virginia, the Pope Believes Mary is Immaculate [12-29-18]

Papal Ring-Kissing, Gossip, & Pharisaical Nitpicking [3-29-19]

Reactionary Signees of Easter “Heresy” Letter (13 of 19) [5-6-19]

Ecclesiological Errors of “Easter Letter” Reactionaries Summed Up (That is, Ones Not Specifically Related to Pope Francis: Especially Vatican II as the Big Bad Wolf) [5-9-19]

Papal Critics Concede: No Proof of Canonical Papal Heresy [5-10-19]

Dr. Echeverria: Francis Wants Development, Not Revolution [5-28-19]

Taylor Marshall’s Whopper: Pope Francis Denies Hellfire? [6-7-19]

Taylor Marshall Lies About Pope Francis & Divorce [6-8-19]

No, Pope Francis Did Not Deny Transubstantiation (Phenomenological Language in Holy Scripture and in the Addresses of Pope Francis) [6-25-19]

Brief Exchange with a Sedevacantist Regarding Pope Francis [Facebook, 6-25-19]

Does Pope Francis Deny the Catholic Doctrine of Merit? No [7-1-19]

Pope Francis & Transubstantiation (vs. Sedevacantists) [7-2-19]

Am I a “Pope Francis Defender”? (Statement of Intent & Purpose) [11-5-19]

Being Anti-Francis is Apparently Far and Away the Most Important Thing for Millions of Catholics These Days. God Help Us! [11-12-19]

Is Pope Francis Against Apologetics & Defending the Faith? [11-26-19]

“Confusing” Pope Francis & Ignorant, Lazy Lay Catholics [11-27-19]

Pope Benedict’s Enthusiastic Approval of Pope Francis [11-27-19]

Hysterical Reactionaries Opposed Pope Francis from Day One (The “inside story” — from Hilary White — of what happened among a cadre of well-known fanatical reactionaries on the very night Pope Francis was elected) [12-3-19]

“Ambiguity”: Classic Reactionary Talking Point & Mantra [12-5-19]

Pope St. John Paul II Respectfully Referred to Pachamama (+ Orthodox Catholic References to “Mother Earth” and Similar Biblical Motifs) [12-13-19]

Pope Francis vs. the Marian Title “Co-Redemptrix”? (+ Documentation of Pope Francis’ and Other Popes’ Use of the Mariological Title of Veneration: “Mother of All”) [12-16-19]

Debate: Pope Francis on Doctrine, Truth, & Evangelizing (vs. Dr. Eduardo Echeverria) [12-16-19]

Pope Francis’ Deep Devotion to Mary (Esp. Mary Mediatrix) [12-23-19]

Pope Francis’ Emphasis on Criticizing Reactionaries (A Theory) [12-30-19]

Pope Francis’ Slap & Loss of Temper (Close Examination) [1-2-20]

Dialogue: Pope Francis vs. Gospel Preaching & Converts? No! (vs. Eric Giunta) [1-3-20]

Reactionaries and Other Pope-Bashers Have a Ready “Answer” to Every Proof of Pope Francis’ Orthodoxy: He’s Simply Lying Through His Teeth! [Facebook, 1-3-20]

Pope Francis (and Others) and Analogies to Jesus (Explanation of a Widely Misunderstood Aspect of Analogical Arguments) [1-6-20]

Pope Francis: Strong Defender of Priestly Celibacy [1-14-20]

Striking Similarities of Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome and Donald Trump Derangement Syndrome / Near-Impossibility of Rational Discussion [Facebook, 1-16-20]

Pope’s Querida Amazonia: Reactionaries Step in it Again [2-13-20]

Dialogue w Timothy Flanders #2: State of Emergency? [2-25-20]

Dr. Fastiggi Defends Pope Francis Re “Pachamama Idolatry” [3-3-20]

Pope Francis vs. the Gospel? Outrageous & Absurd Lies! (Anti-Catholic Protestant James White and Catholic Reactionary Steve Skojec Echo Each Other’s Gigantic Whoppers) [5-26-20]

Legalism Re Pope Francis & Papal Attire (Mozzetta) [7-10-20]

Fratelli tutti: Love is Great; How to Best Apply It? [10-8-20]

Steve Skojec: Pope Sez Death Penalty is Intrinsically Evil (?) [10-8-20]

Death Penalty, Reactionaries, & a Devious Liar-Pope? [10-10-20]

Three Popes & Capital Punishment (vs. Ed Feser) (with Catholic Theologian Dr. Robert Fastiggi) [10-20-20]

Pope Francis, Same-Sex Unions, & Chicken Little Mass Hysteria [10-22-20]

Pope Francis & the Diversity of Religions (The Sedevacantist Outfit Novus Ordo Watch Lies Yet Again About Pope Francis) [11-29-20] 

Kwasniewski vs. Cdl. Newman Re Pope- & Council-Bashing [12-3-20]

Kwasniewski vs. Pope Francis Re “Fundamentalism” (Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI Fully Concur with Pope Francis) [12-9-20]

Pope Francis’ Proper Use of the Term “Fundamentalism” (. . . and the Similar Sociologically Proper Use of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope St. John Paul II) [12-28-20]

Dr. Fastiggi on Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis, & Aquinas [2-1-21]

Fr. Z Asks for Pro-Francis “Compendium”. I Provide It [3-9-21]

“Gay Unions”: Leftist & Reactionary Catholics vs. Pope & CDF [3-23-21]

Pope Francis vs. Same-Sex “Marriage”: The Record [3-25-21]

Quasi-Defectibility and Phil Lawler vs. Pope Francis (see also more documentation of Lawler’s reactionary leanings, on the Facebook thread) [12-28-17]
Protestant Takes Solace in Douthat’s Pope-Bashing Book (also discusses Phil Lawler) [3-24-18]
Chris Ferrara & My Debates w Keating & Lawler Re Pope Francis [1-1-18 and 1-2-18; minor additions and changes: 9-25-20]




Practical Matters: Perhaps some of my 4,600+ free online articles (the most comprehensive “one-stop” Catholic apologetics site) or fifty-five books have helped you (by God’s grace) to decide to become Catholic or to return to the Church, or better understand some doctrines and why we believe them.

Or you may believe my work is worthy to support for the purpose of apologetics and evangelism in general. If so, please seriously consider a much-needed financial contribution. I’m always in need of more funds: especially monthly support. “The laborer is worthy of his wages” (1 Tim 5:18, NKJV). 1 December 2021 was my 20th anniversary as a full-time Catholic apologist, and February 2022 marked the 25th anniversary of my blog.

PayPal donations are the easiest: just send to my email address: apologistdave@gmail.com. Here’s also a second page to get to PayPal. You’ll see the term “Catholic Used Book Service”, which is my old side-business. To learn about the different methods of contributing (including Zelle), see my page: About Catholic Apologist Dave Armstrong / Donation InformationThanks a million from the bottom of my heart!



Last updated on 15 May 2024


November 9, 2006

Front Cover (555 x 834)
(December 2012, 205 pages)
[see complete information and purchase options; this book will shortly be available for free online]

I highly urge more mainstream “traditionalists” who read any of the papers listed below, to first read my paper:  Definitions: Radical Catholic Reactionaries, Mainstream “Traditionalists,” and Supposed “Neo-Catholics” (Chapter One of my book, Mass Movements: Radical Catholic Reactionaries, the New Mass, and Ecumenism), and also my Introduction to this book, as well as my article, Radical Catholic Reactionaries: What They Are Not. This will preclude needless misunderstandings regarding exactly what I am against, and what I agree with. I am not “against” mainstream “traditionalism.” Thanks! I wrote in my Chapter One, linked above:

I have much in common with “traditionalists”. I admire several things about them: . . . I am usually in agreement with “traditionalists” and consider myself a close ally to them. We disagree on some things, but this is far less than the agreement and unity that is present.. . . I don’t share all of their particular concerns or analyses. Nevertheless, I feel quite close to them, and a strong kinship or affinity.
Also, for a very helpful, thoughtful treatment of the general topic, written by my friend David Palm, the self-described “reluctant traditionalist,” see his essay, What is Traditional Catholicism? I don’t agree with absolutely everything he writes, but I think this is a good aid for drawing the necessary distinctions that are so crucial in discussing these matters.
See also: Errors of Radical Catholic Reactionaries (Collection): 33 archived older papers (Internet Archive) on almost all the topics below

* * * * *



Dietrich von Hildebrand & Legitimate Traditionalism (2-27-02; terminology and a few other minor things revised on 4-18-20)

Why Not Kick Modernist Dissenters Out of the Church? [3-7-02]

Sunny Optimism re God’s Guidance of His Church [7-22-11]

Am I a Catholic Traditionalist? (You Decide!) [8-7-13]

Dialogue with Traditionalist “Boniface” Regarding Modernism in the Church [8-16-13]

Crisis in the Church: What to Do About It? [9-12-13]

Conciliation: “Traditionalists” and Other Orthodox Catholics [9-20-13] 

On Catholic Hyper-Rationalism & Manufactured “Crises” [12-28-13]

Swishy Bishops, Liberal Dissidents, and “PR” Regarding Pope Francis [10-6-14]

On Traditionalist Use of “Conservative Catholic” [5-8-15]

Do “Right” and “Left” Properly Apply (by Analogy) to an Ecclesiastical Spectrum as well as to Political Analysis? [9-13-15]

Indefectibility, Fear, & the Synod on the Family [9-30-15]

Traditionalism & Apologetics: Allies or Enemies? [1-12-16]

Douthat’s Flawed Critique of “Conservative” Catholicism [3-2-16]

Kevin M. Tierney Trashes Scott Eric Alt, Keating, Madrid et al, and Apologetics [Facebook, 7-1-16]

Traditionalist Fr. Chad Ripperger Critiques Traditionalism [7-21-21]

On the Last Three Popes’ Appointments of Cardinals: Traditionalists Have a Valid Point About Bad Appointments and the Disastrous Appeasement of Theological Liberals in the Church [7-18-22]



Reply to Timothy Flanders’ Defense of Taylor Marshall [7-8-19]

Dialogue w Ally of Taylor Marshall, Timothy Flanders [7-17-19]

Dialogue w 1P5 Writer Timothy Flanders: Introduction [2-1-20]

Dialogue w Timothy Flanders #2: State of Emergency? [2-25-20]

Alexander Tschugguel, Taylor Marshall, & God’s Wrath [3-19-20]

Is Vatican II Analogous to “Failed” Lateran Council V? [8-11-20]

Dialogue #6 w 1P5 Columnist Timothy Flanders [8-24-20]

Comments on My Ongoing Dialogue with One Peter Five Columnist Timothy Flanders, On His Site [Facebook, 11-2-20]

Dialogue #7 w 1P5 Columnist Timothy Flanders (Highlighting Papal Indefectibility, Pastor Aeternus from Vatican I in 1870, & the “Charitable Anathema”) [12-1-20]

Pastor Aeternus (1870): Can a Pope Ever Make Heresy Binding? (Dr. Robert Fastiggi and Ron Conte; edited by Dave Armstrong, in Response to Timothy Flanders) [12-1-20]



Syllabus of 60 Radical Catholic Reactionary Errors [2000]

Debate: My “Syllabus of 60 Catholic Reactionary Errors” [11-24-00]

Radical Catholic Reactionaries vs. an Optimistic Faith [1-21-01]

Dietrich von Hildebrand & Legitimate Traditionalism (2-27-02; terminology and a few other minor things revised on 4-18-20)

Radical Catholic Reactionaries: Essential Characteristics [2002] [ch. 1 of my free online book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries]

Indefectibility of Holy Mother Church: Believe It Or Not [2002]

Faith and Optimism vs. Reactionary Gloomy Pessimism [2002]

Books by Dave Armstrong: Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries [Dec. 2002; revised edition: 8-17-13]

2nd Conversion? Reactionary Absurdities Satirized [10-7-03]

Catholic Fundamentalism & “Insufficiently Converted Catholics” [2-21-06]

Pensées on Radical Catholic Reactionaries [1-5-13]

Pope Francis, Foot-Washing, & Humility (Pete Vere & Dave Armstrong) [3-13-13 and 3-30-13]

Rorate Caeli‘s Pope-Basher, Marcelo González: Holocaust Revisionist [4-8-13]

Why I am Critical of Radical Catholic Reactionaries [8-20-13]

Provocative (?) Thoughts on Radical Catholic Reactionaries [8-23-13]

Pope Francis on Cardinal Burke [Facebook, 12-8-14]
Private Judgment & “Cafeteria Catholics” [Ch. 6 of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (December 2002; slightly revised in November 2023 for the purpose of the free online version) ] [11-19-23]
Fundamentalists & Insufficiently Converted Catholics [Ch. 7 of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (December 2002; slightly revised in November 2023 for the purpose of the free online version) ] [11-19-23]
The Quasi-Schismatic Mentality [Ch. 16 of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (December 2002; slightly revised in November 2023 for the purpose of the free online version) ] [11-28-23]
“The Remnant” Winks at Anti-Semitic Hatred [10-12-17; revised on 9-16-20]
Chris Ferrara & My Debates w Keating & Lawler Re Pope Francis [1-1-18 and 1-2-18; minor additions and changes: 9-25-20]
Dialogue: “Bad” Bishops & “Confusing” Francis (vs. Dr. Peter Kwasniewski) [4-28-16]
Dialogue with a Traditionalist Regarding Deaconesses (vs. Dr. Peter Kwasniewski) [5-13-16]



Hilary White Wants to Trash & Bury Vatican II; I Defend It [6-16-14]

Hilary White: Radical Catholic Reactionary Extraordinaire [2-13-16]

Debate with Hilary White: Masonic “Bergoglianism” or Catholicism? [2-16-16]

Hilary White & Reactionary Language & “Reasoning” [2-27-16]




Radical Catholic Reactionaries: Essential Characteristics [2002] [ch. 1 of my free online book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries]

“Radtrad”: Origins, History, & Debates on Definition [3-18-13; rev. 8-1-13 and 8-8-13]

On the Use of “Traditionalist” Preceding the Name of “Catholic”  [7-3-13]

Pope Francis & Pope Benedict XVI Refer to “Extreme Traditionalism” [8-5-13]

Thoughts on the Discarded Term, Radtrad (and on the Discussion About Ditching It, and Attacks on My Sincerity) [8-6-13]

Definitions: Radical Catholic Reactionaries, Mainstream “Traditionalists,” and Supposed “Neo-Catholics” [revised 8-6-13]

Rationales for My Self-Coined Term, “Radical Catholic Reactionaries” [8-6-13]

“Traditionalist” Concerns Over Labeling and Classifications (Karl Keating’s Word Usage as a “Test Case”) [8-8-13]

My Coined Term, “Radical Catholic Reactionary”: Clarifications [10-5-17]

I Coined “Reactionary” [Catholic], Not Michael Voris [2-1-18]

Keating & Double Standards on “Traditionalist” Labeling [6-3-18]

Clarifying My Coined Term, “Radical Catholic Reactionary” [4-3-20]

Definition of “Radical Catholic Reactionary”: Dialogue (With Particular Reference to [Traditionalist] Timothy Gordon) [9-6-20]

Title: “Radical Catholic Reactionaries”: Exchange w Karl Keating [3-4 December 2020]

Radical Catholic Reactionaries: What They Are Not [9-28-21]




Neo-Catholic (Silly Radical Catholic Reactionary Term) [4-21-05]

Objections to the Reactionary Epithet Neo-Catholic [3-9-07] 

Debate: Am I a Neo-Catholic? (Defined as Theological Liberal / Progressive / Enabler of Modernism) [vs. Mr. X] [6-11-14]

Dialogue: Meaning of “Neo-Catholic” (w Phillip Campbell) [11-27-20]

So-Called “Neo-Catholics” [Ch. 4 of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (December 2002; revised in November 2023 for the free online version). [11-17-23]



What Can Laypeople Do Regarding Liturgical Abuses? [2-19-08]

“New” / Ordinary Form / Pauline Mass: a Traditional Defense (with Massive Historical Documentation, + Summary of Vatican II on Liturgical Reform) [6-18-08]

Reactionary & Traditionalist Reaction to Summorum Pontificum [6-23-08]

Dialogue on Method of Communion & Liturgical Development (vs. David Palm) [6-25-08]

Can Communion in the Hand be Equally Reverent? [7-13-11]

Death of the Reform of the Reform of the Liturgy? (The Reports are Greatly Exaggerated: Dr. Peter Kwasniewski & Fr. Thomas Kocik vs. Pope Benedict XVI?)  [+ Part Two] [2-24-14] 

Karl Keating on the Underlying Causes of Residual Prejudice Against the Tridentine Mass (+ a Defense of Vatican II in the Combox) [Facebook, 3-8-14] 

Two Forms of One Rite (Pope Benedict XVI) [11-4-15]

Critique of Criticisms of the New Mass [11-5-15]

Worshiping the TLM vs. Worshiping God Through It [12-16-15]

Ratzinger “Banal” Quote: Traditionalist & Reactionary Misuse (Regarding the Ordinary Form Mass) [12-17-15]

Pope Francis Foot-Washing Controversy Redux [3-26-16]

Dialogue with a Traditionalist Regarding Deaconesses (vs. Dr. Peter Kwasniewski) [5-13-16]

Superstition About the “Preserved” High Altar at Notre Dame (And Continued Cynical, Highly Selective, “Pick and Choose” Acceptance of the Teaching of Pope Benedict XVI) [4-17-19]

Bishop Schneider: No Jesus Better than Hand-Communion [3-14-20]

Communion in the Hand: Reactionaries vs. St. Cyril [3-15-20]

Is God Judging the World for Communion in the Hand? [4-13-20]

We Attended an Extraordinary Form [Tridentine] Mass Today [Facebook, 8-30-20]




Pope Francis’ Traditionis Custodes is for the Sake of Unity [7-16-21]

Skojec Loathes Traditionis; Illustrates Why it is Necessary [7-19-21]

Catholics (?) Trash, Judge, & Mind-Read the Pope (In 1968, “all” the liberal Catholics rejected Humanae Vitae. Now in 2021, “all” the self-described “conservative” Catholics reject Traditionis Custodes — and none see the outright absurdity and irony of this) [7-20-21]

Traditionis Custodes: Sky Hasn’t Fallen (Bishops) [8-2-21]

Dialogue w Traditionalist “Hurt” by Traditionis Custodes [8-2-21]

Traditionis Custodes Results: No Fallen Sky (I Called It) [9-6-21]

Traditionis Custodes: Sky Still Intact After Two Months [9-14-21]

Traditionis Custodes: Sky is Here After Four Months! (Reports of the Death of the TLM Have Been — Like Mark Twain’s Death Before He Actually Died — Greatly Exaggerated) [11-17-21]

Vatican Further Tightens Restrictions on the TLM: A Few Thoughts [Facebook, 12-18-21]




Infallibility, Councils, and Levels of Church Authority: Explanation of the Subtleties of Church Teaching and Debate with Several Radical Catholic Reactionaries [7-30-99; terminology updated, and a few minor changes made on 7-31-18] 

Dialogue: Vatican II & Other Religions (Nostra Aetate) [8-1-99]

Cdl Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI): Vatican II Authority = Trent [5-20-05]

Dialogue: Do Vatican II & Ecumenism Discourage Converts? [Sep. 2009]

Radical Catholic Reactionaries and Vatican II [Facebook discussion, 8-17-13]

Dialogue on Vatican II: Interpretation, and Application (with Patti Sheffield vs. traditionalist David Palm) [9-20-13]

Karl Keating on the Underlying Causes of Residual Prejudice Against the Tridentine Mass (+ a Defense of Vatican II in the Combox) [Facebook, 3-8-14]

Vatican II Defended Against Reactionary (and Some Traditionalist) Charges [4-25-14; expanded and re-edited: 1-23-17]

Defense of Vatican II and Ecumenism (Dave Armstrong and Paul Hoffer vs. Tony Jokin) [Facebook discussion thread, 12-18-14]

Apologia for Vatican II / Misguided Reactionary Criticisms [8-17-15]

Defending Ecumenism and Vatican II vs. Reactionary Catholics [8-10-17]

Indefectibility, Reactionaries, Vatican II, & Defectibility [?] of the Church [Facebook, 10-27-17]

Popes Leading the Church Into False Doctrine (E.g., Paul VI) (+ Facebook discussion) [3-8-18]

Douthat’s Pope-Bashing Book Attacks Vatican II [3-24-18]

Catholic (?) Vatican II-Bashing: Cutting Thru the Crap [4-25-19]

Series: Vs. Paolo Pasqualucci Re Vatican II
Vatican II Upheld Biblical Inerrancy (vs. David Palm) [4-23-20]
“Pre-Conciliar” Church: the “Good Old Days” [Ch. 8 of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (December 2002; slightly revised in November 2023) [11-21-23]
Is Vatican II a “Modernist” Council? [Ch. 11 of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (December 2002; revised in November 2023 for the purpose of the free online version)] [11-22-23]
“Nothing New”: Reactionary Attacks on Pope St. John Paul II [4-9-05; with tie-in endnote added on 3-2-18]

Is Pope Francis Guilty of Mariological Heresy Tradition (His Comments on the Possible Momentary Temptation of Mary at the Cross) [1-19-14]

Who’s Defending Pope Benedict’s  Summorum Pontificum Now? [2-26-14]

Does Pope Francis Think that Jesus Was a Sinner? (. . . Beyond Bearing Our Sins on the Cross; i.e., Partaking / Entering Into Sin)? [2-27-14]

Opposition to Extreme Anti-Francis Bias: Elliot Bougis [2-28-14]

Pope St. John XXIII & Pope Benedict XVI on “Prophets of Doom” [6-9-14]

Reply to Dr. Phil Blosser’s Critique of My Book, Pope Francis Explained [8-23-14]

Pope Francis: Orthodox & Pro-Tradition [Dan Marcum, Catholic Answers Forum, 1-9-15] [see also a compact, abridged Facebook version]

Critique of Chris Ferrara’s Radical Reactionary Hit-Piece in Opposition to Pope Francis’ Christian Environmentalism [6-20-15] 

Are Modern Papal Encyclicals Too Long? [7-9-15]

Michael Voris on Benedict’s “Immoral” Resignation, Questionable Illness [12-15-15]

The Ridiculous “Anti-Francis” Mentality: My Theory in Brief [12-17-15]

Pope Francis Espoused a Sinning Jesus? Think Again [1-8-16]

On the Endless Second-Guessing of Pope Francis [2-25-16]

Pope Francis Foot-Washing Controversy Redux [3-26-16]

Dialogue: “Bad” Bishops & “Confusing” Francis (vs. Dr. Peter Kwasniewski) [4-28-16]

Dialogue: Pope Francis Doesn’t Evangelize? (and on the Nature of Dialogue vs. [?] the Gospel; with a Traditionalist) [4-29-16]Pope Francis: Obsessed with “Change”? [5-14-16]  

Robert Sungenis’ Theological & Scientific Errors + His Groundless Attacks on Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict [compiled 5-31-16]

“Confusing” Pope Francis & Prudent Public Discussion [6-22-16]

Ratzinger: Avoid Criticizing Church in “Mass Media”  [6-26-16]

The Real & the Imaginary Pope Francis [6-28-16]

Radical Reactionary Affinities in “Filial Correction” Signatories [9-28-17]

Did Cardinal Burke Criticize Pope Benedict’s Resignation? [1-13-18]

Reactionary Influence: Correctio & June 2016 Criticism of the Pope [1-24-18]

Popes Leading the Church Into False Doctrine (E.g., Paul VI) (+ Facebook discussion) [3-8-18]

John Paul II Kissing the Koran: Dialogue with Traditionalists [2012; new Introduction added on 6-4-19] [6-4-19]
Pastor Aeternus (1870): Can a Pope Ever Make Heresy Binding? (Dr. Robert Fastiggi and Ron Conte; edited by Dave Armstrong, in Response to Timothy Flanders) [12-1-20]
Defense of Vatican II and Ecumenism (Dave Armstrong and Paul Hoffer vs. Tony Jokin) [Facebook discussion thread, 12-18-14]


“Amazing Grace”: “Anti-Catholic” Hymn? (as Michael Voris thinks?) [11-1-10]

Michael Voris’ Denigration of the Ordinary Form of the Mass vs. Pope Benedict XVI’s 2007 Decrees [11-16-12]

Michael Voris’ Ultra-Pessimistic Views Regarding the Church [7-3-13]

Critique of Three Michael Voris Statements Regarding the State of the Church [7-3-13]

Michael Voris’ Anti-Protestant Rhetoric (+ vigorous Facebook discussion) [8-8-13]

Michael Voris and Historic Communion in the Hand (Standing) (+ vigorous Facebook discussion) [8-8-13]

Dave Armstrong’ Opinion on Michael Voris’ Outlook [8-12-13]

Michael Voris’ Critique of Catholic Answers Salaries (and Contention that Two Radio Shows on Radical Catholic Reactionaries Have Harmed CA)  [8-31-13]

Michael Voris vs. “Financially Compromised” Apologists (Thus, “Establishment” Apologists Deliberately Avoid Criticizing Bishop???) [+ Facebook discussion] [9-2-13]

Michael Voris’ Fawning Interview with Extremist and Anti-Semite E. Michael Jones, and Responses [Facebook discussion: 9-3-13]

Discussion on Rising Priestly Vocations in the United States and Worldwide [Facebook, 12-3-13]

Has Michael Voris Espoused Geocentrism? (His Interview with Robert Sungenis and Rick DeLano) [Facebook discussion, 1-9-14]

Michael Voris Strongly Implies that Many (Most?) Bishops Will Go to Hell / How Much Should We Dwell on Criticisms of Bishops? [Facebook, 1-13-14]

Jeremiad Against Michael Voris’ Latest Doom-and-Gloom Video, The New Church (18 June 2014) [Facebook, 6-19-14]

Michael Voris on Benedict’s “Immoral” Resignation, Questionable Illness [12-15-15]

I Coined “Reactionary” [Catholic], Not Michael Voris [2-1-18]

Response to Michael Voris’ Church Militant and Article Author Jim Russell Concerning Criticism of the Patheos Catholic Channel (Where I Also Blog) [Facebook, 3-14-19; posted comment at CM]

Dave Gordon, Former Employee at Church Militant, on the Reasons for Michael Voris’ Dismissal (Active Homosexual Sex), and the Corruption of the Board [Facebook, 12-2-23]

Christine Niles (Michael Voris’ Sidekick for Nine Years) Spills the Beans About What Has Been Going On at Church Militant [Facebook, 12-5-23]



Robert Sungenis’ Theological & Scientific Errors + His Groundless Attacks on Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict [compiled 5-31-16]



Some Fun Insults of Yours Truly from a Sedevacantist Wacko Site [Facebook, 9-3-13]

Karl Keating on Gerry Matatics (One-Time Good Friend of Scott Hahn’s and Now a Sedevacantist) [Facebook,  9-4-13]

Reply to a Sedevacantist and Those Toying with this Dangerous Error [Facebook, 11-6-14]

Gerry Matatics: Closer to Donatism or Protestantism? (vs. Pete Vere, JCL) [12-30-14]

Sedevacantists Offer an Absurd and Stupid Insult-Fest of Yours Truly [Facebook, 2-27-19]

Brief Exchange with a Sedevacantist Regarding Pope Francis [Facebook, 6-25-19]

No, Pope Francis Did Not Deny Transubstantiation (Phenomenological Language in Holy Scripture and in the Addresses of Pope Francis) [6-25-19]

Does Pope Francis Deny the Catholic Doctrine of Merit? No [7-1-19]

Pope Francis & Transubstantiation (vs. Sedevacantists) [7-2-19]

The Sedevacantists Strike Back! The Wickedness of Buddy Holly! [Facebook, 7-5-19]

Pope Francis & the Diversity of Religions (The Sedevacantist Outfit Novus Ordo Watch Lies Yet Again About Pope Francis) [11-29-20]




Bishops Viganò & Schneider Reject Authority of Vatican II [11-22-19]

Viganò, Schneider, Pachamama, & VCII (vs. Janet E. Smith) [11-25-19]

Abp. Viganò Descends into Fanatical Reactionary Nuthood (. . . Declares Pope Francis a Heretical Narcissist Who “Desacralized” & “Impugned” & “Attack[ed]” Mary) [12-20-19]

Dr. Fastiggi: Open Letter Re Abp. Viganò, Pope Francis, & Mary [2-22-20]

Abp. Viganò, the Pope, & the “Vicar of Christ” Nothingburger (with Catholic Theologian Dr. Robert Fastiggi and Apologist Karl Keating) [4-6-20]

Abp. Viganò Whopper #289: Pope Forbids All Evangelism (?) [4-8-20]

Dr. Dawn Eden Goldstein Speaks Out Against Abp. Viganò’s Continuing Descent Into Madness and Paranoia [Facebook, 4-29-20]

Is Archbishop Viganò in Schism? [Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Where Peter Is, 6-13-20]

Thoughts on Abp. Viganò & the Continuing “Wacko-ization” & Fanaticism of the Anti-Francis Mentality [Facebook, 6-14-20]

Abp. Viganò: Fanaticism, Extremism, and Conspiratorialism (Summary from August 2019 Until July 2020: Alarming, Increasingly Quasi-Schismatic Spirit) [7-13-20]

What’s So Bad About Abp. Viganò? (Traditionalists Ask) [7-14-20]

Viganò’s Outrageous Lie Re Pope Benedict XVI & Tradition (Unwillingness to Make Even Rudimentary Efforts to Consult Context or to Understand a Pope’s Overall Thinking) [8-21-20]

Abp. Viganò Lies Again & Sez Pope Francis is a Heretic Subversive [Facebook, 9-26-20]

Phil Lawler Says that the McCarrick Report “undermines Archbishop Vigano’s most damaging charge” [Facebook, 11-10-20]

Archbishop Viganò Continues His Descent Into Madness, Denial of Catholic Indefectibility, and Conspiratorialism [Facebook, 12-21-20]

Extremist Reactionary Abp. Vigano Thinks it’s “Necessary” to “Disobey” Pope Francis and to Pray for His Death [Facebook, 2-5-21]

Archbishop Viganò is Now a Full-Blown Sedevacantist Heretic and Should be Excommunicated [Facebook, 4-24-21]

Pope Francis Has Answered the Five Dubia in His Teachings (+ Legitimate Biblical & Spiritual Reasons for His Not Directly Answering Particularly Accusatory, Ill-Willed, & Wrongminded Critics) [8-3-23]


A Response to Archbishop Viganò’s Letter about Vatican II (Fr. Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM., Cap., The Catholic World Report, 8-13-20)



Bishops Viganò & Schneider Reject Authority of Vatican II [11-22-19]

Viganò, Schneider, Pachamama, & VCII (vs. Janet E. Smith) [11-25-19]

Bishop Schneider: No Jesus Better than Hand-Communion [3-14-20]

Bp. Schneider Evokes Luther’s Disdain for Councils [7-17-20]




Statues [of Mary?] Thrown Into the Tiber River in Rome Controversy (discussion thread + 2nd thread) [Facebook, 10-24-19]

“Pachamama” [?] Statues: Marian Veneration or Blasphemous Idolatry? [11-5-19]

“Pachamama” Fiasco: Hysterical Reactionaryism, as Usual [11-8-19]

“Pachamama” Confusion: Fault of Vatican or Catholic Media? [11-12-19]

Anti-“Pachamama” Doc: “Usual Suspect” Reactionaries Sign [11-14-19]

Vatican II –> Alleged “Pachamama” Idolatry, Sez Fanatics [11-15-19]

Alexander Tschugguel, the Guy (St. Boniface II) who Threw the Statues into the Tiber, is (Quite Likely) Anti-Vatican II [Facebook, 11-23-19]

Pope St. John Paul II Respectfully Referred to Pachamama (+ Orthodox Catholic References to “Mother Earth” and Similar Biblical Motifs) [12-13-19]

Wacko Reactionary Fanatic Claims That I Endorse Homosexual Acts and “Pachamama” Idolatry [Case Study of Fantastically Out-of-Context Citations] / He Sanctions Hatred [Facebook, 12-17-19]

Is “Mother Earth” a Catholic Concept (Church Fathers)? (guest post by Rosemarie Scott) [12-17-19]

“Pachamama” Redux (vs. Peter Kwasniewski & Janet Smith) [12-17-19]

Dialogue: “Pachamama” (?) Statues & Marian Iconography [12-24-19]

Dr. Fastiggi Defends Pope Francis Re “Pachamama Idolatry” [3-3-20]

Taylor Marshall: Pachamama “Idolatry” Judged by Coronavirus (Yet “Antichrist” Pope Francis Walks the Streets of Pandemic-Ravaged Rome Free of the Virus . . .) [3-17-20]

Alexander Tschugguel, Taylor Marshall, & God’s Wrath [3-19-20]

Priest Blasphemes God (Coronavirus = Judgment?) [4-10-20]

Dialogue: Is Coronavirus the Way that God Judges? [4-13-20]


Last updated on 8 March 2024
Practical Matters: Perhaps some of my 4,500+ free online articles (the most comprehensive “one-stop” Catholic apologetics site) or fifty-five books have helped you (by God’s grace) to decide to become Catholic or to return to the Church, or better understand some doctrines and why we believe them.
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PayPal donations are the easiest: just send to my email address: apologistdave@gmail.com. You’ll see the term “Catholic Used Book Service”, which is my old side-business. To learn about the different methods of contributing, see my page: About Catholic Apologist Dave Armstrong / Donation InformationThanks a million from the bottom of my heart!




November 8, 2006

Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768-1834), the “Father of Modern Liberal Theology” [public domain / Wikimedia Commons]
* * * * *


Have Heterodox Catholics Overthrown Official Doctrine? (vs. Eric Svendsen, James White, Phillip Johnson, & Andrew Webb) [6-3-96]
Dialogue with a Skeptic of Christianity (vs. Charlie Kluepfel) [5-2-99]
Conscience Must be Formed in Harmony with the Church (Proof from Scripture & the Catechism of the Catholic Church) [7-19-09] 

Can a Pope be a Heretic or Authoritatively Declare Heresy? [2-3-17]

Modernism vs. History in Genesis & Biblical Inspiration [7-23-18]

Hallmarks of Catholic Theological Liberalism  (The “Dirty Dozen”) [1999; rev. 7-31-18]

St. Paul: Orthodox Catholic or Theological Pluralist? [12-28-18]

It Ain’t About Kumbaya, But About Mindless Naivete [3-21-19]

Is VCII’s Nostra Aetate “Religiously Pluralistic” & Indifferentist? [6-7-19]

C. S. Lewis: Criticism of Theological & Political Liberalism [10-22-19]

Am I Too Soft on Modernists & Too Hard on Reactionaries? [11-6-19]

Apostolic Succession: Reply to Certain Misconceptions [7-1-20]

Do the OT & NT Teach Polytheism or Henotheism? [7-1-20]

Did the Blessed Virgin Mary Think Jesus Was Nuts? [7-2-20]

Dialogue on Biblical Views Re Following Jesus & Riches (vs. Dr. Steven DiMattei) [11-21-20]

Dialogue w Christian “Outside of Orthodoxy” [12-21-20]

Criterion of Catholic Orthodoxy: Degree of “Pearcianism” [6-22-21]

Catholicism, Protestantism, and Theological Liberalism [Facebook, 7-28-22]

“The Catholic Monitor” Butchers My View of Papal Infallibility (. . . and Has the Impudent Audacity to Attack St. John Henry Cardinal Newman as a Modernist and Nominalist) [9-14-22]

Development of Doctrine vs. Evolution of Dogma [Ch. 5 of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (December 2002; slightly revised in November 2023 for the purpose of the free online version). [11-17-23]



Audrey Assad’s Journey: Apology & Retraction [10-1-21]

Audrey Assad Has Graciously Accepted my Retraction and Apology, with Class, While Proud Mary et al Still Savage My Name and Character [Facebook, 10-4-21]

Why Do I (or How DARE I?!) Critique Deconversions? [10-5-21]

Pharisees on Mark Shea’s Page Trash My Apology to Audrey Assad, While She Herself Graciously Accepted It [Facebook, 10-5-21]

Two of the Most Ridiculous Things Ever Said About Me, Concerning Why People Leave the Faith, & Whether I Have Ever Had a Crisis of Faith (and Their Refutations) [Facebook, 10-7-21]


Pope Francis: Liberal?

Dialogue: “Bad” Bishops & “Confusing” Francis (vs. Dr. Peter Kwasniewski) [4-28-16]

Quasi-Defectibility and Phil Lawler vs. Pope Francis (see also more documentation of Lawler’s reactionary leanings, on the Facebook thread) [12-28-17]

Dialogues with Karl Keating & Phil Lawler on Pope Francis [12-29-17]

Dialogues with Karl Keating Regarding Pope Francis [12-29-17]

Lawler vs. Pope Francis #1: Critique of Introduction [1-1-18]

Lawler vs. Pope Francis #2: Homosexuality & “Judging” [1-2-18]

Lawler vs. Pope Francis #3: The Pope Annihilated Hell? [1-2-18]

Lawler vs. Pope Francis #4: Communion / Buenos Aires Letter [1-3-18]

Lawler vs. Pope Francis #5: Jerusalem Council vs. “Ideology” [1-3-18]

Pope Francis Defended: Resources for Confused or Troubled Folks [collection]

“Gay Unions”: Leftist & Reactionary Catholics vs. Pope & CDF [3-23-21]

Pope Francis vs. Same-Sex “Marriage”: The Record [3-25-21]

Pope Francis’ “Endorsement” of Fr. James Martin, SJ (Does it Entail a Denial of Church Teaching on Gravely Disordered Homosexual Sex?) [6-30-21]


Christological Heresy

Trashing or Questioning the Bible / Theologically Liberal or Skeptical Exegesis / Torah / Documentary Hypothesis
Silent Night: A “Progressive” and “Enlightened” Reinterpretation [12-10-04; additionally edited for publication at National Catholic Register: 12-21-17]
Defending the Historical Adam of Genesis (vs. Eric S. Giunta) [9-25-11]
Adam & Eve of Genesis: Historical & the Primal Human Pair? (vs. Bishop Robert Barron) [11-28-13]
New Testament Proofs of Noah’s Historical Existence (Seton Magazine article, 22 April 2014)
“Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?” (Dr. Dennis Bonnette, Crisis Magazine, 11-24-14)
Implications for Ecclesiology?

Modernist Skeptical Historiography 





Practical Matters: Perhaps some of my 4,600+ free online articles (the most comprehensive “one-stop” Catholic apologetics site) or fifty-five books have helped you (by God’s grace) to decide to become Catholic or to return to the Church, or better understand some doctrines and why we believe them.

Or you may believe my work is worthy to support for the purpose of apologetics and evangelism in general. If so, please seriously consider a much-needed financial contribution. I’m always in need of more funds: especially monthly support. “The laborer is worthy of his wages” (1 Tim 5:18, NKJV). 1 December 2021 was my 20th anniversary as a full-time Catholic apologist, and February 2022 marked the 25th anniversary of my blog.

PayPal donations are the easiest: just send to my email address: apologistdave@gmail.com. Here’s also a second page to get to PayPal. You’ll see the term “Catholic Used Book Service”, which is my old side-business. To learn about the different methods of contributing (including Zelle), see my page: About Catholic Apologist Dave Armstrong / Donation InformationThanks a million from the bottom of my heart!


Last updated on 25 February 2024

November 8, 2006

Strasbourg Cathedral
Strasbourg Cathedral (Alsace, France). At 466 feet, it was the world’s tallest building from 1647 to 1874. It remains the highest extant structure built entirely in the Middle Ages. Photo by David Iliff (2-8-14) [Wikimedia CommonsCC-BY-SA 3.0 license]
This testimony of the universal holy Christian Church, even if we had nothing else, would be a sufficient warrant for holding this article [on the sacrament] and refusing to suffer or listen to a sectary, for it is dangerous and fearful to hear or believe anything against the unanimous testimony, belief, and teaching of the universal holy Christian churches, unanimously held in all the world from the beginning until now over fifteen hundred years.
(Martin Luther, in the year 1532; from Protestant Luther biographer Roland H. Bainton, Studies on the Reformation [Boston: Beacon Press, 1963], p. 26; primary source: WA [Werke, Weimar edition in German], XXX, 552)
Are Catholics Christians? (vs. James White) [May 1995]
Is the One True Church a Visible or Invisible Entity? [National Catholic Register, 9-12-18]
The Authority of the Catholic Church (+ Pt. 2): chapter two of my 2009 book, Bible Truths for Catholic Truths: A Source Book for Apologists and Inquirers [10-16-23]


“Could the Catholic Church Go Off the Rails?” (Indefectibility) [1997]

Anti-Catholic Orthodox Claims of Exclusive Apostolic Succession [Nov. 1998; revised in 2004]

Indefectibility: Does God Protect His Church from Doctrinal Error? [11-1-05; abridged and reformulated a bit on 2-14-17]

“The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail” Against the Church [11-11-08]

Indefectibility of the One True Church (vs. Calvin #9) [5-16-09]

Indefectibility & Apostolic Succession (vs. Calvin #10) [5-18-09]

Sunny Optimism Regarding God’s Guidance of His Church Now and Always (Including Liturgical Discussion) [7-22-11]

Dialogue with a Lutheran on Ecclesiology & Old Testament Indefectibility Analogies [11-22-11]

St. Francis de Sales: Bible vs. Total Depravity (+ Biblical Evidence for the Indefectibility of the Church, from the Psalms)  [11-24-11]

The Bible on the Indefectibility of the Church [2013]

Michael Voris’ Ultra-Pessimistic Views Regarding the Church [7-3-13]

Critique of Three Michael Voris Statements Regarding the State of the Church [7-3-13]

Indefectibility, Fear, & the Synod on the Family [9-30-15]

Quasi-Defectibility and Phil Lawler vs. Pope Francis (see also more documentation of Lawler’s reactionary leanings, on the Facebook thread) [12-28-17]

Salesian Apologetics #1: Indefectibility of the Church [2-4-20]

Reply to a Despairing Catholic Seminarian (Indefectibility) [6-26-21]

The Indefectibility of the Church [Ch. 3 of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (December 2002; revised in December 2023 for the free online version) ]


Apostolic Succession as Seen in the Jerusalem Council [National Catholic Register, 1-15-17]
Answers to Questions About Apostolic Succession [National Catholic Register, 7-25-20]
A New Biblical Argument for Apostolic Succession [National Catholic Register, 4-23-21]
Dave Armstrong Responds to Gavin Ortlund on Jerome & the Monepiscopacy [30-minute audio presentation Suan Sonna’s YouTube channel, Intellectual Catholicism, on 2-4-24]
Bishops in the Apostolic Church [1-16-01; rev. 5-7-03]
Bishops: NT, Early Church, & Baptists (vs. James White) [1-16-01] 
Dialogue: “Bad” Bishops & “Confusing” Francis (vs. Dr. Peter Kwasniewski) [4-28-16]
The Biblical Basis for the Priesthood [National Catholic Register, 11-2-18]
Offices in the Early Church [Facebook, 10-16-23]
Dialogue with a Traditionalist Regarding Deaconesses (vs. Dr. Peter Kwasniewski) [5-13-16]



Anathemas of Trent & Excommunication: An Explanation [5-20-03, incorporating portions from 1996 and 1998; abridged on 7-30-18]
Catholics Accept All of the Church’s Dogmatic Teaching [National Catholic Register, 9-18-18]
Orthodoxy: The ‘Equilibrium’ That Sets Us Free [National Catholic Register, 3-29-19]
Does Sola Scriptura Create Chaos? (vs. Steve Hays) [5-15-20]


Papal Infallibility Doctrine: History (Including Luther’s Dissent at the Leipzig Disputation in 1519) (Related also to the particular circumstances of the origins of sola Scriptura) [10-8-07]
Orthodoxy: The ‘Equilibrium’ That Sets Us Free [National Catholic Register, 3-29-19]
1 Timothy 3:15 = Church Infallibility (vs. Steve Hays) [5-14-20]
Does Sola Scriptura Create Chaos? (vs. Steve Hays) [5-15-20]
Conscience Must be Formed in Harmony with the Church (Proof from Scripture & the Catechism of the Catholic Church) [7-19-09] 
How Much Can Catholics Disagree with the Church? [4-7-01 and 3-13-09 and 9-23-10]
Irish Ecclesiastical Record vs. Anti-Catholic George Salmon, Pt. 5: Private Judgment, the Rule of Faith, and Dr. Salmon’s Weak Fallible Protestant “Church”: Subject to the Whims of Individuals; Church Fathers Misquoted [3-15-23]
Irish Ecclesiastical Record vs. Anti-Catholic George Salmon, Pt. 6: The Innumerable Perils of Perspicuity of Scripture and Private Judgment [3-16-23]
Dialogue on Vatican II: Its Relative Worth, Interpretation, and Application (with Patti Sheffield vs. Traditionalist David Palm) [9-15-13]
Series: Vs. Paolo Pasqualucci Re Vatican II
Vatican II Upheld Biblical Inerrancy (vs. David Palm) [4-23-20]

Bp. Schneider Evokes Luther’s Disdain for Councils [7-17-20]

Is Vatican II Analogous to “Failed” Lateran Council V? (Reply to Timothy Flanders) [8-11-20]

Viganò’s Outrageous Lie Re Pope Benedict XVI & Tradition (Unwillingness to Make Even Rudimentary Efforts to Consult Context or to Understand a Pope’s Overall Thinking) [8-21-20]

Vatican II: Documentation of Bishops’ Voting on its Documents (Ranked in Order from Most Dissenting Votes to Least Dissenting Votes) [9-17-21]

Defense of Vatican II vs. Oliveira Leonardo’s Attacks [10-13-22]

Is Vatican II a “Modernist” Council? [Ch. 11 of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (December 2002; revised in November 2023 for the purpose of the free online version)] [11-22-23]
Are the Vatican II Documents “Ambiguous”? [Ch. 12 of my book, Reflections on Radical Catholic Reactionaries (December 2002; revised in November 2023 for the purpose of the free online version)] [11-24-23]


A Response to Archbishop Viganò’s Letter about Vatican II (Fr. Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM., Cap., The Catholic World Report, 8-13-20)

Vatican II and “weaponized ambiguity” (Dr. Pedro Gabriel, Where Peter Is, 10-1-20)


Dialogue on the Logic of Catholic Infallible Authority [6-4-96]

Pope Silvester and the Council of Nicaea (vs. James White) [August 1997]

Conciliar Infallibility: Summary from Church Documents [6-5-98] 

Infallibility, Councils, and Levels of Church Authority: Explanation of the Subtleties of Church Teaching and Debate with Several Radical Catholic Reactionaries [7-30-99; terminology updated, and a few minor changes made on 7-31-18] 

Eastern Orthodoxy, Councils, & Doctrinal Development [2000]

The Analogy of an Infallible Bible to an Infallible Church [11-6-05; rev. 7-25-15; published at National Catholic Register: 6-16-17]

Cdl. Newman, Vatican I & II, & Papal Infallibility (Clarification) [12-10-05]

The Bible on Papal & Church Infallibility [5-16-06]

Galileo Affair: No Disproof of Catholic Infallibility (vs. Ken Temple) [5-18-06]

Council of Nicea: Reply to James White: Its Relationship to Pope Sylvester, Athanasius’ Views, & the Unique Preeminence of Catholic Authority [4-2-07]

Protestant Historian Philip Schaff: The Church Fathers Believed in Conciliar Infallibility Based on the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15) [Facebook, 10-8-07]

Infallibility: Dialogue with a Traditional Anglican [10-6-08] 

Papal Participation in the First Seven Ecumenical Councils [4-22-09]

Popes & Early Ecumenical Councils (vs. Calvin #16) [6-15-09]

Authority and Infallibility of Councils (vs. Calvin #26) [8-25-09]

Catholic Development of Doctrine: A Defense (vs. Jason Engwer; Emphasis on the Canon of the Bible & Church Infallibility) (+ Pt. II / Pt. III / Pt. IV) [1-15-10]

Dialogue with an Atheist on the Galileo Fiasco and its Relation to Catholic Infallibility (vs. Jon Curry) [8-11-10]

Books by Dave Armstrong: Biblical Proofs for an Infallible Church and Papacy [2012]

“Reply to Calvin” #2: Infallible Church Authority [3-3-17]

1 Timothy 3:15 = Church Infallibility (vs. Steve Hays) [5-14-20]
Ecumenical Councils: Catholic vs. Lutheran Perspective (vs. Pastor Ken Howes [LCMS]) [6-16-20]
Irish Ecclesiastical Record vs. Anti-Catholic George Salmon, Pt. 2 . . . In Which Dr. Salmon Accuses Cardinal Newman of Lying Through His Teeth in His Essay on Development, & Dr. Murphy Magnificently Defends Infallibility and Doctrinal Development Against Gross Caricature [3-12-23]
Irish Ecclesiastical Record vs. Anti-Catholic George Salmon, Pt. 5: Private Judgment, the Rule of Faith, and Dr. Salmon’s Weak Fallible Protestant “Church”: Subject to the Whims of Individuals; Church Fathers Misquoted [3-15-23]
Which Has More Authority: A Pope or an Ecumenical Council? [National Catholic Register, 5-19-21]
Apostolic Succession as Seen in the Jerusalem Council [National Catholic Register, 1-15-17]
Were the Jerusalem Council Decrees Universally Binding? [National Catholic Register, 12-4-19]
Which Has More Authority: A Pope or an Ecumenical Council? [National Catholic Register, 5-19-21]
Leaving Catholicism (Not Primarily Due to Sex Scandals!) (reply to Michael Boyle & Melinda Selmys) [10-5-18]
Why Do I Continue to Blog at Patheos Catholic: Which Also Hosts Many Heterodox and Leftist Writers? (+ discussion of Mindy Selmys’ departure) [Facebook, 3-16-19]
Are Abuse Scandals a Reason to Leave the Church? [National Catholic Register, 3-31-19]
Catholic Charismatic Movement Defended [1998; abridged on 8-2-18] 
The People of the Bible Were ‘People of Praise’ [National Catholic Register, 10-15-20]


Clerical Celibacy & the Principle of Asceticism in Catholicism (Louis Bouyer) [1997; Facebook]

Mandatory Celibacy of Priests & Religious (Dialogue) [1997-1998]

Why Peter’s Marriage Doesn’t Disprove Catholicism: A Dialogue [January 1999]

Clerical Celibacy: Hostile Protestant Commentary & Catholic Replies [2-21-04]

Martin Luther & Antipathy Towards Clerical Celibacy [2-21-04]

Dialogue w a Baptist on Required Clerical Celibacy [7-2-06] 

Objections to Clerical Celibacy: In-Depth Dialogue [7-12-06]

Unbiblical Rejection of Priestly Celibacy (vs. Calvin #31) [9-15-09]

Clerical Celibacy: Dialogue with John Calvin [9-17-09]

Mandatory Celibacy of Catholic Priests in the Western / Latin Rite: A New (?) Argument [11-16-12]

Further Reflections on Mandatory Priestly Celibacy [8-2-14]

The Fruitfulness of the Eunuch Devoted to God (Isaiah 56) (Paul Seberras) [Facebook, 2-7-17]

Consecrated Virginity & Catholic “Both / And” [9-13-17]

Priestly Celibacy: Ancient, Biblical and Pauline [National Catholic Register, 9-18-17]

Priestly Celibacy: Garden-Variety Objections Debunked [9-18-17]

Married Bishops (1 Tim 3) & Catholic Celibacy: Contradiction? [9-18-17; expanded on 6-20-18]

Q & A with a Critic of Priestly Celibacy [National Catholic Register, 2-4-19]

Thoughts on Fr. Jonathan Morris’ Laicization Request [5-21-19]

Madison vs. Jesus #5: Cultlike Forsaking of Family? [8-5-19]

Pope Francis: Strong Defender of Priestly Celibacy [1-14-20]

Priestly Celibacy as a Discipline: Steve Skojec’s Ignorance [3-20-20]

St. Peter’s Marriage and Priestly Celibacy [National Catholic Register, 4-9-20]

Dialogue: Are More Married Catholic Priests Desirable? [1-13-22]

On Whether Required Celibacy is “Biblical” (vs. Lucas Banzoli) [9-24-22]

Objection to Mandatory Priestly Celibacy Based on Married Bishops (1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9) [Facebook, 9-24-22] 

Clergy Celibacy: Back-and-Forth with Lucas Banzoli [11-16-22]

Priestly Celibacy: Explicit and Undeniable Biblical Proof [Catholic365, 11-6-23]

Peter’s Wife, James Swan, Celibacy, & Catholicism (The Perfectly Sensible and Explicit Biblical Rationale for Priestly Celibacy) [3-15-24]



Catholic or Roman Catholic? (Proper Titles) (w J. Akin) [1996] 

Catholic Christian Implies a Non-Catholic Ecclesiology? [3-23-06] 

Objections to the Reactionary Epithet Neo-Catholic [3-9-07] 

In What Century Did the Title, “Catholic Church” Begin? [7-22-07]

On the Use of Traditionalist Preceding the Name of Catholic [7-3-13]

On the Use of the Titles Catholic & Roman Catholic [10-20-17]

Jame’s White: Hypocritical Use of “Roman Catholic Church” [11-11-19]



Is Catholicism Half-Pagan? [1999; revised in one section on 2-22-06]

Is Catholicism Half-Pagan, & a Blend of Gospel & Lies? [2007]

Biblical Evidence for Expensive Church Buildings [3-18-08]

Why Is the Catholic Church Singularly Despised & Hated? [7-7-08]

“Why are Catholics So Legalistic and Rationalistic?” (Response to Orthodox and Protestant Criticisms) [9-8-08]

Biblical Evidence Against Tithing [2-4-09]

Biblical Evidence for Holy Days [9-21-09]

Mandatory Tithing: Further Thoughts [11-1-09]

“Leaven” of the Pharisees: Hypocrisy or False Doctrine? (vs. Nathan Rinne) [11-3-11]

Reply to Robin Phillips’ “Why I’m Not a Catholic” [1-31-12]

Dialogue on the Renaissance: Good or Bad Thing? [3-20-13]

Discussion of the Met Gala, in Which Catholicism was Mocked in Some of the Costumes [Facebook, 5-8-18]

Take Heart: Notre Dame Will be Rebuilt: Better Than Ever! [4-16-19]

“Who is My Mother?”: Beginning of “Familial Church” [8-26-19]



Mother Teresa on Love & Theology [9-5-16]

Malcolm Muggeridge & Mother Teresa: A Blessed, Fruitful Meeting [9-6-16]

The Holy Collaboration of Mother Teresa and Malcom Muggeridge [National Catholic Register, 6-20-18]





Practical Matters: Perhaps some of my 4,600+ free online articles (the most comprehensive “one-stop” Catholic apologetics site) or fifty-five books have helped you (by God’s grace) to decide to become Catholic or to return to the Church, or better understand some doctrines and why we believe them.

Or you may believe my work is worthy to support for the purpose of apologetics and evangelism in general. If so, please seriously consider a much-needed financial contribution. I’m always in need of more funds: especially monthly support. “The laborer is worthy of his wages” (1 Tim 5:18, NKJV). 1 December 2021 was my 20th anniversary as a full-time Catholic apologist, and February 2022 marked the 25th anniversary of my blog.

PayPal donations are the easiest: just send to my email address: apologistdave@gmail.com. Here’s also a second page to get to PayPal. You’ll see the term “Catholic Used Book Service”, which is my old side-business. To learn about the different methods of contributing (including Zelle), see my page: About Catholic Apologist Dave Armstrong / Donation InformationThanks a million from the bottom of my heart!


Last updated on 11 May 2024


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